How nosey are you?


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I did about a year ago snoop on my OH's ex!!!
On Facebook and went by an accident and pressed friend request!
I had to shout my OH and tell him as didn't no what to do, luckily my daughter came home just at the moment so she sorted it!
I was mortified 😱
There are now three of us. I'm the same. I'm not a people person either. Nor a lover of children. Even my cat irritates me. I can tolerate my OH purely as I don't see him all day. I can work up to 9, grab some dinner, work on my lap top and sleep.

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Luckily my OH works away a lot.

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I would hate to make friends on holiday. I hate talking to strangers. Mr MM on the other hand would like to do nothing else. Then when he strikes up conversation with these strangers he usually gets foot in mouth and offends them with his snobbery. Thankfully "holiday friends" are very short lived. Usually an hour or two at most.

Hahaha brilliant. We never talk to other people. While travelling another couple joined us at a table. In the hostel gardenand we ran off and found a pub because we didn't want to hear about the rubbish life they left behind blah blah blah

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My nose bothers me a lot 😁 but I wouldn't nosey in people's cupboards at home. Just like I like knowing what's going on. I'm a bit of a curtain twitcher at home lol!
I'd love to open Mr MM's mail. It looks so much more interesting than mine. And it just sits there all week unopened!
I hate it when the man gets a text and he just ignores it.
He says 'if it was urgent they'd ring'
Grrr that's why it takes hours to answer me then
I did about a year ago snoop on my OH's ex!!!
On Facebook and went by an accident and pressed friend request!
I had to shout my OH and tell him as didn't no what to do, luckily my daughter came home just at the moment so she sorted it!
I was mortified 😱

Oh no, I've had a good nosey at my partners ex on FB but I've also been on the receiving end of this... Only she didn't realise she had done it to rectify it.
I didn't know if she was actually requesting me as a friend or what?!
I sent her an inbox saying 'I find it a little awkward you've sent me a request as I don't actually know you.' Ive seen her out with my ex so know who she is, just never spoke etc.

She admitted she had done it by mistake when looking at my profile.

Still not seen her since. Ha.

I get my ex husband on the 'people you may know' thing on Facebook.
No s*** Sherlock!
I'd like to snoop but I always have a feeling he would know somehow. More to the point I'd like to see details of the trollop he now lives with. The one that gives my youngest hell. One day I'll get her, it may take a while but I will plot revenge. It's not enough that she has to share his bed every night (although that's punishment enough, poor woman) :)
I get my ex husband on the 'people you may know' thing on Facebook.
No s*** Sherlock!
I'd like to snoop but I always have a feeling he would know somehow. More to the point I'd like to see details of the trollop he now lives with. The one that gives my youngest hell. One day I'll get her, it may take a while but I will plot revenge. It's not enough that she has to share his bed every night (although that's punishment enough, poor woman) :)

This is so funny!

Whenever I go on Facebook (which is probably once every 3 months) it's full of school mates who have either topped themselves or gone missing or died of cancer or suffer from depression. My ex is dead so no use looking him up.
I would be called a curtain twitcher :p
I'm very nosey but would never look in cupboards etc

My father in law was working at someone's house and had to move the wardrobe and a bag of 'goodies' fell out, thigh high PVC boots and all sorts, ha ha ha ha

I always say to my husband 'any news any gossip! ' and now my son has started asking people 'so, any news any gossip'

I love to know what's going on in the street and any dramas that are occurring, it's great!
Oh no, I've had a good nosey at my partners ex on FB but I've also been on the receiving end of this... Only she didn't realise she had done it to rectify it.
I didn't know if she was actually requesting me as a friend or what?!
I sent her an inbox saying 'I find it a little awkward you've sent me a request as I don't actually know you.' Ive seen her out with my ex so know who she is, just never spoke etc.

She admitted she had done it by mistake when looking at my profile.

Still not seen her since. Ha.


Ah no!!! I felt stupid I not only had to tell my OH but stupid as she will have got notification!
Ah no!!! I felt stupid I not only had to tell my OH but stupid as she will have got notification!

Hopefully if your daughter deleted the request (unless she was online at the time) she wouldn't have seen it :) xx
I'm not nosey in a online way, and I think going through people's things is really disrespectful but I am abit of a curtain twitcher. We've had a lot of bad stuff round here and if only I was looking out my window at the time, I may have saved someone's life. And also we have a elderly friend alone a few doors down so I keep an eye. But honestly i am nosey with who's out there and which commuter has left there car for a week in the only spot down the road lol.
A friend of mine is so nosey! You say about a friend and she'll look up what house prices are in there area, what the houses look like, what cars they have etc.
I google no show clients....often leads to their facebook page...interesting to see what they did rather than turn up fir my appointment lol
I google no show clients....often leads to their facebook page...interesting to see what they did rather than turn up fir my appointment lol

GENIUS!! Love it!!

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I'm definitely a curtain twitcher. I'm sitting here in bed feeling sorry for myself and two of my neighbours have just started to have a massive row in the middle of the street. I have a perfect view from where I am, it's better than Jeremy Kyle! :D

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