Eye lash extension reaction


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May 9, 2010
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Can anyone help advise me;
I was having lash extensions for 1 year, and then all of a suddon i developed a reaction in both eyes, very red, swollen and puffy which lasted 5-7 days. Nothing had changed,same glue, same lashes which i believe were lash perfect. I then tried the same lashes with a sensetive glue and alternative primer but still the same.
Missing the lashes so much i then tried flirtys lashes with the same result any advise would be greatly appreciated
Do you think it could be the under eye pads or tape? As the lashes & glue dont touch your eyes so would be surprised if it was them.
We can use/eat the same thing everyday then one day just have a reaction to it, so it doesnt necessarely mean that anything different is used. x:hug:x
You have been repeatedly overexposed to a chemical/s that you have finally reacted to .. not suddenly reacted to ... You don't normally suddenly become allergic to something ... but if repeatedly exposed your body will eventually say ENOUGH.

AT THIS STAGE IT COULD BE ANYTHING. No way to tell without having a patch test of all the different chemicals being used on you and you on't really know what they are.

Stay away .. once allergic ALWAYS allergic and it gets WORSE.

A few short years ago no one had heard of semi permanent eyelashes ... we all lived without them and I'm sure you can too. :hug: Good old mascara is still a great alternative and there are so many around now that give the illusion of thick luscious and long lashes.
As the lashes & glue dont touch your eyes so would be surprised if it was them.

You know, I've always been confused when someone has said this to me. Tint doesn't actually touch the eye and skin when lash tinting is done properly and people still react to it.
Lorac mascara is one of the absolute best for long, thick lashes. I swear by it. People always ask if I have extensions in. Get some :)
Unfortunately allergies and reactions can happen overnight to something we have been using or even eating safely for years.

It could be that something has changed but the chances are that it s just your body reacting to it now.

You have done the right thing in trying different lashes and products but as you seem to be reacting to all of them i would give your body a rest and leave lash extensions for a good few months or even a year (yes i know its hard). The body's immune system is phenominal and it has also the ability to "forget" allergies when the body doesnt come in contact with them for a long time so dont give up hope as it might just be a case of letting everything calm down and then you can wear your lashes again :hug:
Unfortunately allergies and reactions can happen overnight to something we have been using or even eating safely for years.

It could be that something has changed but the chances are that it s just your body reacting to it now.

You have done the right thing in trying different lashes and products but as you seem to be reacting to all of them i would give your body a rest and leave lash extensions for a good few months or even a year (yes i know its hard). The body's immune system is phenominal and it has also the ability to "forget" allergies when the body doesnt come in contact with them for a long time so dont give up hope as it might just be a case of letting everything calm down and then you can wear your lashes again :hug:

Great advice here. I became allergic to Kiwi fruit when pregnant with my son. I loved them before this but react very badly to them now, I can't even pick them out of a fruit salad without having a reaction to what they have been touching. Funnily enough my son is also allergic to them!

Give yourself a rest from the eyelashes for about a year and then do separate patch tests a week apart for the various elements in the eyelash system, i.e. cleanser, primer, glue, sealer and finally if you are ok with these then have a couple of lashes put in and see how you go.

You do need to be very careful though as allergies get worse with more exposure to whatever the culprit is so if you ignore this advice you are liable just to get worse and worse and this can progress with alarming speed! :)

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