Should I be worried?


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Sep 22, 2008
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Hi Geeks

I opened my salon back in May this year and have been quite quiet but things are picking up each month slowly.

However, I have no bookings yet for end of Novemeber or in December. Reading many of the threads of here a lot of people seem to be fully booked already, which is really putting the frighteners up me!

Is it normal to have no advance bookings by the end of October? I've been in the industry for years, but always working for somebody else, so this is the first time I've had to worry about anything like this!
I have only half a dozen bookings for December so far. Try not to fret, just make sure that your name is out there, don't skimp on marketing your salon and remember that lots of people are scared about the future. They'd rather not make decisions for 6 weeks hence; they'd rather wait to see what happens in the economy.
Hold your nerve!
Hey my salon dosent have that many bookings for nov or dec only a few but it depends on the salon our salon hardly ever has loads of bookings but we are pretty much always busy with people coming in it is very much a walk in salon which i still havent got the hang of coz have never worked in a salon like this but it seems to work and always seems busy!

Maybe people arent thinking that far in advance but nov dec time of year is nearly always busy manic infact!! x:hug:
My December is getting full.
I am getting all my regulars to book early as I tell them, and don;t want them to be disppointed if they can't get in. This is enough to get them in and booked. As they worry they might not be ale to have the app. they want.
I am also taking them over to January to ensure that they have their bookings after my little break.
They can't live without you remember............sell yourself and what you do!
Good luck xxxx
My salon also only has a handful of bookings for December, hang on in there, in a few weeks you won't know what's hit you! xx
I am starting to get booked up for December but that is mainly because for the last 6 weeks I have been advising regular clients to book their next 2 appointments in advance so they can get the appointment they want so if they have an xmas party, holiday etc they can have eyebrows, nails done day before etc.

With regards to new clients I have not had any book in for December I usually find they are last minute bookings & have never been to the salon before.

I would start planning a Christmas advertising campaign, to encourage clients to get treatments booked in, if they are new and booking far in advance I would be inclined to take a deposit even if it is just £5 as 9 times out of 10 when I have a last minute cancellation or no show it is a new client that has not been before.
We've got quite a few of our regulars booked in for December already as we're making sure they book up their next 2 or 3 appointments so they get a time to suit them.

I will have been open for 17 years next month so have been organising lots of promotional activities. I'm doing a 'winning weekend' on the local radio, whereby the presenters really plug the salon for 3 days. It's a lot cheaper than an actual ad campaign but still gets your business name mentioned loads of times. Will have to see how much business that generates as I've not done it before.

I'm also doing a 'reader offer' in the local newspaper which I have done lots of times before. Again it's cheaper than an actual advert & helps with getting bums on seats.

I've just finished my newsletter for November which has been posted out to lots of clients (better response rate than emails). I know that will generate lots of bookings.

Just some ideas.

It has been said though many a time on many a thread but here goes again. There's no point thinking 'poor l'il old me, I'm not very busy, what am I going to do :cry:' & just sit there waiting for the phone to ring, because it's not going to happen by willpower alone.

You have to get out there & be pro-active.

Sorry if that comes across as being a bit harsh but people seeming to feel sorry for themslves without doing any marketing is a real bug bear of mine.

Perhaps a read of this thread: will help
It has been said though many a time on many a thread but here goes again. There's no point thinking 'poor l'il old me, I'm not very busy, what am I going to do :cry:' & just sit there waiting for the phone to ring, because it's not going to happen by willpower alone.

You have to get out there & be pro-active.

Sorry if that comes across as being a bit harsh but people seeming to feel sorry for themslves without doing any marketing is a real bug bear of mine.
I couldn't agree more!
I've just spent the morning stuffing flyers into the village magazine. For 30 quid it goes to 1632 households in the village. I did this in August and it generated quite a bit of business, most of it regular now.
It's a common mistake that companies make - when times are tough you really cannot afford to not advertise and market your business. You need your name out there! It takes an average of 7 touch points before a transaction is made. In laymen's terms what that means is that someone sees your name 7 times before they actually book an appointment.
Get your website on the interweb on as many free ad sites as possible too!
Call all your clients and tell them it's a courtesy call to see how their skin/tan/hands/nails/feet are after their treatment. It gets your name in their head.
I've got my open evening coming up on Thursday, have been feeling a bit disheartened as some people have turned the invites down, but hey-ho more wine for me!!!!

Got some super prizes to win and I'm hoping that I sell some retail and some gift vouchers. I've emphasised that its a launch of my new skin and body range as well as an opportunity to buy retail.

just got the cava to buy and the glasses to book. eek!

got my 2 day product training on Wed and Thur so this will fire me up for generating interest too.

A dozen of my clients book 2 appointments in advance so I've got a few bookings for December.
November is getting booked up due to our salon having an open evening last thurs and doing promotions and introducing a new product range. But in the past it has been a quiet month. I'd definitely do some other kind of promotion this time next year - for the cost of a few bottles of wine and bucks fizz we have really generated extra business.

December's not so booked yet. I always find our clients leave it til nearer Christmas to make their bookings, perhaps they are concentrating on getting the Christmas shopping done first. . . ? but we always end up running around like mad ants for the two weeks prior to Christmas in the end.

And btw - has anyone noticed how many gift vouchers you end up selling right at the last minute ( eg Christmas Eve ) to MEN ? totally disorganised aren't they ?!

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