HELP!! : Am I being taken for a ride??!!


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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2008
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Hi all, need some advice and to get this off my chest!!

I took a job just doing a few hours a week doing nails in a hairdressers, there is a client base but not a large one.

Myself and the owner agreed on a 50/50 split after they had taken off VAT. And that I would be using their products.

I have now been told after working there for 3 weeks ~(upping profit as i have got clients having extra nail art they previously didn't offer, and clients all rebooking and happy) that they weren't happy to pay me this rate unless I used my own products, which wasn't what i discussed.

I have used their products and also some of mine as i took my Shellac into the salon as she is looking to introduce it and spoke to some of her hair clients about it and they booked in for it using my products.
The L&p is CND but they use otc polishes, mani products etc and are now i think expecting me to use all of my professional products and still charge the same prices!

What do you all make of this, do you think I am asking too much? I don't and I had all my girls in my salon on this basis.

I am sorely tempted to work out the month and tell her where to poke it but I shall calm down first!

Rant over, any advice would be appreciated asap!!!
bit devious of them to change the deal down the line.:irked:

the usual is for business to get 60% if they supply products and you get 40
if you supply product you get the 60.
obviously this varies through negotiation .

best to get it in writing before you start.
I would say that I wanted at least a 60/40 split if I was to use my own products, or agree a rental situation where you pay a flat fee.
Always have done it 50/50, it simply isn't worth my time if its any less.
And when averaged out hourly for the time im not working im getting less than min wage :(
what are the salon thinking you will pay. do they want you to go down to 40 or do they want you to supply your own products?
Either go down to 40 or supply the products, i've been told today that they wont be restocking any of them and that they will pay me the 50% as agreed this month then they will rethink.

TBH i think they have seen that i have increased turnover and are getting greedy.

I have been asked to have a meeting with them asap to sort it out. Don't know what to say tp them, apart from I wouldn't have taken the job in the first place if that had not been the terms and she isn't willing to let me pay a flat rate as she said herself i would be making too much money out of it!!
doesnt sound very reasonable to me. the more dosh you make the more they are getting out of it. rather a poor attitude to think that you are just there to make money for them especially as they are not taking the risk of actually employing you.

i think you would make more if you supply product and get 60 but do they want you to buy product and still take 50 ?
Hey,, i think you should tell them that you have asked around on this website and that u have came to the conclusion that they are not being fair.
I agree that they are being greedy and using your talents to theyre advantage. xxx
They are still thinking 50 with my products, i think we would actually work out better 50/50 tbh after working it all out.

No I dont think they are being fair and they seem to be forgetting that I have been in the position before as i had a busy nail salon and they have only ever employed a hairdresser that could do nails on an hourly basis.

I have a large clientelle and am only there as i want a base for a few hours a week and i earn more less than half as much even with the current situation. And the fact as mentioned they are not employing me. I also have to have my own insurance.
its pointless to do it for less than you think you are worth anyway because it only leads to resentment. if you are doing well there they should be very pleased with half your takings. i bet it works out more than if you paid a flat rate.

the only way it wouldnt pay for them is if you are only doing 1 client a day.
I suppose so, but then on the flip side if i only do one client a day they have only paid me for that one client not all the time i sat doing nothing.

That isn't happening i am pretty much booked up all the time, I really don't get it :(
Just to put the cat amongst the pigeons - why not simply open your own salon - then you can take 100% !! :)

If you buy somewhere with rooms - you can make them pay you (with whatever rate you feel fair) too!

I know there might be a few hurdles in the way - but you gotta make plans - eh? x

you have to feel happy with what you are doing otherwise you will resent going it, ask her for something in writing, take it out to the shopfloor and ask for one of the hairdressers to counter sign it.

but stick to your guns and tell them you will leave. and if they won't stick to their original agreement - leave.
Just to put the cat amongst the pigeons - why not simply open your own salon - then you can take 100% !! :)

If you buy somewhere with rooms - you can make them pay you (with whatever rate you feel fair) too!

I know there might be a few hurdles in the way - but you gotta make plans - eh? x


yes, after paying
Business rates
marketing and advertising.

Can we not pretend that salons have no overheads whatsoever please!!!

This thread was starting to sound deluded.
yes, after paying
Business rates
marketing and advertising.

Can we not pretend that salons have no overheads whatsoever please!!!

This thread was starting to sound deluded.
And not forgetting;
PDQ rental
Cleaning materials
Decorating costs
Solicitors fees
Accountant fees
Everyday essentials; tea, coffee, milk, toilet rolls, washing powder, magazines, stationery..........ooh and the list goes on!!
Some people have no idea eh Dawn??!!
IMHO, this is the only fair solution if you are supplying all the product:

* 60/40 split with YOU getting 60%.
* 50/50 split but only if there is a cap on it per day, say $25-$30/day.

I think it's unfair for them to change the original agreement. Best of luck to you! :)

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