Confusion over ordering Dashing Divas


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Sep 20, 2010
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I know I am probably being very stupid but am in the process of ordering myself some minx and while I am in the process I decided I would order some dashing divas, as I have been thinking about giving these a go for a while.

What does tip no's 1 - 13 mean? Are these the different sizes and how many of each do you get? I am assuming that I should just go for the 140 box....

As for all the other bits and bobs (base seal, top seal) am I better to get these or go ahead with what I had originally planned and work with my gels? How long do you find the divas last using the base and top coats provided for them? How does this compare with using a gel?

Thanks xx
I bought the kit and have never use the base and top coat as I use the tips under Shellac. I also don't use the adhesive that came with it as I switched to Gelbond.

I'd say go for 140 pack in both sizes and use Gelbond.
I think there are 14 sizes so if you buy the 140 box you will get 10 of each size.

There are two different widths/depths - one for those with hardly any free edge and one for those with more free edge.

There is a pack that you get both depths, plus adhesive and both base and top coat.

I think the DD last about 10 days.

This is where i'm not sure what to order, the 2 sizes and, as you suggest gelbond or the starter kit...

naturalnails, is that 10 days if you use the top and base coat?

Tweezerhappy, how long do you get from a set using shellac? I don't use shellac myself yet (spending out like mad at the min so that will have to wait a wee while..) I use bellissima gels and was planning on sealing them with a layer of clear gel..

Decisions, decisions - I am never good at making them!!
Yes that is using the complete system.

I have worn it with Shellac and got two weeks, but by that time my natural smile line was showing.

It will also depend on how quickly the clients nails grow.

This is where i'm not sure what to order, the 2 sizes and, as you suggest gelbond or the starter kit...

naturalnails, is that 10 days if you use the top and base coat?

Tweezerhappy, how long do you get from a set using shellac? I don't use shellac myself yet (spending out like mad at the min so that will have to wait a wee while..) I use bellissima gels and was planning on sealing them with a layer of clear gel..

Decisions, decisions - I am never good at making them!!

I'd go for the 140 pack of both thin and wide and gelbond. If you are planning on using your gel system then I wouldn't bother with base and top seal. Although I've never personally used the bade and top seal, a lot of people do so I'm sure they're very good.

My clients go 2 weeks, some a bit more. I've gone nearly 3 weeks.
Sorry for jumping in here, I have been using the DD with shellac and getting nowhere near 2 weeks, every client has been back with the DD chipping or coming off, I have been using the glue that came with the DD kit, but even if thats not brilliant, would have thought the shellac would have protected it. I'm at a loss, really love the way it looks, so do my clients but feel I can't keep doing it if it isn't working, will describe exactly what I do below, so if anyone has any advice on where I could be going wrong, would really appreciate it.

Apply DD, glue on free edge and on DD
Buff DD, to take shine off and also more at the edges, file to make sure DD not hanging over free edge
Shellac base
shellac negligee
Top coat x 2

Thanks in advance, if anyone can help. Lisa x
Sorry for jumping in here, I have been using the DD with shellac and getting nowhere near 2 weeks, every client has been back with the DD chipping or coming off, I have been using the glue that came with the DD kit, but even if thats not brilliant, would have thought the shellac would have protected it. I'm at a loss, really love the way it looks, so do my clients but feel I can't keep doing it if it isn't working, will describe exactly what I do below, so if anyone has any advice on where I could be going wrong, would really appreciate it.

Apply DD, glue on free edge and on DD
Buff DD, to take shine off and also more at the edges, file to make sure DD not hanging over free edge
Shellac base
shellac negligee
Top coat x 2

Thanks in advance, if anyone can help. Lisa x

The only thing I can say is to double and triple check the DD isn't hanging over the free edge. Once I've applied the tip, filed and buffed, I lift the hand with the palm facing me and check the nails from the underside.

I also take care to cover the corners of the DD with shellac top coat.

