Launch party...any suggestions??


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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
North Wales
Evenin all! new salon is well under the way...lots going on, furniture going in, certificates and posters going up...looking really great!

My launch party is on 11th June, and I'm just starting to put my plans together. Apart from the usual things that happen at parties (nibbles, champagne etc) I have Shellac and Minx demonstrations (I have another Geek coming to help me out with that one!).

I was just wondering if anyone has any other suggestions as to what I could do on the night? I'm hoping to give away goody bags (budget allowing), but I just thought I would see if anyone else has any ideas, or something that worked well at other launch parties?

Thanks guys!

C x
Dont know if I would do goody bags lol im tight like that lol I would maybe do a raffle with a few kick ass prize's
each person who makes/comes to an appointment in the following 2 weeks of your opening gets a ticket, they bring a mate they get 2 (and mate gets 1. so on...
after 2 weeks you do your prize draw.
or maybe for the instant gratifercation people...
Gift certificates/offer for people who make a futuer booking on the night.
you could get your ideas printed onto your flyer wicth is then the invite aswell .
Demos work well,wait until you have a small audience,and as you are a nail salon,demo a manicure ,or a pedicure ,tis the season,(shortish) on one hand/foot ,see the difference on the other,
and invite questions,comments , and encourage participation from the audience.Never fails, to get bookings.
Shellac on fingers,Minx on toes will be a big draw. Ask questions- find out what they want,and get bookings and take deposits!
I think something different to get people talking about your salon.

Have you thought of maybe having a theme for your salon? For instance the new movie "coco chanel" is being released on 11th June. or you could have a roman mythology theme with grapes, wine and canopies as 11th June was part of a celebraton week in which people celebrated the goddess Vesta.

Sounds extreme but you need to seperate yourself from other salons. I organised a James bond theme in my last job as a manager and it went really well. We had a red carper, hired a cocktail tender and had fancy canopies from m & S.

The sky is your limit. If your on a tight budget you can still be creative

hope this helps x x
Its good to read your opening up, well done..Im opening next Thursday!

I have the usual no messy canopies, sparkling fruit wine but Im offering a discount on bookings made in advance and im taking a non-refundable deposit on the more expensive treatments.

I hope to sell some items on the night and I will be popping in some samples for clients to try

No goody bags.....but welcome to use the testers for smell and consistency and of course on hand to answer any questions and I mean any questions. I find less is more

Good Luckx
maybe a great oportunity for some market research that relates directly to your could be clients...what about a prize draw that has a questionare that has to be filled in to qualify for the prize draw, and you could find out things like what the favorate treatments are, how often they usualy visit the a salon, what treatments they have occasionaly as a treat, from there you could tailor your special offers/ packages to attract more customers to come and keep coming, good luck, I am sure it will be great!!! xxxx
Discount vouchers? hand them out if they fill in a contact form?

have a fab time..... oh you will need tons of wine glasses. we went through loads of them.
Hi Tigi, what sort of questions would you put on the contact forms? Thanks
name address tel phone and DOB (for birthday discounts)

then list the treatments you do and ask them to tick (any or all) that they would like to be kept informed of.
Sorry to butt in on your actually quite glad u posted this, im opening my own beauty room in next couple of ive been trying to think of so ideas for my grand opening :)

May just have to pinch a few:lick:

Michelle x
Thank you Tigi for the contact form idea and thanks to Cerries for starting the thread. I'll try that too and I'm sure it will work. Cheers Ladies.
Thanks everyone for the great ideas! Loving the idea of contact forms - you're all right it really is a great opportunity for some market research...

I bought some champagne flutes from Asda yesterday - 30 glass ones for £10! Thought that was quite good value :0)

All I need now is a confidence boost...I am so nervous I cannot tell you.......

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