Is 'Respect for your Elders' dead ?


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Lol perhapes I should start a geek awards ! Mucho respectas Victoriax x x x
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Yes I think it is dead. This saying always used to aggravate the hell out of me. Why is it respect your elders? You should have respect for everyone until someone gives you reason not to.
Most elderly people are damn right rude. My 7 year old has more manners than some of them do. You hold the door open and its like they expect you SHOULD be doing it so you don't deserve a thank you.
Respect defined thusly:

‘To repect those that exhibit and proclaim knowledge derived from experience that far supercedes your own’

So my question is, is respect for our elders as defined above ……………..dead.

I hope my initial response is to respect everyone (unless they really forfeit the right to my respect by their actions or behavior ) but according to the definition above I would say, judging by how people relate to me on this website (as an older, more experienced and knowledgeable nail geek :green:) that respect is NOT dead. Not entirely anyway.

There are always those who show an aggressive attitude when they don't like the advice they are given, and there are always some who 'have a go' at me to proclaim to the world how 'hard' they think they are; and you get a few who decide to 'have a bash' publicly instead of privately, when they read a tone in the written answer that isn't really there etc etc ................

It's an aggressive world today where the young are taught that being assertive involves being rude. I can be much more assertive using logic and intelligence than being rude.

Phones and computers don't help either ... much easier to be rude when one is not face to face with the other person. People are often very rude to those on the other end of the phone ..........

..... the computer is more remote and an even easier place to be rude AND peeps have an audience too!!! Great place to show all that you are not 'afraid' to take someone older and wiser down a peg or two (or try at any rate :green:).

My verdict on the respect thing here on the salon geek (as far as I am concerned anyway) is that the majority show me respect.
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Thanks Geeg, you have 'hit the nail right on the head'.
Posted via Mobile Device
I don't think its dead entirely, but def slacking. I'm kind of in the middle age wise, not that old and not that young. I was raised to be respectful of everyone, but especially my "elders". Some days at the end of the day you wonder where common decency and respect have gone as humanity seems cold and cruel.

Let's put grouchy old people into perspective for a bit, some it is just their personality and that has nothing to do with age does it? For some, put yourself in their shoes-for example my MIL has outlived all her childhood friends, her husband, two sons, and she only has one sibling left out of 7. I am in awe that she gets out of bed in the morning much less finds a way to be a wonderful mom and Granny.

I have a great deal of respect for a lot of people and age tends not to factor into it for me anymore. I have always been an "old soul" and figure I've been about 40 since I was 20, 50 since 30, etc. lol. So I show manners and offer respect and remember that even when its not returned, at the end of the day my karma is ok.
Posted via Mobile Device
I have for a long time looked at older folks and thought .. remember, Gigi, they have had a life ... successes and failures and tradgedies .. raised families and worked hard and survived; none of us knows their stories ... may we all hope to do as well.

I also would like to give praise for Anna's post above ... of course she is absolutely right and wise beyond her years ... she inspires me and makes me proud for the generation that comes behind mine.

I'll tell you another thing .. that Bagpuss is also a level headed and wise bird too ... always tries to see the other side and Sandi (valencianNails) is another one very fair minded the two of them ... sorry if I have left others out .. of course I have. But kudos where it is deserved .. I respect you all very much. :hug:
I'll tell you another thing .. that Bagpuss is also a level headed and wise bird too ... always tries to see the other side and Sandi (valencianNails) is another one very fair minded the two of them ... sorry if I have left others out .. of course I have. But kudos where it is deserved .. I respect you all very much. :hug:

They are indeed sweeties and each and every one of them brings a different quality and perspective to the table....

Naturalnails is always there doing the right thing whenever and as often as she can and truly epitomized the professionalism of this site :hug:...

London nails is someone whom ive not gotten to know but clearly is someone who knows her stuff and doesn't suffer fools gladly(its a German thing which I know only to well from my wife) :eek:

And of course Adele...what can we say about Adell...just one of those people that you don't even need to know to much but just..well sticks in your minds eye as someone "special":hug:

Valencian Nails is someone not to be messed with but has truly a heart of gold ..a hard outer crust but a mash mellow inside:hug: my kind of lady though ...lots of crap flying about but simply looks on the positive side of life always and always has a level headed and kind word to say to everyone...I know at times ive been down and she has sent me a PM and both cheered me up and helped me put perspective back into things :hug:

As for "the worker" well we dont know who the heck she/is.....LOL
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