Hello there
Dont feel or get yourself down too much hun.
I know exactly how you feel, I qualified in Holistic Therapies ( aromatherapy,Reflexology) 5 yrs ago and Beauty 3 yrs ago.
I got the same response from salons I even asked if they would take me on as work experience they never did, I paniked and thought all that time studying and the time and money I had spent for nothing at the end of it.
So I did mobile for 3 yrs after I qualified so I could keep up on experience and so everything id learnt was still fresh in my mind, ( we all have to start at the bottom )
After that I knew I was confident so I went for an interview last year and guess what even with the experience, they still would,nt take me on.
One question what was asked was how did you advertise yourself whilst you were mobile how confident are you..after about 45 mins into the interview she turned round and said.
You are exactly what im looking for but i,m scared that in 6 months you may take my clients LOL.
So never got the job, BUT there is a light at the end of every tunnel
Now I have my own business within a hairdressers only been there a short while but its going great so far.
So cheer up, hold your head up high, get yourself out there on your own, its not easy its damn hard,
I would,nt want to work in a salon anyway, you have to rush all your treatments, ( or feels like you do ) you are commision based
I,m a free spirit and like to do things my way on my own that way you hav,nt go anyone breathing down you
good luck
let me know how you get on :hug: