Help with salon :'(


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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2010
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Right guys in a bit of a dillema, due to open my salon shortly, and i am stuck in two minds on what to do, its tiny and only me doing treatments with it which i am happy about, just i do not know what to do when i am in treatments and potential clients pop in what would u guys do?
- Close the salon with a sign explaining (don't like this idea seems unprofessional)
- Employ a receptionist (may hear then chatting when doing treatments)
- Employ a receptionist/ therapist who can also aid with treatments. (same as above or won't be busy enough to occupy both me and her)
- keep shop open although in treatment (not sure due to theft obviously!)
-Get friends and family to aid in watching the salon and answering phone etc?
Also when answering phone if i don't have another person i am worried about it going to answerphone as it seems unprofessional?
And it ringing when in a treatment- as this could disturb clients having treatments?

As you can so lots of possibilities and questions and i just want to scream

Help please it appreciated in what you all do if on your own in your salon? x
woops this was meant to go into the business thread bit- head is all over the place... sorry guys!
Well, where possible, like when doing nail treatments you can leave the salon open, it takes seconds to take a booking if the book is to hand and clients are used to it. For more personal treatments, I'd have a sign on the door that says something like, hi, I'm with a client, please call back in 15 minutes, 30 (what ever is best for you) please call back or phone to leave me your number. Same with phone calls, nice personal message asking peeps to leave their name and number. So long as you are obsessive about calling back the moment you are free, word will soon get round that you are busy, but reliable. If you get busy enough, you can always have a receptionist later on.
Or do what my first nail tech did. She had work experience girls in. Always had two at a time, they had to answer the phone, correctly, meet and greet clients, help with the cleaning and in return she showed them the 'work' side, how to stock control, order stock promote the business and they got their nails done:lol:
I work on my own, I have a part time girl but she works when I can't. I leave door open and I answer the phone when I have clients unless its something like a facial. All my customers are very understanding that I need to answer the phone etc to take app's. It does go to an answerphone tho if necessary
Hi hun what about having a trainee ,i know it would take you afew weeks to show them how you'd like things done but you will have someone to answer the phone and meet and greet clients ,i have 2 and in our area there is a scheam called young recuratments so i get £50,00 aweek for each trainee ,there wadge is £100 per week
Could you contact your local colleges to see if they have any students needing a work placement? Just an idea as they are usually reasonably cheap labour (meant in the nicest possible way!) and it gives them some salon experience.
Over xmas/snow/flu majority of the staff couldnt make it to work and their was only two us that were ok. Nehoo managed to make it work, no doorbell as there is always someone to greet them but ppl were fine, just took their seats, no stealing or nething.

I would have some faith in your clients but get urself a camera nonetheless or wireless doorbell or even a computer attched web cam of who comes in. Just so you know your on the safe side. If you know its a potential client and your busy, simply say il be with you in a minute, while you finish with your client, or Actually excuse yourself if the phone rings, it might be interrupted but you'll find your flow! Alternatively you leave polite msg saying that im unavailable right now but if you take a seat and grab a price list il see you in 5 mins......

I personally wouldnt close the shop, what ive done on my price list is say clients are advised to make a firm booking as some treatments are subject to availability, walk in welcome on a first come first served basis. My walk-ins always know they have to wait, They never seem angry if a squeeze them in later! Hope your dilemma is sorted out! Good Luck! xoxo
If you close the salon with a sign on it most people would wait especially if they had a booking with you. I wouldn't just put be back in 5 mins as I wouldn't know when you put the sign up! If you were going to put a sign on the door I'd either put a time that you will be back or have a clock with hands that you can move so they can see the door will be open at say 4pm.

If you have a phone it is important to have an answer machine, people don't always leave messages but if they don't they will more than likely ring back. I change our answer machine if I think it's applicable, such as being off for a week.

Good luck
I'm a therapist and when I was training and this is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for to work in, A placement a couple of days a week I despreatly wanted a salon job so I was willing to volunteer for the training..sadly I never found one but they'll be someone in your area just like me! you could perhaps get two and rotate them for when you need
Personally i would see if you could rope some family or friends in for at least the first few weeks that way you can get a feel for when most people are making and booking appointments and this gives you a good chance to show people what you are about and what a good job you can do without the hassle of having to cut in to their treatment time to answer the phone, also bear in mind the busier you get the more people will be ringing/coming in the more time out of treatment time answering the phone etc, I think once you have a loyal client base then they will always come to you wether they have to wait outside or leave a message when you cant get to the phone but if you are new and people cant get hold of you they will just go somewhere else, I have had this problem before and it is a really tricky one...what you really need is a good friend that will help you for nothing or payment in treatments etc for a while... because its hard enough with paying rent etc...the last thing you need is to be paying out all your money to a receptionist.
This is just my opinion hope it helps :)
Jaimee x
Personally I would never ever ever answer a phone call when I'm with another client! The client I'm with is paying for my undivided attention, and that's what they get. I think taking a phone call in the middle of a treatment (No matter what treatment it is) is very unprofessional. Clients come to us to be relaxed, or to be pampered, and to feel special...

I've been in this situation at a couple of salons, being the only therapist there, no receptionist etc, and I've left the answerphone on, and a note on the door saying I will be out of treatment at 4pm (Or whatever time). Most of the time people who called left a message, and we would call them back as soon as possible. Both businesses thrived like this, and I'm sure yours will do too! Good Luck!
Hi im with Bombalurina, there are 2 of us at the moment and where possible we do try to stagger appointments so we can remain open, but occasionally we do get appointments that clash time wise so we do put a sign on our door stating we are with clients and when we will be open, we also have the answer machine.
There has only ever been 1 occasion when i have excused myself from my client to answer the phone and that was when i was waiting to here how my son was following him very badly breaking his arm at school (his dad was with him i might add) Otherwise i would not dream of interrupting a clients treatment they are paying for your service after all.
Personally I would never ever ever answer a phone call when I'm with another client! The client I'm with is paying for my undivided attention, and that's what they get. I think taking a phone call in the middle of a treatment (No matter what treatment it is) is very unprofessional. Clients come to us to be relaxed, or to be pampered, and to feel special...

I agree entirely. I work alone and put a sign on the door and would never dream of answering the phone, even if someone has just come in to have an eyebrow shape they're paying for my undivided attention. It might seem like a small treatment but that might be that persons one luxury a month. That aside, if you get enquiries etc mid treatment it makes it exceedingly difficult to stick to strict treatment times.
Hi, I have just opened a salon on my own; I have contacted the local salon and have got 2 girls on work experience; I have rented space out to a lady 3 days a week who does the false nails, and she is happy to answer the phone and deal with customers; and I have roped in my family to help - mum loves it as it gets her out meeting people (although she does rabbit on a bit a times !!)
Also have an ans phone;
To be honest I would be put off if there was a sign on the door saying to call back in 5 mins, the salon further up the road from me does that, which is great for my business!!

Good luck x
To be honest I would be put off if there was a sign on the door saying to call back in 5 mins, the salon further up the road from me does that, which is great for my business!!

Equally from a clients point of view, I'd be put off if the therapist kept disrupting my treatment, and thus the time I'm paying for with my own hard-earned cash, to deal with other people!

Being realistic, if you're just starting up you won't be busy so the door will mostly be open, and when you get to the point when you're so busy the door is mostly shut you won't be worried about the one or two people who are put off by the thought of having to phone for an appointment. Generally my door is shut pretty much all day, so my clients have been educated to book their next appointment before they leave, as a result I am always busy and never have a problem with disgruntled regulars.
WOW i don't manage to come on here for a few days and i get all these responses I LOVE IT! thank you all for the great feedback and advice, i have gone through it all and still just as bamboozled.
I think as the majority of you said to begin with i will not be extremely busy so it may not be such an issue , also i have a very eager mother who wants to chat to the clients i do already have constantly along with my boyfriends mother who appears to know everyone anyway- therefore i can use this to my advantage.
I am considering maybe to contact my local college and see if they would be willing to aid in having a few girls for work experience.

It is just a tricky one because if i was a client i would be annoyed if the shop was closed and i would have to wait and i would be equally annoyed if the therapise interrupted my treatment time to answer phone or see to a customer popping in or enquiring.

I think i may need to help of friends and family to begine with- like i said i'm not the biggest salon, actually quite small and cosey (which i like) but it has its downfalls being on my own i suppose.

Thanks for the views so far- any other opinions still appreciated! I will read through again and update my decision :) thanks all! x
i have my own salon and its tiny there is only me there to do my treatments too but when i only lock my door if i have a massage in because i dont want to break contact from my client, i leave a proffesional note on the door simply saying ' massage in progress please return soon' its clear for them to see.
I turn my phone to silent and also turn the landline to answerphone, i dont find this unprofessional if they really want something then they will call back and my answer machine message simply states that i am busy but to leave name and number and i will get back to them asap and i always do.
If ever i have a client in and im doing a treatment and the phone rings i appologise to my client before and after and they always always understand that im running a business, just be very polite about answering the phone and if someone walks in excuse yourself.
hope this helps

I know for a fact that we have had LOADS of walk ins and picked up loads of clients from the salon up the road as they put a sign on the door.

even if you personally arnt free to do the treatment they want at that time if you have someone that can make an appointment for them later in the day or whenever we have found we are able to Steal their clients.

it is a difficult one though while money is tight at the beginning but i had a work experience girl help out, we gave her training for free in return and once she qualified we took her on part time.

When I first started I was in the same position as you, at the beginning you may not be packed out so you will have time to work in reception.

I had an answering machine to take the messages while I was in treatments and for most treatments I would answer the door except for massage and facials where I would put a sign on the door window explaining I was in a treatment I can not come out from and I would be finished at '_____', and also gave my number to call if they were not able to return after that time. I made a sign on the computer and laminated it and used a felt pen to write the time on. All my clients understood and appreciate the fact they would not like me to keep leaving them during a relaxing treatment.

On Saturdays my sister would work on reception which really helped.

If your mum is so keen to get involved and you think she would do a good job I would bite her hand off !

I don't like either scenario. The idea of a therapist leaving me mid treatment leaves me cold. I occasionally have my eyebrows threaded at a brow salon and she runs the place on her own so has to answer phone & deal with clients as they come in. Her salon is literally one room with a reception and couch so a waiting client will be in there the same time you are having brows done, she does occasionally answer the phone and I found this seemed to affect her concentration. She still does a good job but if it wasn't for this I wouldn't go as I don't like the setting or the interruption.

I think the sign on the door is a better idea but what if a client arrives early or you run late ? Even if you tell people to arrive dead on there appointment time if there watch is 5 mins slow or late this is not going to work. Its probably me just being picky but I would be annoyed if I tried a salon door in a high street and it was locked and I just had to wait outside, Id just go elsewhere in future.

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