Scared to talk on Salon Geek


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I have been a member of this site for a looong time and I have to say that in the last 2 years or so it has definitely changed. Yes we still get good, helpful advice from the best in the industry but the general tone of the forum is much less friendly. I have gone from being a very active member to rarely posting now because I don't like it and I don't like the ensuing arguments and arrogance there is now, a lot of the old cameradery we had has gone which is such a shame for what should be a wonderful resource for us all.

There is still allot of camaraderie and genuine fab friendships but there are more cliques lol That is a different story.

For most of us who stick around to teach, there is allot of camaraderie. It is hard to be a part of that if one chooses not to visit and then says, things have changed. Of course they have; the site is always in a state of flux. How could it not be? People get too busy and move on ... twice a year there is a whole new bunch with every class enrolment. Always changing! Stick around and help!! I bet you could be an amazing help when all the questions about Shrinking Violet and Faith Lift start coming in. lol
I am a newbie and do more reading than posting but there is a recurring trend where newbies do not read or search for answers before posting, I can imagine how frustrating it would be to have to answer the same questions over and over and therefore totally understand how some of the posts may be interpreted as being mean or whatever, but if people read the sticky posts and read the rules of a forum, any forum, before posting, life would be so much happier :)

I have found the answers to every single question I have ever wanted to know so far just by searching or even using google with "salon geek" in my searches.

I bow down to my superiors lol thank you all for all your free advice ! :hug:
Last year in around January I was ready to throw in the towel with nails despite spending literally thousands of pounds in products and training.

One night I went on hear and poured out my heart as I had done several times before and to be truthful I expected to get stick for moaning again.

However what I got was a tonne of sympathy and an offer of free training from a lady called Tigi. I travelled to Wales and spent a day with her which helped no end.

I eventually went back to CND and have been training with them again ever since. Yep ok there are a few perhaps over zealous commenters on here but by far there are more gorgeous, helpful and talented people.

I don't know where I would be without salon geek. :hug: to each and every one of you xxxx
I totally agree...

And as you can see on this thread there is one person that's guilty of this every time someone posts something! I read posts and feel so sorry for some girls on here that are just generally asking for advise and then they get smacked down by certain people.

I have learned so much from this site and yes I was scared to begin with! I think some geeks don't deliver what they are saying very well. Their experience is invaluable and they can help so much, I am sure uneducated questions are slightly irritating, however I am also sure before they gained their experience they too asked questions alike! If questions are answered with more sensitivity or without an irritated undertone more respect would be offered for that experienced answer! newbies look up to the experienced and ask for help not an ignorant comment. Xx
When i first joined i did feel a bit nervous of posting but that has made me search for answers more (allbeit sometimes i forget :o) but i find that i have a question and i think "there is no way someone has asked that before" but if i do a search more often than not i find the answer.

There's a few geeks who've helped me out a lot (you know who I'm talking about Maz & Juicy Lucy :D) but also others and in particular Gigi (geeg) who has given me not only advice on nails but has personally given advice about my grandad (as well as some other geeks) which at the end of the day she didnt have to do but she took the time to and is very much appreciated x

So yes at the beginning it's hard but stick with it cos SG has been a great tool for me and has really helped me and it'll help you too.

:hug: to all the geeks XXX
i totally agree with you claire, i dont know where i would be without this forum it has helped me, inspired me and gave me the confidence i needed to put my dream into action, the advice is totally invaluable and i still find it so touching that people give their time up to reply

and i can honesty say i have learned way more on here than even on my college course and i look forward to logging as soon as i get up every morning :)
Is anyone else feeling the pressure that if they say or mention the wrong thing in this forum they are going to get shot down in flames. I just feel we are all striving to achieve the same goals why can't we be KIND and respectful of each other. Just because we don't know each other personally it does not mean we don't take things to heart. This is a well respected and needed forum to new and old nail techs and having your confidence blown on here, well it is a big blow. I'm probably going to get it in The neck for saying this now any way but from the few PM I have received lately I know others are feeling the same. My point is, I don't want to be a spectator here. I want to interact on the sight and not feel afraid. I am just saying. Please be kind and respectful with your replies. If you have any. Thanks.

I completely agree as you know. I feel there are way too many bitches & vicious responses sometimes when all anyone wants is some advice & help.

