Slimming World-anyone else do it?


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I did think you'd been quiet Mrsblakemore...... it might not be as bad as you think.

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Haha I know, iv been off eating all the cakes and biscuits!! I am going to re join as I lost just over a stone before christmas and I have put some back on but I still needed to loose a stone so I'm back on it. All your weight loss is an inspiration
I go to our ladies of lincoln on the ermine 9.30 tues morning. The consultant Donna is fab.

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Other end of lincoln to me x

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Its weigh in tomorrow (this) morning. I will be surprised if i lost. Only 4lbs to go but it seems one meal not on plan and i gain or maintain. Surly this cant be normal im well within my syns every day. Getting a bit sad :(
Vicki x

Sent from my little corner of the universe
Im really struggling at the minute to stick to it :(
Im really struggling at the minute to stick to it :(

In what way? Are you always hungry? Sugar cravings? Starch cravings? Tell us.....we want to help. If we all stick together we can do this.

Since the beginning of Lent I have given up chocolate, crisps, biscuits and cakes. I've found that this really helps me as I eat normally otherwise. I don't even crave any of the above anymore. I think I've got over the addiction. I honestly wouldn't be bothered if I never ate another chocolate or crisp ever again. Never thought I'd ever say that. I think different things work for different people.

So I'm not strictly sticking to SW, I'm just doing it my way. Just getting weighed weekly is a good incentive to not be naughty and to then come on here and report back.
I'm just always hungry and always want to eat, food is constantly on my mind. Just a lapse I'm sure but it's hateful :( xx
I'm hungry too today. A cuppa soup seems to help sometimes. I've got some grapes saved for 9pm when I watch The Widower. Will have a cup of tea at 8pm.

I tend to eat small meals more often. As I constantly think about food I need to eat more frequently. A really light breakfast like yoghurt and a banana, some sushi at around 11am, a light lunch such as small jacket with tuna or an omelette, cuppa soup around 4pm, light tea around 6pm and then some fruit and a cup of tea in the evening. That way I don't have to wait too long for my next "fix".

Could this help you?
I'm just always hungry and always want to eat, food is constantly on my mind. Just a lapse I'm sure but it's hateful :( xx

Have you tried making the sw quiche or sw cheese scones or lasagne crisps (strictly speaking they're a 'tweak' but my consultant says if it stops you eating things you shouldn't why not). I always make these when I'm feeling hungry. Or a load of cooked meat & pickles help me. I agree with mobile manicure and I eat my meals plus snacks so I'm not hungry. Mugshots are also a great help. Fruit or veggies readily chopped up. Make a potato salad or pasta salad to pick at. You can do this hun. Xx

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Have you tried making the sw quiche or sw cheese scones or lasagne crisps (strictly speaking they're a 'tweak' but my consultant says if it stops you eating things you shouldn't why not). I always make these when I'm feeling hungry. Or a load of cooked meat & pickles help me. I agree with mobile manicure and I eat my meals plus snacks so I'm not hungry. Mugshots are also a great help. Fruit or veggies readily chopped up. Make a potato salad or pasta salad to pick at. You can do this hun. Xx

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I've made the sw cheese scones and they're not bad. I'm a great one for shoving herbs and spices into things and a huge fan of garlic. I also like their ideas for making sweet and stodgy stuff with weetabix and scanbran. Been messing around slightly and really need to be firm with myself this week.
Yes maybe I could try eating more often; will try tomorrow and see how it goes xx
I put 1/2lb on and I just don't know what's happening now. :(
Vicki x
Woohoo 1.5lb off - and thats with a night out. 3st 6lb off in total, 12.5lb to target. A friend of mine hit target last night having lost 6st 10lb & its really spurred me on.

Vicky - maybe amy is right and you have hit a plateau. Try writing a food diary for a week including absolutely everything - even drinks. If you find you eat tge same meals week in week out try some new things. Check portion sizes haven't crept up - mine had so I've been using a smaller plate or pasta bowl to eat from. Sometimes its something you haven't even thought of thats slowing you down.

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I seem to be a lot more on track today, thanks for the help :) x
Lost 4lbs this morning! :) 99.5lbs gone, 8.5lbs to go

Wow that's amazing!!! Keep going.

And today I've been naughty. I missed the meeting as had to do an extra treatment. I'll try and find a meeting somewhere for tomorrow just to weigh in.
I realise my view is unorthodox, but where I think a lot of people unwittingly go wrong with SW is on the so called 'Free' food. It isn't magic, it does count and it consists of calories. All foods, be they healthy extras, free food or syns comprise of them and filling up on their version of cheese scones/half syn cake etc etc all contributes towards your daily calorie intake!

No matter how we try to rationalise/hoodwink ourselves regarding what we eat, the more that goes into our mouths, the higher the total climbs. It isn't rocket science, it's calories in versus calories out at the end of the day. I use a lot of their ideas/swaps and they definitely help, but I know I need to keep a check on the calorie values if I want to see a downward shift on the scales.

There ain't no such thing as a 'Free' lunch and if we could have been more restrained with our intake in the first place, we wouldn't have excess poundage to lose now! Everything we consume, disregarding water, has the potential to derail our weight loss quest. :hug:
Yes Deena, very true. Telling me that I can eat unlimited pasta and boiled rice because it's a free food won't do me any good at all. We need to wear our sensible hats while following SW and in the back of our minds remember portion sizes and calorie numbers. I adopt the SW way of eating and incorporate with calorie counting.

If I really believed in "free" foods I'd have four big bowls of spaghetti marinara down my neck by lunchtime.
Lost 4lbs this morning! :) 99.5lbs gone, 8.5lbs to go

Well done Amy!!! Did you do anything different to achieve this fab loss?? I remained the same. I haven't been great and it's my own fault! Started walking again yesterday! Will be away for a couple of days next week so won't get going! I keep saying I will be better for the next time, but it just hasn't happened. Hope the rest of you are doing good!
Yes Deena, very true. Telling me that I can eat unlimited pasta and boiled rice because it's a free food won't do me any good at all. We need to wear our sensible hats while following SW and in the back of our minds remember portion sizes and calorie numbers. I adopt the SW way of eating and incorporate with calorie counting.

If I really believed in "free" foods I'd have four big bowls of spaghetti marinara down my neck by lunchtime.

On the SW site they give a sample 7 day menu and they'll say things like fill up on lashings of this and mounds of that, yet when you check their actual recipes their weights for pasta and spuds etc are actually quite restrained. Just a ploy to lure the unsuspecting and calorifically uneducated, I'm afraid.

I remember a woman at a meeting years ago explaining how 'Good' she'd been in resisting temptation. She desperately wanted a mars bar (approx 300 cals) but was virtuous and, instead, ate 15 (!!!) muller yogurts (approx 1500 cals) because they were 'Free' and she obviously didn't understand the maths. She was so chuffed with her tale of self restraint, but not so deleriously happy with her weight loss for that week. :grr:

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