'Commando' Parenting; Share your Funny Stories!


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Jul 19, 2007
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Michigan, USA
When my boys were young, I admit, I was a strict parent. God didn't give me girls because they would have never left the house. LOL!

I was talking to one of my BFF's today and commented that my youngest (now 24) was sick for a few days but made it to work every day. Then, she mentioned something about me instilling a good work ethic in him and we remembered the following:

He was in 5th grade and I got the dreaded phone call; Joe is sick and you need to come pick him up. I'm telling the teacher (who was a b*tch) that he's fine and can stay but she insisted I come get him.

Grudgingly, I left work, picked him up, dropped him at my parents's and ran an errand before returning to work.

On the way back from the errand, I stopped by to see how my poor, 'sick' baby was doing. Well, he's on the couch, playing Nintendo and having a grand ol' time with Nana and Papa.

I said, 'Get your shoes on, you're going back to school'. He looked at me like this: :eek:

I carted his sorry, yet HEALTHY butt back to school. As I passed the teacher, I gave her 'the look' and said, 'I told you he wasn't sick'!

So, does anyone else have a funny commando parenting story to share?
When Msn messenger was very popular i used to have to keep on and on at my daughter to come off it and go to sleep or do homework.

Eventually i used to go downstairs and unplug the internet thinking 'thats got you' at first she would really moan about it but eventually just accepted me pulling the plug.Sometimes she would still be on the computer but she told me she was just doing homework and i thought she must be as she cant get on the net.

Just recently(shes now 20) she told me that directly i disconnected the internet downstairs she would reconnect to someone else nearby whos internet was unsecured and carry on chatting.
When Msn messenger was very popular i used to have to keep on and on at my daughter to come off it and go to sleep or do homework.

Eventually i used to go downstairs and unplug the internet thinking 'thats got you' at first she would really moan about it but eventually just accepted me pulling the plug.Sometimes she would still be on the computer but she told me she was just doing homework and i thought she must be as she cant get on the net.

Just recently(shes now 20) she told me that directly i disconnected the internet downstairs she would reconnect to someone else nearby whos internet was unsecured and carry on chatting.

Haha I ALWAYS did this. The other one was when my dad password protected the computer from start up - I soon discovered what it was and I'd be on the net in the middle of the night just to defy him and it was FREEZING in the computer room!
Haha I ALWAYS did this. The other one was when my dad password protected the computer from start up - I soon discovered what it was and I'd be on the net in the middle of the night just to defy him and it was FREEZING in the computer room!

You naughty girl:biggrin:
This one doesnt involve me, though I'm sure my parents would have loved to do it to my cheeky younger self. Anywho i remember being in a service station and seeing this family whose daughter was rather playing up, having a right hissy fit. Anyway after some time we left the shopping area and returned to the car park and just as we're getting back to the car we hear a great commotion, see a car driving by and see said daughter running behind the car at full speed arms flailing crying and shouting. The car makes an abrupt halt and the car door is flung open to let the girl in the car and they then drive off. Shouldn't laugh but we did. . . Im sure she won't try that again in a hurry!

Similarly we were on holiday one year and my son had the blackest mood on him. So much so we left the theme park we were visiting. We then took a trip into town as i refused to go back to the camp site just because he had one on him. My son moaned and shouted the whole way round so we headed back to the car. As we were getting in the car the moaning continued. We all belted up in the car and i started the engine all the time my son is moaning despite us telling him off. On and on he goes until finally it came to me what would stop this. So i jumped out of the car, threw his door open took off his seat belt and picked him up and put him on the pavement and said that's it you're staying here. He went to bits sorry mummy sorry mummy I'll stop. I then opened the car door told him to get in and saw my husbands look of horror. As i got back in the car my son silent i turned to my husband, whose jaw was on the floor by this time, and said now THAT is how its done! Funny that my boy was an angel for the rest of the day ;)
My son attended private school through 9th grade. When he transitioned to public school in 10th grade, his request...big mistake, he hated it. It was a major shock for him. He had only ever attended a very controlled environment and public school was the complete opposite.

He came to me one afternoon shortly after beginning his 10th grade year and told me in a two week span, he had skipped 8 days...I appreciated his honesty and told him to get his sh*t together. He told me he would.

The next morning he left for school as usual but mother's instinct kicked in so I drove to his school. I saw his Ford Excursion in the lot and almost drove away but instead I chose to drive up to his truck. He heard my truck pull up because he popped right up...he had been sound asleep.

Without a word, he grabbed his bookbag, hopped into the passenger seat of my truck and we drove to the school office. I signed him into school and then I stripped him of his life.

I took away his truck; I took him off the baseball team; the football team; the golf team; the tennis team; I took away his cell phone; he couldn't go out with his girlfriend; his friends couldn't come over and he couldn't go anywhere. I drove him to school and I picked him up. Three months of no life. I never had another problem with him again.

Don't mess with me. Tammie don't play!!
Good for you, Tammie! Now, that's what I call Commando Parenting! :hug:
Ive always been like you deanosnana and sent my kids to school whenever they complain their ill cos usually they are not!!

When my son was about 10 he complained of tummy ache just before school, he hates school so I said, oh you will be fine, if it gets worse the school will ring me, took him in, he then complained he felt sick, again I told him he would be fine.

About an hour later his teacher phoned to say he had thrown up all over her feet - whoops!
just the other night james came in about 2 am saying he had tummy ache .. now as i had only just got to sleep i was grumpy told him to get back to bed .. as long as he didnt feel sick ..
well an hour later the poor kids was throwing up all over the place i felt really bad :eek: for not taking any notice of him , lol mind you he was fine once he had got it all out , lol

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