People should be free to train with/use products with who they want, yes some training companies/products are better than others but its a free choice. No one should be slated for what they choose or to be criticised in how they do things.

All we all want it to do the best we can for our customers (and for ourselves, we all want to be the best!).
I can't personally complain about anyone but I have seen some very underhand and down right bitchy comments. I understand that this is a professional sight but there's a way to get your point across without being rude. And I do have to admit that I hate having certain brands pushed all the time, its personal choice
I love this site !

I must do I've been here long enough!!
I have laughed and cried over different things on here, but most of all I have had amazing support from so many people on here, and most of them dont even know how much they have helped me through recent difficult times.

SG is a community with all that entails, we help out, fall out, make up and move on....and hopefully learn a lot along the way.

This thread may even be an example of that. ;)
I think of salon geek like a big massive salon. Some staff have loads of experience, some have none, some talk a good game, some quiet, some gobby!!!! What I mean is we aren't all going to get along but the least we can do is show each other some respect.
I post mainly in skin geek as I find it a bit more friendly over there, but yes there are so many newbies post the same questions again and again over there too.
But as I'm not a newbie I know that by simply using the search button they can get their answers. So I tell them that and wish them luck.
Certain things, when searched for will bring up 6 pages full of threads...well how's a newbie to sift through that lot? So when I have time I search for them and put a few suggested links for them.
It doesn't take 2 minutes and it saves them hours upon hours of going round in circles.

We have the ability to help, so lets do it!
The time it takes to tell someone their idea is ridiculous (being careful how I word this otherwise it will get quoted and thrown back at me) is also time we could use to gently steer them in the right direction.

Let's keep SG amazing, as it really is full of some very clever people who I utterly respect for being so talented.
Lets make sure it stays full of help, support and generally niceness :) all of the above
I must admit, I sometimes sit in awe at the amount of time fellow geeks take out of their day to post advice. I feel very proud to be part of a community that has such great, busy people who take time to really support others. I sometimes read posts and just think "I love this - this kindness, support, help". Keep up the good work geeks x
I completely agree as you know. I feel there are way too many bitches & vicious responses sometimes when all anyone wants is some advice & help.

People should be free to train with/use products with who they want, yes some training companies/products are better than others but its a free choice. No one should be slated for what they choose or to be criticised in how they do things.

All we all want it to do the best we can for our customers (and for ourselves, we all want to be the best!).

Do you know what I do, if a thread is getting too heated or there is a war of words I just move on and look at another thread and ignore that one........(the recent "Whats wrong with Bluesky" thread springs to mind)

I'm glad this thread hasnt decended into handbags at dawn :lol:

At the end of the day some humans are lovely others are not, thats life don't let it spoil your time on here x
I don't post much but am on here everyday but do a lot of searching and there is so much info here on SG !!!! I believe far to many people just post without searching as its quicker but then we end up reading the same question over and over and to be honest I can see why people get a little fed up. As for the geeks that put the hours in to make it work then we should be very grateful that we have a place we can come to 24hrs a day every day to seek advice and help or just a chat. Some of the most fantastic people in this industry come on here and give time and advice for free !!! I for one am grateful for any help and advice I can get 😄

I remember getting a heart from gigi (Greg) OMG I smiled for weeks lol
I totally agree ! I like coming here and looking things up but I get annoyed because of the arrogance of some of the people here !

Some of us are newly trained and have a Passion for nails but people are too quick to shoot us
down ! We all started somewhere so I feel some people should wind their necks in slightly !

That's my bit said.
I'm new and I love this ! Yes some seem to know more but that's a good thing ! I've learnt so much from reading here. We aren't all the same our clients aren't the same,celebrate the differences and respect to those who know more and have more experience. We can all learn from each other surely. X
I do feel the same. I also feel when ever I ask a question people assume I dont know what I am talking about thry dont take into consideration that I might just be looking for others opinions. Everyone is taught differantly and everyone adapts techniques when they start up. I now dont even bother to ask to be honest.

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Am sorry some of the geeks feel upset by some... we are all here to learn and be taught (even the most experienced can learn new things)
I am by no means experienced in anything, but I cant wait to start my beauty/nail career.... There are many nice people on here (i think myself as one of them.... I am also sorry if anything I may of said has offended anyone) but like anywhere in life... you will always get one or 2 who are in the minority and spoil it for others....
Keep Calm, and Keep Smiling :):)

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