Help... I tend to over drill when I do a fill-in


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wel i think she is genuine and i think what ever the question is whether it a good question or a stupid question we should all try to help out. the trouble with this site lately to much bitching is going on.
to those have posted on here lately hey she may not be perfect even i am not perfect i have been doing nails nearly 3 years and still takes me 2 -21/2 hours to do so why don't have a dig at me about my timing hey
hey before you all start yes i have read all her other post before posting on here and her other threads as well
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm ladies....

She has apologized
We have apologized..

Let's leave the past where it belongs; IN THE PAST
Let's not argue anymore.

Pinky I hope you do enjoy this site, I love it and like you have posted posts with incorrect terminology (prob spelt wrong)..... but anyhow I have been cringing at the posts that you have recieved and hope that now you will get the help like many of us do, and I think it is nice of you to apologise, this site IS friendly and very usefull and I hope you enjoy it as much as i do. A big welcome x
I have just read through this thread and to say the least this has been a very disappointing read.:irked:

May I start off by saying judging individuals is wrong!:mad: no matter what the situation might be. knowledge is power that doesn't mean it should be abused

Yes! she did post things that would be alarming to any trained nail technician and would lead one to question her credibility but like most things and as adults we all should know better about jumping head first and not approaching things in the right way.

Alot of people visit this forum around the world and some of the responses need not be posted, that is why pm is a facility as the written word can be damaging.

We all are trying to better our selves and raise the industry standards. There have been several posts on here about nss and their work, qualified technicians and practises that are against what we know and are taught and we all have expressed our views and know full well what they do or should I say don't do for our industry and credibility as nail techs.

But here is what I am unhappy about. :irked:

Why feel the need to critise and be patronising, she clearly knows she needs help and has identified what damage she has been causing.

Is there something wrong with an individual who knows they have done things wrong and would like to seek the right way?

Can't this surely be progress for our industry as this means one less tech causing more harm than good?

The penny has dropped and those that have been in the dark with damaging clients and using tools incorrectly are now becoming aware of the right practises is there anything wrong with that? surely, that must mean progress as the hard work various companies have put into education is having the right effect.

These are just a few words for some to consider as gmg has worked hard at the site which we all use and have come to find valuable and would be sad to see its rep go down the pan cos people fail to restrain themselves from expressing opinions without tact and fail to realise the purpose of this site is to HELP and EDUCATE! not everyone who will come on here will be trained to a high standard or will even be qualified.

So please geeks there have been too many of these responses.

My advice to pinky same as others on here have posted, training including the basics will be essential as you need too many things ironed out.
personally i think the best thing for pinky is to get some new training and go on an e file course they`re only a day course, i did one at nsi and was surprised at how easy it is to burn your client

stick with it pinky you`ll get there in the end!!!!!!
Frankly I see no point in going on about how bitchy people think this site is or isn't, it only adds fuel to the fire. Let bygones be bygones for crying out loud. Why not just answer the original question - to get some GOOD training - AND MOVE ON! :rolleyes:

:hug: To err is human - to forgive is divine. :hug:​
Frankly I see no point in going on about how bitchy people think this site is or isn't, it only adds fuel to the fire. Let bygones be bygones for crying out loud. Why not just answer the original question - to get some GOOD training - AND MOVE ON! :rolleyes:

:hug: To err is human - to forgive is divine. :hug:​
I agree, and most of us have apologised for not believing Pinky was for real in the first place. There is no point in posting further threads about 'getting training for drills etc..... This point has been made crystal clear and Pinky knows this. I think we should leave this thread alone now.
Okay, this is the first thread with slightly positive remarks. Yes, I have had training- I wish I had a scanner to show you documentation to all you Know-it-alls, but anyway.... like I said before... when I was educated, they did not allow us to use an e-file so I had to learn on my own. Second of all, I worded my words all wrong in the posting. (I posted these at 3:00am so of course it is not gonna be the best wording possible) But I'm soooo frustrated/sad/and literally tired that I don't even want to take the time to explain what I really meant. Basically, I know they were simple, basic questions .... which deep in my mind, I already knew the answers to. But I was asking you all just for gratification and justification. But once again... I was let down. For all you guys to be professional , it sure does not show in your posting. Professionals would simply answer the question regardless of wether or not they thought it to be a stupid question. You all keep telling me to watch how I word things in my posting..... but you all should take your own advice. I thought this would be an enjoyable experience... a place where you can let your guard down and say what comes to mind.... but if this is a place where I have to hesitate/ or think twice about what I'm about to post then you all can kick rocks. Three times too many bad replies... i no longer want to be apart of this website.

P.S.- I haven't felt like this in a long time.... you all stepping on my face like this is just fuel for my fire.... my motivation to "take one step at a time" Hint-Hint. So what i'm not an expert............ I'll get there. Peace out

I understand u completely PINKY...soe people on here can be very rude answering in the forums...i understand that they want the best of things, but alot of them are extremely rude! I AGREE WITH U! Sorry u had a bad experience here...
I agree ..

Crumbs, we just settle down and everyone agrees to start again on the other foot .. we have some understanding .. and then some bright spark has to come along and stir it all up again with comments that have already been made before :rolleyes: .

The question has been answered ... there is really no more to say.
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