I've done something really really stupid!!!


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Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Last week, me wax pot feel of the trolley, full tub of warm wax, wooden floor, took me ages to clean it up. Thank god that it was in my house and not on a clients carpet. So it got me thinking, would the insurance company pay out if it had of been a clients carpet?????

Well, yesterday, I was working in a gym, offering treatments and I had minx and I forgot my clamp for the lamp. So I, put the lamp on the floor and put the lamp itself over a case I had so I could heat the minx. I did the minx and at the end when she was showing everyone and turned the lamp up instead of off, when I had gone back to the lamp, It had burn't the carpet. I told the manager, and said your welcome to bill me for it, I explained what had happened and she said it's ok that you wouldn't notice and that it's only the kids room. I said if you change your mind, then just let me know.

I feel soooo stupid and really guilty.

How does this work with the insurnace???? would the insurance pay????


You should be covered but if it were me I would ring my insurance company for peace of mind.:hug:
Last week, me wax pot feel of the trolley, full tub of warm wax, wooden floor, took me ages to clean it up. Thank god that it was in my house and not on a clients carpet. So it got me thinking, would the insurance company pay out if it had of been a clients carpet?????

Well, yesterday, I was working in a gym, offering treatments and I had minx and I forgot my clamp for the lamp. So I, put the lamp on the floor and put the lamp itself over a case I had so I could heat the minx. I did the minx and at the end when she was showing everyone and turned the lamp up instead of off, when I had gone back to the lamp, It had burn't the carpet. I told the manager, and said your welcome to bill me for it, I explained what had happened and she said it's ok that you wouldn't notice and that it's only the kids room. I said if you change your mind, then just let me know.

I feel soooo stupid and really guilty.

How does this work with the insurnace???? would the insurance pay????



Take a look at the policy document sent to you when you joined your current insurance company, as this should outline what you are covered for. If you are still not sure, give them a call and ask for some clarification.
Hi this happened to me when i had just qualified.
I was working in a salon where the owner was quite excentric and she had this burgandy carpet that she loved and thought was the bees knees and i dropped a full tub of wax on it! i nearly died, but she was pleased because her insurance payed out and she got a new burgandy carpet for free! :lol:

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