Well-Known Member
I have really curly/frizzy hair, and have had it chemically straightened a couple of times which my hairdressers said was just the reverse of the perm, and it does help but I still have to really pull it down when im drying it and then go over with the straighteners. It only costs me about £35! I have seen some salons do it for well over £100 up to £300. I know that it will only lasr until the roots grow in and understand will have to get them done but please can someone tell me if this if a different type of straightening and if it works any better, and is worth the money!
Thankyou (I am totally clueless about this, but am getting really lazy about straightening my hair, especially in this rubbish weather!)
Thankyou (I am totally clueless about this, but am getting really lazy about straightening my hair, especially in this rubbish weather!)