Hard work waxing today!


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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2011
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So I had a new client today for Hollywood, full leg and half arms. It took me 2 hours.... Hollywood was fine but legs were a nightmare! Loads of patches left which I had to go over and felt really crap about myself. Haven't been waxing very long but never had this problem. Hair was very course and dark and just didn't want to budge. Ended up tweezing a few stragglers. :eek:Hate full legs!!
I feel your pain - I've always hated doing full leg waxes, I feel like it's never going to end!! It does sometimes happen that a few coarse leg hairs are reluctant to come out. Were the ones that were left of a reasonable length and did they all grow in the same direction? Were the stubborn hairs on the knees, calves or around ankle areas? Sometimes these hairs are a little shorter than the rest and may go off in a slightly different direction due to friction and pressure caused by having their legs/ankles crossed. Did the client have any patches of dry skin? If at all possible, ask clients to exfoliate regularly and certainly twice in the week running up to their appointment, and advise them to moisturise every day. Maybe introduce dry brushing (opposite direction to hair growth and towards the heart) on the area to be waxed as a pre-treatment to help with any dry skin, improve circulation and to move the hairs around a little bit. It's quite invigorating and clients like the extra addition to the treatment. Don't be disheartened, we all have to tweeze out clients' stubborn hairs now and then :0) x
Her mother is Spanish and she has lots of dark hairs on bum cheeks which went down her legs. All different directions. Even back of calves didn't come out clean. Hate to say it but hope she doesn't rebook!
Think I must have been rubbish because she asked me when I trained and had to say November because certificate is on the wall so she must have thought amateur... Had lots of other clients that were by the book so felt confident but this one was hard work!
Don't beat yourself up , you sound to be doing really well.
Legs can be a nightmare with some clients as they often shave and remove the hair in between and then expect us to do a great job!!
Even after many years waxing I hate legs!!
I second what Jack says and try and drill it into clients to wax only and no shaving in between - they make our life more difficult at the next treatment. But it's hard with a new client as in most cases you don't know what you're about to tackle until they're lay in your couch ready for the treatment, eek! Not every client will be like this, it's all part of the learning curve. If she does rebook, it will be a good thing, it's practice and you'll know to book out a bit longer for her. I'm sure any therapist she went to would struggle - these things are sent to test us! You're doing really well so keep at it and don't let it knock your confidence xx
So, was it her first wax cloughers? If not had she shaved inbetween this and her last wax. Don't let this lady undermine your confidence,
Sounds like you did a good job with timings as you are new to waxing. Remember to reinforce to your clients the importance of regular waxing plus homecare.

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I agree with the previous posters, everyone struggles sometimes regardless of how much experience they have. If the hairs are stubborn, they will be difficult to remove. Please try not to beat yourself up, for every client that knocks your confidence there will probably be 3 who tell you how great you are :hug:
I hate it when you get a perfectly nice client that you just never want to treat again. I’ve had a couple of back wax clients that hurt my shoulder by just thinking about them! I just tell them how awesome IPL is!
Full legs are the worst! They either go great or really bad! Like Jack said, they shave in between and expect us to work wonders. The fact you did a great job on her Hollywood proves you can wax!

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Thanks Julie, that's made me feel a bit better! She said she always gets waxed and has been to a few places but some only did strip wax and she didn't like it. The main problem I had was the inner thigh on one leg, wax seemed to be gummy and didn't want to come off clean on the strip and it did make her skin red and I felt really bad. She was skinny and that didn't help. Also a lot of the hair on her legs just didn't come out and I had to go over it which hasn't really happened to me before so I'm hoping it was just her hair/skin type and not my technique. The Hollywood was fine but the wax seemed to be taking ages to set up and I think it was because she was hot. I tried to be efficient and do her legs while her Hollywood strips were setting but sometimes I did the whole front of one leg and the hot wax was still gummy! I put it on quite thin so it wasn't that. :sad:
Thanks Julie, that's made me feel a bit better! She said she always gets waxed and has been to a few places but some only did strip wax and she didn't like it. The main problem I had was the inner thigh on one leg, wax seemed to be gummy and didn't want to come off clean on the strip and it did make her skin red and I felt really bad. She was skinny and that didn't help. Also a lot of the hair on her legs just didn't come out and I had to go over it which hasn't really happened to me before so I'm hoping it was just her hair/skin type and not my technique. The Hollywood was fine but the wax seemed to be taking ages to set up and I think it was because she was hot. I tried to be efficient and do her legs while her Hollywood strips were setting but sometimes I did the whole front of one leg and the hot wax was still gummy! I put it on quite thin so it wasn't that. :sad:
If you put some blue lotion onto a cotton pad and press it onto the wax it will help to set it up a but faster . You will get little bits of cotton on the wax but it's great for clients who are a bit hot etc...

HTH. jack
How thin cloughers thicker than a piece of stick chewing gum?

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What was the temperature like in the room? I used to work in a spa that was always either too hot or too cold and the wax was very difficult to work with x
Don't take it personally if someone asks how long you've been doing beauty/nails/a treatment for. Some people are asking in a genuinely polite conversation kind of way and anyone else who is asking this in a condescending way doesn't even need to know as long as you know that you can do that treatment.
It was quite hot because I had the heating on because of her having no clothes on. It was thinner than a chewing gum stick Julie. X
I worked in a too hot room once and bikini wax was a nightmare - client was getting hotter and so was I and wax would not set in to remove - had to apologise and just wait a while longer - darn the heating cos you can't have them uncomfortable and cold either xx
Jolie69 totally!!! How can I keep her warm but wax not!
I had a mare in my room last summer with strip wax on the inner thighs. I ended up switching that part to hot wax and buying an air con unit, best thing ever:) To be honest I would have the room cooler so the result is good even if she is a lil cold for a short time. She could always have a towel on the leg your not doing just a thort.
I had a mare in my room last summer with strip wax on the inner thighs. I ended up switching that part to hot wax and buying an air con unit, best thing ever:) To be honest I would have the room cooler so the result is good even if she is a lil cold for a short time. She could always have a towel on the leg your not doing just a thort.

Yes that's what I do now - normal room temp and towel up lol x

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