Minx just fell off in her bed?!


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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2010
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East Lothian
Hello all

Looking for some advice, I received a email from my clients daughter asking me to contact her mum regarding her minx.

So I called my client and she said they just feel off In her bed, she woke up an wondered where they were and found them in her bed.

So I offered to go up tonight and see them. She can't as she is going to her daughters, so I said what about tomorrow but she's going to the pictures! I have arranged to go up on wednesday night to see them but if they have been picked off then the glue will be off her nails by this time.

What do you think I should do? Was thinking just to replace the two that feel off.

Someone please let me now what you think

Thank you Hayley

Boutiques Mobile Beauty
Were they on her fingers or toes?
did every single one come off or just two?

sometimes we get people back with the smallest toe one missing.

did every single one come off or just two?

sometimes we get people back with the smallest toe one missing.

Just two, i do not know what two feel off, she had them done on friday but really wanted them for this weekend. do they fall off just after a couple of days thought?

Were they on her fingers or toes?

They were on her toes.

thank you for your replys

Best Wishes
Hayley x
Is this the first set of Minx you have applied then?

Of course it is not normal for Minx to fall off :lol: But if the small toenails are very tiny and loaded with cuticle (which they tend to be) it can happen. Depends on your experience of doing nails and removing built cuticle as to how well the nails were prepared. You say nothing of your experience so I don't know.

I would replace the missing 2 and be very careful of your prep and the whole routine of application.

If the little toenals are very very small I sometimes paint them instead of Minxing .. just the two .. with a complimentary colour. Most can't tell at all that you have done this as they are so small and just blend into the rest.
Generally if someone comes back with one falling off its the baby toes.

As Geeg says, painting the baby toe works a treat x
She had them done on friday but really wanted them for this weekend. do they fall off just after a couple of days though?

It sounds to me like she wanted them for the weekend and is now angling for her money back!

thank you for your replys, no this is not my first set i have done alot of minx application now and this has not happened to me before this is why i was asking as i would have thought i would have happened on my first few sets.

her small toe nails are actually relativley big this is why i cannot understand why the have fell off, i would have understood if her nails were tiny but they are they biggest small toes i have applied minx to so far!

Best Wishes
Has it perhaps ocurred to you that she may be lying and has picked them off?

If you are experienced, then stand your ground and tell her she has to pay for replacements. Ask her point blank what she did to them? That your work is good and that you can stand by your reputation. It really is a face off !! Not easy.
This was my first thought but as i had never happended before i wanted to ask just to see if other geeks had experienced this before and if she was at it and was trying to get her money back.

i will go up on wednesday and see what she has to say about it

thank you all for your help :hug:

Best Wishes
Hayley x
tight shoes can rub and this combined with hot feet (etc out dancing the night away) heats up the minx and it wrinkles up then perhaps she has either picked them off or been rubbing her feet in her sleep (I do this lol) if you put some scrub fresh on the the toes that the minx came off you will be able to see if she has picked! If you can dont be shy and tell her! lol hth xx
What aftercare advice did you give her?
I would ask her if she wore closed in shoes without socks of tights too.
Keep us posted on how Wednesday goes & what she says x:hug:x

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