Oh god....please don't think I would want to upset anyone, by me supporting breastfeeding. I sincerely apologise if anything I said has upset anyone....it was absolutely not aimed at any Mums...especially those of you who would have loved to have fed you children and struggled. I know you've done the very best you could, and of that you should be proud!
What does makes me sad about this, is that it is our health service that lets us down. In the Uk we have the lowest breastfeeding rates of any European country bar Belgium, and that is because the health service support to help those Mum's that struggle just isn't there.
I work (totally voluntarily...my own time, no pay...costs come out of MY pocket) as a breastfeeding counsellor and I promise you that out of every Mum that has come to me, having been told she couldn't breastfeed, that she has been able to, once we've worked out the problems. And she has been able to do so pain free. If the milk doesn't come in it is always something else that is preventing it...such as positioning or latch. There is truly less than 0.1% of the population in the world today that physically CANNOT breastfeed....and those figures includes women that have had breast reduction surgery and/or do not have a functioning pituitary gland to effect let down. But some Mum's just never succeed because the help and support isn't available and gven to them to try to overcome the problems. The 'blame' in my eyes lies totally with 'the system'! Christ, most mum's aren't even told that help is available if they are struggling...nevermind know where to get it.
I was told I would never be able to breastfeed my daughter when she was born, as she had tongue tie (never divided)...I had inverted 'bits', my milk wasn't coming in and 'it just was not going to work'. I was determined it would and sought private help. She is now 15 months old, and still enjoys one or two feeds a day....and those that know mine and her story, know it has quite probably saved her life.
Please know, I wouldn't dream of putting those Mum's down who didn't get the help...I know from many I have met and discussions had on here and elsewhere in life, how much many if not all of you would have loved to be able to feed your children, and how you have done everything you can to give them the best start....but I felt it worthwhile responding, just so that if anyone ever has trouble in the future, they may know that there is help available...sadly just not usually through our NHS (the occasional trust employs someone). It takes people like me and my colleagues, who all train for many many months at their own cost, (OK I've had a grant from the welsh assembly towards it) and will give up their own time to try and help. I do it simply to say thank for the help that was given to me.
So next time, someone wants to, but is told they can't....send 'em my way. I may be able to help...or put them in touch with someone who can.
Incidentally our idiotic government doesn't help. They are planning to make it an offense to breastfeed a child over the age of 6 months in public
The World Health Organisation recommends there are significant benefits to a child receiving its mothers milk for a minimum of 2 years. Quite frankly I am gobsmacked, and have joined a growing number of women campaigning against it. If you feel the same, pleae sign the petition too!
Petition to: Make breastfeeding in public legally acceptable for all babies and children.
PS Yes Cathie, you are very right....we do store fat for breastfeeding, however we also burn calories quicker in making the milk...so its sort of a half truth each way, but your def right in that most of our midwives don't help! In fact I struggle daily against uninformed midwives and health visitors......it is frightening how many there are out there!