So many room renting threads....


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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2003
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Formally Ireland now London
Fellow Geeks I just wanted to know why there are so many threads recently about room renters? It seems people are getting themselves into hot water that they really do not need to be in. I am seeing a definite lack of business acumen from both salon OWNERS and the renters. We are in BUSINESS you need to understand before you decide to go it alone! Now dont get me wrong I congratulate you who have done so and wish you all the best but in Business - especially during these times you need it ALL. Personality, skill and good business sense.
When deciding to rent you NEED:A contract that suits both you and your new boss
A fair price that reflects where you will be working and what you will be getting, as I said on another post if you are in bally-go-backwards, upstairs above a morgue then you shouldnt be paying £1000 per month
A PLAN - how will you promote yourself now your here, will the salon help you out, make a deasl with there clients to promote your services?
This is not even the tip of the iceberg but if you start a thread by asking how much to rent a room then you need more help than we can give!
The last point I will make is its not about how much rent you have to pay its about wether you can make it or not
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Totally agree hun, i made the biggest mistake of my life going into rented and at the min with the current market i certainly would not dream of it, unless i had a huge clientel, because it is just not as easy as people see. I thought i would make loads, but this takes time if not years and u need to have a good business mind and be offering a service like no other to compete in todays market .
The best decission i made was to work from home and i am now getting buisy. Clients are recommending others, i have paced the streets, doing the school fair, and i talk to everyone. I have not got the fear of my rent, but i still have my overheads. I hope that things just get better and better and just wished i had done this in the first place xxxxx:hug:
I couldn't agree more!!! When people have to ask such simple questions such as help me think of a name for my business, or how much should I charge, or how much rent should I pay I either think they are incredibly naiive or lazy (or both) and should stick with being employed as self employed needs more than just technical skills!!!

If you want to run your own business then get some business training behind you too.

Good thread!
I have to slightly disagree. I have had my salon now for over 3 years and doing well. I started off asking the simple questions, like how much others pay for their rooms etc. Also advice on my name. Surley thats what this site helps with. Who else are you going to talk to about it, that has first hand experience. I for one dont mind helpin those out who are just starting. Even the simplest of thing can give you sleepless nights. Peolpe are asking questions to 'try and understand' and a good question in my opinion is ' how much does it cost ?' Everyone needs a starting point surely.
Nope I agree you SHOULD find out the competitive rates etc, ask people's opinions on the name YOU have chosen etc, that's sound business sense. It's when people ask how much they should charge, what should they call their business etc, without any input at all from themselves. Like I say - it's either because they are lazy or just proves that they have no business acumen and should stay employed. JMHO
Is there an echo in here?!
Lordy, have I been shot down in flames for suggesting that people really need to have their businesses on a professional footing, and some of the ensuing private messages have been nothing short of abusive!
I have to slightly disagree. I have had my salon now for over 3 years and doing well. I started off asking the simple questions, like how much others pay for their rooms etc. Also advice on my name. Surley thats what this site helps with. Who else are you going to talk to about it, that has first hand experience. I for one dont mind helpin those out who are just starting. Even the simplest of thing can give you sleepless nights. Peolpe are asking questions to 'try and understand' and a good question in my opinion is ' how much does it cost ?' Everyone needs a starting point surely.
Im with you!! if people want help why not just give it to them?
Im with you!! if people want help why not just give it to them?

As a long standing member of this forum and one of the top posters I have given more help than most. However if people can't even be bothered to help themselves a little bit then I'm afriad neither can I. There is a difference between someone asking please help me decide between these two names as I just can't decide, and those who just say ask think of a name for me cos I can't think of anything at all.

But hey it's a free country and we can make our own choices AND our own opinions. However I suspect that those who help themselves and put in the effort will be in business a heck of a lot longer than those who don't. Again JMHO.

And Calla if you have been receiving abusive emails then let us Mods know as bullying on thie site will not be tolerated. Especially if it is just for expressing your own valid opinion. Or even better just ignore them.
I couldn't agree more!!! When people have to ask such simple questions such as help me think of a name for my business, or how much should I charge, or how much rent should I pay I either think they are incredibly naiive or lazy (or both) and should stick with being employed as self employed needs more than just technical skills!!!

