Do you get nervous when going to a new client?


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user 17140

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2007
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Its maybe because i am a new tech and dont consider myself worldy wise about the whole subject yet, just wondered do you get nervous when going to a new client, i do! Its not so bad once i am there its the anticipation of who it is, i suppose being mobile i am going in to something i have no knowledge of (unless a regular). Is this common or am i just a nervous wreck! Only i have found that i end up with an audience sometimes which makes me more concious! Any of you feel the same and any tips for keeping cool! :)
Its maybe because i am a new tech and dont consider myself worldy wise about the whole subject yet, just wondered do you get nervous when going to a new client, i do! Its not so bad once i am there its the anticipation of who it is, i suppose being mobile i am going in to something i have no knowledge of (unless a regular). Is this common or am i just a nervous wreck! Only i have found that i end up with an audience sometimes which makes me more concious! Any of you feel the same and any tips for keeping cool! :)

Cluskerm, I am relatively new as well. And I feel just like you. Nervous each time, even if they're not new! The more I do the better I feel and once I get started I feel fine. I get a tad nervous with anyone but my mom! I know experience will help but there's always additional anticipation with anything new. I guess going to peep's houses would make it even more so. xxx alex
i dont ever get nervous with new clients - afterall - YOU KNOW MORE THAN THEM. just blag it if you feel nervous hun - you could tell them anything (ie. gel nails are made of bees wax) and they would probably believe you. i think its all to do with confidence flower, and as already said, the more you do the less nervous you will become.

the only tip i could give ya flower, is go in there all full of chat, (ask about her day, her kids etc, RELAX, and just do your job (afterall - its you that is trained, NOT THE CLIENT)

sorry if this aint any help flower, but its all i could come up with

I still do...not so much going to a new client as they all come to me now..but i do feel a little apprehensive just before. I think about what kind of nails they will have...what there expectations are and also if they will like me...:lol:

I think if you never thought about it then you would either have to be a super cool and chilled out person or just got complacent about it.

I'd say after the first 10 mins i am ok.
i dont ever get nervous with new clients - afterall - YOU KNOW MORE THAN THEM. just blag it if you feel nervous hun - you could tell them anything (ie. gel nails are made of bees wax) and they would probably believe you. i think its all to do with confidence flower, and as already said, the more you do the less nervous you will become.

the only tip i could give ya flower, is go in there all full of chat, (ask about her day, her kids etc, RELAX, and just do your job (afterall - its you that is trained, NOT THE CLIENT)

sorry if this aint any help flower, but its all i could come up with

Yes you are right it is confidence, Thanks for the advice its okay when i get there , but i am such a perfectionist , so i think i put myself under pressure. I will try to be more relaxed ,I had some one to one that really boosted my confidence would recommend to anyone. And the more i do the more i learn!:)




Cluskerm, I am relatively new as well. And I feel just like you. Nervous each time, even if they're not new! The more I do the better I feel and once I get started I feel fine. I get a tad nervous with anyone but my mom! I know experience will help but there's always additional anticipation with anything new. I guess going to peep's houses would make it even more so. xxx alex
Yes it the going in to peoples houses i think, i think i would feel different if in a salon , but not for me right now, as i have three young children , mobile fits in with my lifstyle, i guess you cant have everything!:)




I still do...not so much going to a new client as they all come to me now..but i do feel a little apprehensive just before. I think about what kind of nails they will have...what there expectations are and also if they will like me...:lol:

I think if you never thought about it then you would either have to be a super cool and chilled out person or just got complacent about it.

I'd say after the first 10 mins i am ok.
I too worry about what there nails are like, but i guess if you dont challange yourself you dont improve, like i had someone tonight with really tiny nail beds,was harder for me i dont have years of experience under my belt, but she loved her nails , its a good feeling!


Don't worry hun, it always makes me smile to see your posts at the mo :lol:

I used to be a bag of nerves when I first started out. I crashed my car on the day when I had my first real appointment that evening, I was so nervous and pre-occupied (no one hurt but car was a write-off - I went up the back of a brand new Jag XJ6!!:lol:- oh not a scratch on that btw and he was lovely to me about it)

I am much more comfortable working from home. Tbh when I was mobile, I would find I would arrive at people's houses and a lot of them would say "oh I didn't realise you would have all this stuff", "I don't know where we're going to sit, theres nowhere near a power point," "I didn't realise it would take this long to set up, I thought you'd do it on my lap!"
This too used to make me nervous, although some people would say how professional to bring a special table and stool and light etc and were really nice but it still made me a bit nervous . . .

Four years down the line and working from home I get just a little bit nervous when it's someone new, although mostly any new clients have been recommended so that's a nice feeling :)

It will definitely get easier in time

I'm always a bag of nerves but old enough and ugly enough to know how to cover it up. It does help that I have advanced qualificaions in chat
In the beginning, yes, I would get nervous with a new client. Doubting my skills.
Now, I don't.
EXCEPT 3 wks ago.

My mom referred a client to me, a friend of hers. She's ummm 'upscale'? Living in the pricier part of town, has a housekeeper, spends winter months in Florida, etc? Get the picture? She's accustomed to fancy spas and the like. The last time she had enhancements, she paid a FORTUNE at a VERY posh and fancy-shmancy place downtown montreal.

Soooo I was a little bit daunted, thinking that perhaps if she had paid so much that last time, her nails must have been awesome.
And for the first time in months, I doubted myself and used tips instead of sculpting for her 'French'. Luckily, her nail beds were long enough.
After all was said and done, she says to me "These are much nicer than the ones from 'so-n-so's and you didn't hurt me once":eek:
She's now a regular.

Have faith in yourself and your skills. It makes it a heck of a lot easier than stressing over things. I usually know that, but let nerves get the better of me.

There are always moments where we will question ourselves. Competitions, fussy clients, new products, new techniques, an audience...
It DOES get easier!!
I also think that if we didn't question ourselves, we'd get too cocky and stop learning.
And that wouldn't be a good thing.

In the beginning, I would "fake" confidence. Faking it, as crazy as it sounds, will give you confidence. Be positive. Have faith in yourself. Throw away the negative thoughts and doubts, and say "I can do this" and you know what? You WILL.
Negative thoughts and worries will do naught but cause you grief. Being positive will have positive results.
I know it sounds like malarkey, but the mind is a funny place.
Its also very true; positive thoughts bring positive results.

Check out my post on chit-chat re: "don't quit".
Some food for thought there.
I can't say that I get nervous about seeing a new client anymore...
But... I do get myself in a panic making sure I've covered all bases re what kit to take with me, so I take it all! lol

With experience comes confidence, you will get better about it, promise :hug:
I get my self in a right mess, iv got a new lady coming today which iv never met.My old teacher at the college rang me and said she wanted someone to do her nails at college but she sed they wasnt ready yet to perfom on clients but i know a tech who has just qualified heres her number.Well i was a reck on the phone she told me it was for her mum for xmas prezy that was 1 month ago.Anyway she said she would get back to me when she wanted the app,i heard nothing then out of the blue last week she rang and asked if she could bring her mum today for a full set of white tips {i know you geeks dont like them but thats what she wants} so iv said yes.Shes due to arrive at 12 noon,iv been up since 6oclock cant sleep cos of my nerves.Al my other {few} clients i know so this will be the first and im bricking it incase i do something wrong.My nearves stop me from doing alot more as i seem to make excuses sometimes which i get soo mad with my self as i know with more practice i could become very good at what i do.Anyway im going now to have another fag cos iv only got 2hrs before the lady arrives....wish me luck! x
OMG i feel like im waiting for a death sentance :Scared::Scared:

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