Spray Tan Disaster


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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Hi, I'm a fellow spray-tanner but find it a nightmare to spray myself and didn't wanna faff around tanning myself with a mitt so thought I'd go to a salon and have a spray tan.
Everything was good, I checked the tan when she finished and it was perfect, really even and a nice shade.
I chose a 12% as I'm dark haired and I like to have a dark tan.
Anyway, throughout the day, my hands got progressively darker, darker than my body.
When I had my "rinse" in the shower, the colour was gorgeous except for my hands. They were at least 5 shades darker than the rest of my body.
Anyway, I received a voucher from the salon as I complained.
But just wondering, if anyone has any secrets on fake tan remover? I know lemon juice and whitening toothpaste is meant to work, but do they really? Or are they just old wives tales?
I have tried exfoliating with some mitts but it's well and truly stuck!
Any tips appreciated.
Thanks :)
Hi hun,

Sorry to hear about your hands! I wonder why this was???

Here is a recipe I found on here. It's for your whole body but you could use it just on your hands.

1. Make up a little concoction of diluted lemon juice (fresh) and pineapple juice (fresh) and slather all over my body. The fruit acids and bromelain act as natural chemical exfoliants.
2. Then slather olive oil all over your body and wait for 20 mins (eat some left over pineapple whilst your waiting!) for its softening effects to work.
3. Jump in the shower, wet a sisal mit (although, in this case, a nice scrubby flannel can work better in some areas) and scrub!

Hope this helps!

Let us know how you get on :hug:

Sarah. x
I don't know? I'd love to know why lol. Maybe I'm just weird lol.

Thanks for the recipe :D

Laura x
Sometimes, the hands tend to be a lot drier that the rest of the body so will soak up DHA like a sponge which is why they will go dark brown if they have been sprayed too much.

Holding the spray gun slightly further away and giving the hands a light misting will prevent this from happening. If the hands are very dry, then a small amount of moisturiser applied before the tan will prevent them from absorbing too much DHA and stop them from going too dark.

Lemon Juice and Salt mixed up to make an exfoliator is supposed to work. My ex boyfriend used fake tan (lol) and this worked on him. Hth x
Lemon Juice and Salt mixed up to make an exfoliator is supposed to work. My ex boyfriend used fake tan (lol) and this worked on him. Hth x

You could also get a pineapple and slice and rub which will also strip a tan but dont swallow the pips and watch out for the pricks...or baby oil.

Talking of pricks.... how come he is an x boyfriend then :eek:
did she use an oil free barrier spray/cream? I forgot to put it on my hands once (put in on other dry bit edjit! lol) and my hands were way darker :eek: As I had bn tanning for years as a non pro n if I'd run outta gloves I'd just scrub them with washing powder or bleach lol but the lemon juice recipe sounds a way btr idea lol xx
hi fluffy, i was taught to put barrier cream on hands and feet as they are drier than the rest of the body. I live in Chester le Street and would be happy to do a swap tan session if you like. my hubby usually does me but i dont know what i would do if i didnt have him. i begrudge having to pay for it lol so if you want a spray tan, give me a shout. where abouts are you?
Why not go somewhere that is good at spray tanning:idea: I never spray hands or feet as I do body, always adjust my gun accordingly and mist,,hate dark feet
Why not go somewhere that is good at spray tanning:idea: I never spray hands or feet as I do body, always adjust my gun accordingly and mist,,hate dark feet

Quite agree Katie, alot of it is down to mediocre technique and although I'm new to spray tanning (used to spray cars though! lol) you can tell when someone has just been blindly spraying with the needle fully back over every inch of the body, instead of using a bit of common sense and easing off the trigger and just misting on the sensitive areas. It gives a much more realistic result imo. Hopefully, being a male in a female dominated industry I'm hoping that my attention to detail and previous experience with a gun will stand me in good stead!
The reason your hands were a darker color is because our hands are normally dryer than the rest of our body, so they soak up more of the solution. The next time you get a spray tan, ask for a barrier cream. Apply liberally to your hands and feet and just wipe off when the session is done. I hope this helps!

Sun Tan City
Let yourself shine
Sunless Tanning & Sun Tanning by Sun Tan City
Why not go somewhere that is good at spray tanning:idea: I never spray hands or feet as I do body, always adjust my gun accordingly and mist,,hate dark feet

Well yeah obviously! If I had known they weren't good then I wouldn't have gone there would I? :irked:
Thanks for the people that posted nice replies :) and she did apply barrier cream but, they still went darker. Never mind. Will not go again!

KizzyCat, will send you a message :) xxx
Kizzy dont get so uptight, we are all just posting replies to help. I was mearly stating that it would be a good idea to go to a salon with a good rep as prev post are saying try this do that etc, I just find a good tech as the solution helps but its more the techs routine spraying method that counts, kinda like workman blaming his tools scenario:):)

Kate xx
Kizzy dont get so uptight, we are all just posting replies to help. I was mearly stating that it would be a good idea to go to a salon with a good rep as prev post are saying try this do that etc, I just find a good tech as the solution helps but its more the techs routine spraying method that counts, kinda like workman blaming his tools scenario:):)

Kate xx

Fair enough, maybe what you typed just came across wrong?

They do have a good rep, which is why I was so surprised. But I will not be using them in the future.

Thanks for the reply :) xx
I dont wear gloves while spray tanning (I am mixed race so it doesnt generally show) or wear them wen im filling the gun lol due to laziness i suppose and when Ive spilt a little on me ive used nail varnish remover seems to work (or atleast it gets alot lighter) but wash it off after and moisturise the hands really well!
I hope that helps :lol:
sorry kizzy I meant fluffy dreams :cry::cry:
Why not go somewhere that is good at spray tanning:idea:

I was uptight because I found this quite rude. Especially with the "Idea" smilie next to it. However, as i said this could have been misconstrued.

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