If you want to run your own business then get some business training behind you too.

Good thread!

I agree and disagree. I think that in the current market that setting out with a room to rent is not the way forward. That allot of people opt for renting because mobile has not hit off and that they have not had much look on the work front, so think that by renting they will make a really good living. But on the other hand there is people that have been in the industry a while that have a good clientel and brill business mind and they work damn hard and achieve. I am not saying that by coming out of college can not find a job so rent does not always lead to success, because often people go from strength to strength.
It is so hard to say what is right what is wrong. But i do think that it is not as easy as people think, because i have been there, put up with the landlord being a day light robber and then thank god learnt a valued lesson and got out of there. But we all have to learn by mistakes.
I think in regards to names, some people are just really good at coming out with slogans and stuff and others are not, business minded or not, the little things are often harder.
I do think though you have a very valued point, its just it can be looked from so many different angles. I agree but then there is other things that say i don.t xx
I just think that maybe some new members don't have too much to go's certainly not an excuse but all of a sudden they feel thrown out by us who have maybe had experience to all to get the feel? NOT SO!!
Many of us have rented a room/salon and do understand what you are implying.
Renting has it's complications...but as does ANYTHING if you are self employed.
Read all the info you can on here and I hope it works for you....if it's not...ask more questions...we don't bite honest!!!!!
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I don't mind giving advice but I do think that there is quite a lot of UNHELPFUL advice given to geeks wanting to rent a room.

I find it particuarly annoying when someone is told the potential rent is to high when they either have never rented a room, have no idea of business rent, rates etc etc. Some therapists do have a very low rent (say £50 a week) but is their salon kitted out to rival Champneys or located in the equivalant to Mayfair ? errrrr no probably not. Its about getting the FACTS before telling someone the rent is far to high. What area is the salon in, high street ? rundown area of town ? Village ? The list goes on.............. I don't see anyone complaining about rent being to low !!!! I know therapists that pay £250 a WEEK for a room but they make between £500 - £1000 per week so I don't think thats bad going.

Its very easy to think that being self employed and renting a room is a potential goldmine but in reality if you haven't got even half a business brain you won't get very far. I know that sounds harsh but its a harsh world, most of the best advice on here is given by geeks with very successful business that have years of experience but is often overlooked by the original poster as its not what they want to hear.
i have to say i completely disagree, i for one have always been self employed ever since i was 17 and would never ever go employed just to get into the industry, i enjoy the flexibility and versitality and being my own. And of course i have enquired to other geeks about the price of renting rooms, does'nt mean i'm going to go and rent one the next day, just abit of info, i mean that's what the net is for isn't it.
A friend of mine once written a thread about which cleansing product was better, does that make her none business minded for enquiring about products for her up and well going salon.
As i see it people are just keeping there options open and taking in all factors, and if people can't ask for advice for getting started into the industry or even their up and running business, then what is the purpose of salon geek.
As i see it people are just keeping there options open and taking in all factors, and if people can't ask for advice for getting started into the industry or even their up and running business, then what is the purpose of salon geek.
I don't think the problem is to do with people asking advice, it's they expect others to have all the answers for them, and don't do any research for themselves.
Whether mobile, home based, renting a room or renting out a room, there is money to be made, just so long as the person is focussed on what they are doing. I personally started out employed to get experience of how businesses were ran & to learn from other seasoned therapists, then I went self-employed on a % basis and now I have a lease on my own premises & also rent it out to a chiropractor & podiatrist.

I agree that rent cost greatly varies, even along the same road, let alone from area to area; there are so many variables that make a property worth more.

I think one of the major problems is people don't realise how much effort & perserverance it takes to build a business & so look to blame the location, the credit crunch, the business in the same premises not doing enough to promote you (honestly?!) & various other extrinsic factors when the truth is they haven't given it enough time & effort. Rome wasn't built in a day as my nan always says! If you don't want to give your life to it, don't bother in the first place, go employed!
I have to slightly disagree. I have had my salon now for over 3 years and doing well. I started off asking the simple questions, like how much others pay for their rooms etc. Also advice on my name. Surley thats what this site helps with. Who else are you going to talk to about it, that has first hand experience. I for one dont mind helpin those out who are just starting. Even the simplest of thing can give you sleepless nights. Peolpe are asking questions to 'try and understand' and a good question in my opinion is ' how much does it cost ?' Everyone needs a starting point surely.
I agree with Buttons too. If you are doing this by yourself, you haven't got the benefit of asking staff to help you make a decision. I work solo, and I value coming on here and treating geek like a staff room. I am also slightly indecisive, so its great to get a few opinions on something.
When you are in the middle of a situation, its really difficult to see what needs to be done. when someone comes on and gives a simple answer, sometimes it makes perfect sense and you KNEW the answer all along, but its great to have a second, third or fourth opinion.

