you are so lucky to get across the pond and see your family. I hate the fact that my family live so far away, I miss them more than I can say. I would love to live closer to them but my mum and one little sister are here in Cornwall so I would miss them if I lived near my dad.
Last time my family got together was my brother's wedding. He is British but holds dutch nationality as he lived there for 10 years before moving to San Francisco, he married an american girl from New England. I flew with my husband & kids to Florida joining my dad, his wife and one sister, aunts, uncles and cousins, then flew to Boston and drove to Rockport in a big convoy for the wedding (Her parent's summer house). My biggest sister couldn't make it from the phillipines due to time zones & getting back for work. The best man flew from New Zealand (but he is originally from Cornwall)
We hope the Royal Navy will give us a 3 year exchange job to Maryland in 2005, but my brother plans to have moved back to holland by then and one sister has since moved to portugal. I can't see how we will ever have a true family christmas - thank heavens for modern technology.
Enjoy your trip and savour every moment with your family.