Fifty Shades of Grey


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Ok ladies totally found a potential Christian , Johannes huebl , now that man is a definate Christian grey !!! X
Ok ladies totally found a potential Christian , Johannes huebl , now that man is a definate Christian grey !!! X

OMG OMG OMG OMG :Love::Love::Love::Love::Love:

Sorry Planky, this one is a winner. I don't think I'll be able to read these books in the same way again.

Have you got his phone number?
Another thing is her biting the lip, those god damn trousers and her earth shattering moments that are too repetitive.

I'm good at scanning over things and reading fast and getting the general gist If I can't be bothered reading it properly so that's what I do with some parts.

Planky is going to kill us for this haha!

Lol, no, I do agree, there are a few things that are too repetitive and now I do find myself thinking "" and her looking down at her hands is driving me nuts but despite that I am loving this story and loving Mr Grey :)

OMG OMG OMG OMG :Love::Love::Love::Love::Love:

Sorry Planky, this one is a winner. I don't think I'll be able to read these books in the same way again.

Have you got his phone number?

Hmmm, he's ok, I still think Henry is better, he looks more the age, this other guy looks a bit too old for Christian and didn't have me wowing like Henry Cavill did :wink2:
No way !!! I'm thinking Christian is mature for his age !!! Mmmmm sandy stubble !!! X
Ok ladies totally found a potential Christian , Johannes huebl , now that man is a definate Christian grey !!! X

Oh my, his eyes, id sign his contract without even reading it! :wink2:
Lol, no, I do agree, there are a few things that are too repetitive and now I do find myself thinking "" and her looking down at her hands is driving me nuts but despite that I am loving this story and loving Mr Grey :)

Hmmm, he's ok, I still think Henry is better, he looks more the age, this other guy looks a bit too old for Christian and didn't have me wowing like Henry Cavill did :wink2:

I know I mean who could have sex all those times a day you would be red raw Hahaha! Especially the way they're doing it! Christ on a bike!
Oh my, his eyes, id sign his contract without even reading it! :wink2:

Yep, sign me up!! Where's the pen gone? :lol:
Downloaded book 2 last night and nearly finished it. Not so in love with this one and doubt ill download the third..... dont shoot!! ;)

Finding him waaaaaay too possessive now and i feel like telling her no screaming get some distance love!

Agree the writing is too repetitive and a little young teen style (twilight, the vampire diaries etc) lol though certainly not a teen topic!! Wish theyd have more vanilla than the other malarky yawn lmao!
Downloaded book 2 last night and nearly finished it. Not so in love with this one and doubt ill download the third..... dont shoot!! ;)

Finding him waaaaaay too possessive now and i feel like telling her no screaming get some distance love!

Agree the writing is too repetitive and a little young teen style (twilight, the vampire diaries etc) lol though certainly not a teen topic!! Wish theyd have more vanilla than the other malarky yawn lmao!
If you have got as far as the end (nearly) of book 2 then you may as well read the third - it may well give you what you want, and how can you leave it as an incomplete story - are you not intrigued to find out how it all ends?
Im not at the end yet so maybe if its left on a cliff hanger like the first one ill want to read it.

I guess i just feel like i know all there is to know about them now and dont know where the author can realistically go. Im finding myself speed reading now which i dont do if its a good book. Ha i hate this word but im finding it all a bit boring.

We'll see how it goes lol!
Downloaded book 2 last night and nearly finished it. Not so in love with this one and doubt ill download the third..... dont shoot!! ;)

Finding him waaaaaay too possessive now and i feel like telling her no screaming get some distance love!

Agree the writing is too repetitive and a little young teen style (twilight, the vampire diaries etc) lol though certainly not a teen topic!! Wish theyd have more vanilla than the other malarky yawn lmao!

Aww no If it's boring I won't be bothered. I'm already speed reading the first one lol.
Right that's it... I've just started a Lauren Weisberger book (she wrote devil in Prada) but today I solemnly swear I will buy this!!
No Laura, keep reading, you have to read number 3 too, trust me :wink2:
Claire i finished no 2 this morning amid much eye rolling .... Ha ha and i dont mean of the ana/fifty shades type way!! I mean it in the exasperated kinda way lmao! Im not sure whether i will download book 3.... I know after ive read book 1 and 2 as well. If im honest i think the books could have been rolled into one and a lot of the sex scenes out. The first book i got that it needed to be in there, the second eh.... Not so much. Whilst i dont think the writing was great i loved the first one in the end.... The second i really thought needed to step it up. I was dying to read the second one after i read the first but i dont feel like that about the 3rd.

However, little man is at the grandparents saturday , hubby is at work and im working the whole of saturday morning, so come the afternoon i may download, you never know ;)
Ok have managed to find a free pdf on my iphone for 50 shades freed.... So im back in the game!!
Well I am finished :sad: Feel quite fed up!! Lol!! What am I going to do now??
I felt like that when I finished them too Planky - I'm now reading The Rats by James Herbert (part 1 of a trilogy) it is just a totally different type book but is gripping me and seems easy to read. Been told by several people it is a fab trilogy so I got myself all 3 books (mobi files for my kindle) for free :D and am enjoying it so far.
Well I am finished :sad: Feel quite fed up!! Lol!! What am I going to do now??

Is the ending earth shattering? Surprising at all? I'm expecting a sad and tragic ending.....will I be disappointed?

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