Regarding logos, its really difficult to make a decision between one or two. I emailed my friends and family to choose mine (which is my avatar).

When it comes to running a biz, its difficult at first to realise that you wear many different hats, not just a therapist, but a manager, retail expert, accountant, marketing expert, laundry, cleaner, banker, decision maker, buyer, etc, etc, etc. so, it is invaluable to come on here and check that prices are relative.
Hi I agree with a lot that has been said although I think those going to rent not only should look at location, rent, contract or lack of one and the owners of the property but whether they have the finance behind them to get the business off the ground. I have tried several times in my younger years and they all were negative experiences mainly due to unscrupulous owners. I should have insisted on a proper agreements.

The other thing I always note that therapists think just because a hair salon is busy then a beauty room will also be. It is a different animal (I have worked in both trades). Yes it is a positive but it does not mean you will automaticlly have instant clients!

Qualifying is the easy part - building a business is where is really takes commitment.
I have to be totally honest here , I asked about renting a room, what was typical pricing etc. why? well, because although i am a qualified marketeer (and a good one) one thing i have always told my clients is to ask ask ask and then ask some more!

you see, you ladies have a wealth of knowledge, if you put it all together it probably stretch around the world 15 times, its priceless and extremely valuable. when someone places a thread asking your opinion, advice etc then what they are saying, "is hi!, I am new and I am coming to you because I know I will get good advice, you are more knowledgable than me and Id like your help".

I agree that some people are more able to manage financial, legal and other areas of business, but I have worked with clever people, people who are capable of earning more money than i have ever seen in my life, yet they come to me because they cant think of a business name. its just not what they are good at.

I am changing career by becoming a beauty therapist , I am leaving a job behind (sort of, still doing 30 hours a week!) to follow my dream and to give my children a better mum, a mum that doesnt have to leave them for days on end.

Yes I agree with an awful lot of what has been said here, spoon feeding is not the answer, doing it all for us is not the answer, but we value your advice, starting up in business is scary and complicated and leaves us lying awake at night ( I personally have lain awake many a night thinking about which nail varnish to give to my client, DOH). we look up to you and your business and we are in awe of what you have all acheived, we want to be like you.

and that is why we ask such questions sometimes, please forgive us if we ask things make you tear your hair out, we are not trying to drive you all to distraction and you can tell me ANYTIME if I post a thread that makes you want to give me a chinese burn

Tigi I replied to your thread and think its perfectly normal to ask questions and I hope we all offer good advice to others, what I have seen lately is a surge in room renting questions when people should know some basics about what they are going into. not many post start "renting a room in london how much?" which is specific unlike "how long is a piece of string?"
I have room rented, table rented, been employed, on commision and now employ I hope my replies are berneficial to the enquierer but i wanted to say a few words about the BASICs needed before opening as I do honestly feel its quicker for people to ask than it is to do a search and trawl through the information posted over the several years this site has been in operation.

The point of this thread will hopefully show that something like room renting allows you to have your own micro business warts and all, and I hope all that do or are renting have it on their own terms.

I will always answer and help as many geeks out as possible tho please people USE THE SEARCH BUTTON! :lol: as many have asked before you
Red- yes your advice was brilliant, and really helpful. I am glad for geeks like yourselves, your knowledge is amazing and I wouldnt have got to where I am in my training and setting up in business without all your help. I was just trying to say that as a novice we are grateful for your advice, we dont mean to be annoying and you are far far nicer than the search button!! (which, by the way, has taken me three weeks to find!)

Anyway was trying to say that am awe of you all and can only hope I will be as knowledgable as you guys one day and am sooooooooooooo glad you are here until I am.


*holds arm out for the chinese burn*



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