Clever consultation tips without hard selling


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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2013
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As requested by chrysalis

Tip posted by chrysalis
"To get best results a course is needed then regular maintenance.
Just like going to the gym, if you want to be toned and have a flat stomach it's a regular commitment".

Tip posted by Lynne
And as for encouraging your clients to use skin care products at home, I always say,
"You wouldn't go to the dentist and not brush between visits, would you?"
Works every time!

My tip
Make small aftercare kits
E.g. a nail file, cuticle oil, hand/foot cream in a small gift bag, with a price list, business card and aftercare leaflet. ( they would get the aftercare leaflet regardless)
After a treatment, just ask the client if they would like the aftercare kit - simples.
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Shame there's little interest in this thread as it could turn consultations into more profit :)
I like the idea if a little bag :)
Love that idea!
Love this thread, I tell clients they have to wear gloves when cleaning, gardening etc when they've had their nails done or its like buying a new dress then going paint balling and wondering why it's ruined lol
I was trained to nod when asking the question "would you like to take the cleanser"

I haven't tried it yet

Love the aftercare bag idea!!!! I'm going to start that tomorrow!!!
I was trained to nod when asking the question "would you like to take the cleanser"

I haven't tried it yet

Love the aftercare bag idea!!!! I'm going to start that tomorrow!!!

Is that an NLP technique?
Love this I am terrible at retailing looking forward to seeing everyone elses ideas x
I don't even ask if they'd like to take x,y or z. The consultation sheets which we give to clients have all the recommended products listed, and I say "I know this all looks rather intimidating, but the one product which will make the biggest single difference to your skin is this one" Then I circle the one I'm talking about. People always buy it because they feel almost that they've got away with buying only one thing. Which is exactly what I had intended! Of course there are plenty who'll take the whole lot, and we thank the universe for them!
I don't even ask if they'd like to take x,y or z. The consultation sheets which we give to clients have all the recommended products listed, and I say "I know this all looks rather intimidating, but the one product which will make the biggest single difference to your skin is this one" Then I circle the one I'm talking about. People always buy it because they feel almost that they've got away with buying only one thing. Which is exactly what I had intended! Of course there are plenty who'll take the whole lot, and we thank the universe for them!

Great idea!
So what's on this long list of products then?! :)
It's the list of cleanser, toner, serum, cream, mask and exfoliator that I would recommend for my client following a facial. They're all swissdermyl products of course!
It's the list of cleanser, toner, serum, cream, mask and exfoliator that I would recommend for my client following a facial. They're all swissdermyl products of course!

I see! I was quite good at selling retail in my old salon, but being mobile makes it much harder, I've not really planned on setting up a retail side. Too much money to invest in decent products!
It doesn't have to be!
I encourage our trade customers to up their retail sales because essentially it's free money!
Our opening order is just £200 and no minimums thereafter. Top notch products, great results, fab margins, amazing service. Just ask some of our customers on here; they'll tell you how it's improving their bottom line!
For my waxing clients I introduce the home are products at the stet of the treatment and explain why they need them.

Then at the end I ask of they want to take them. It's not a last min hard sell, they already know why they need it
For my waxing clients I introduce the home are products at the stet of the treatment and explain why they need them.

Then at the end I ask of they want to take them. It's not a last min hard sell, they already know why they need it

I also do the majority of my "selling" before I commence so I'm just recapping at the end.

If a client is put off by the cost of a product, it helps to know how long it lasts them if they use the correct amount. You can then break it down into cost per wear. So may be something like 50p per day etc. Makes it less scary than £50.

Usually better quality products, you use less so a little goes a long way whereas with a cheaper product, they'd need more of it.

I also throw in a couple of "trade secrets" like other uses for it or little tips eg a face mask which is good for long flights or one you can sleep with on. Gives your customers more value for money :)

Chrysalis. I'm so sorry. I said I'd start a thread and completely forgot. Great idea though :)

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Love the aftercare bag idea I may have to start this one when I finally start up, it keeps getting delayed 😁xx
I don't even ask if they'd like to take x,y or z. The consultation sheets which we give to clients have all the recommended products listed, and I say "I know this all looks rather intimidating, but the one product which will make the biggest single difference to your skin is this one" Then I circle the one I'm talking about. People always buy it because they feel almost that they've got away with buying only one thing. Which is exactly what I had intended! Of course there are plenty who'll take the whole lot, and we thank the universe for them!

This is what I do. Everything I would recommend, but this is the one that would really make a difference.
Sometimes after a full consultation you can see what's lacking in their homecare - for example if they are using wipes - and I can say "Why don't you start with the cleanser, that way you can get rid of the wipes" That always works, once you've done the "OOh wipes - I just dread to think what they put in them to a) keep them moist and b) to stop them growing bacteria". I see the client thinking "Yuk" and the cleanser is sold!!!
For my waxing clients I introduce the home are products at the stet of the treatment and explain why they need them.

Then at the end I ask of they want to take them. It's not a last min hard sell, they already know why they need it

What do you retail for waxing?

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