Well I dont know what is wrong with me, but I feel sick of doing nails. You give a client a lovely set of nails and even though you go back 3 weeks later and there is no lifting they still moan. Goodness knows why. I have clients who I do regualarly and never have to do any repairs, yet they still moan about the rate they grow, how they look messy when they need an infill (what the hek do they expect) and one even moaned about the cost (£25) every 3 weeks. If they were all dropping off or lifting I could understand it, but blimey theres nothing wrong or out of the ordionary. Am I being over sensitive here. Why cant people just say that they are lovely and they have loved them instead of moaning all the time.
I had a girl ring tonight who had her nails done 3 weeks ago to go on holiday. she says that they are too long to cope with (told her they would be), then says that she is back at work on Saturday and she wants them filling before she starts work ( its now Thursday night). She was really upset that she could not have them done tomorrow, but yet she would not rebook when I first did them. I cant possibly put her in tomorrow as I am booked up, so hence she is annnoyed.
Do you know what, I feel like giving this whole thing up and going back to working with old people. At least they are really grateful for everything you do for them. I really am sick of the whole thing. Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me.
I realise that this has been a really moany post, and Im sorry, but had to get it off my chest. Will go and have a few rum an blackcurrants and see if I feel any better in the morning.
I had a girl ring tonight who had her nails done 3 weeks ago to go on holiday. she says that they are too long to cope with (told her they would be), then says that she is back at work on Saturday and she wants them filling before she starts work ( its now Thursday night). She was really upset that she could not have them done tomorrow, but yet she would not rebook when I first did them. I cant possibly put her in tomorrow as I am booked up, so hence she is annnoyed.
Do you know what, I feel like giving this whole thing up and going back to working with old people. At least they are really grateful for everything you do for them. I really am sick of the whole thing. Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me.
I realise that this has been a really moany post, and Im sorry, but had to get it off my chest. Will go and have a few rum an blackcurrants and see if I feel any better in the morning.