I too love how DD with Negligee looks. Gorgeous.
Thanks for reply, I also do what you do, lift palm up to check etc. Do you use the glue that came with the DD kit, or do use gelbond or something else? I am just wondering if it is worth trying the gelbond instead, I have just heard that it isnt as eay to apply as it hasn't got a brush on the end like the DD glue is this the case?? Thanks again for any help. x :rolleyes:
Thanks for reply, I also do what you do, lift palm up to check etc. Do you use the glue that came with the DD kit, or do use gelbond or something else? I am just wondering if it is worth trying the gelbond instead, I have just heard that it isnt as eay to apply as it hasn't got a brush on the end like the DD glue is this the case?? Thanks again for any help. x :rolleyes:

I use Gelbond. It does take a bit of getting used to but I think it's better.
Sorry for jumping in here, I have been using the DD with shellac and getting nowhere near 2 weeks, every client has been back with the DD chipping or coming off, I have been using the glue that came with the DD kit, but even if thats not brilliant, would have thought the shellac would have protected it. I'm at a loss, really love the way it looks, so do my clients but feel I can't keep doing it if it isn't working, will describe exactly what I do below, so if anyone has any advice on where I could be going wrong, would really appreciate it.

Apply DD, glue on free edge and on DD
Buff DD, to take shine off and also more at the edges, file to make sure DD not hanging over free edge
Shellac base
shellac negligee
Top coat x 2

Thanks in advance, if anyone can help. Lisa x
Would 4 coats over the top of DD be a little to thick? Creating a fatty edge? I only use 1 top coat over 1 Shellac white and 1 Negligee, why would DD need 2 coats of top?
The way I explained, eg. DD, base, negligee, top x 2 was recommended by a trainer at creative. I think it is just so you are using the correct amount of coats, I guess you could use negligee x 2 instead, but then you are not going to have the tip as white. I guess its all down to preference, whichever way I do it, I'm not having much luck!!
Hi Lisa,

We've both had problems with DD and Shellac. I did another set tonight, this time using Gelbond and made sure I put it on the free edge and directly on DD. I then buffed off the shine on the DD, paying particular attention to the corners, did my base coat, 2 coats of Negligee (probs should have only done 1,grrrr....) and my top coat. I'm keeping everything crossed I don't get any chipping. It's my partners sister so hopefully she'll keep me informed as she's my guinea pig. :) I'll let you know. x
The way I explained, eg. DD, base, negligee, top x 2 was recommended by a trainer at creative. I think it is just so you are using the correct amount of coats, I guess you could use negligee x 2 instead, but then you are not going to have the tip as white. I guess its all down to preference, whichever way I do it, I'm not having much luck!!
Im not sure then hun i was only making a suggestion that it could be due to a fat free edge. I haven't used DD with Shellac yet. I only got my DD kit last week and used it on myself with the base and topcoats supplied and my corner chipped the next day! Im not that impressed with it so not played any further and stuffed it on the bottom shelf. The DD smiles dont suit my nail shape (too smiley) so its not for me. I need to find some willing models who have bare nails.
I've not had any issues with DD chipping whilst using Shellac but then I have always used GelBond with DD. Certainly lasts allot longer than just a polished French with ordinary nail enamel.

TBH I prefer to hand paint French with Shellac in any case ... It's quicker, it's cheaper and I prefer the look which is softer but this is just a personal opinion and preference.
I would love to be able to paint a perfect french with shellac (so it looks like the DD) but it has never been my strong point, I'm too much of a perfectionist and end up messing with it for ages! Keep me posted Lisa with how you get on, if the gelbond has worked better, I will give it a go also. I also initially thought two top coats would be too much when I was first told, but I have been willing to try anything, in the hope it would last! Lisa x
TBH I prefer to hand paint French with Shellac in any case ... It's quicker, it's cheaper and I prefer the look which is softer but this is just a personal opinion and preference.
I agree geeg, when i DD my nails i only did 1 hand, i was already wearing a french shellac the week before so kept one hand in shellac cream puff. When i compared both hands, my shellac white was such a softer white, DD was 'in your face' white, and my shellac white smiles had a softer smile which suited my natural nail shape better.

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