Swimming = ingrown hairs?? waxing help!


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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Brentwood, Essex
Hi all,

I'm looking for some advice. One of my regulars for bikini waxing started swimming about six months ago and immediately there was about 60% increase in the number of ingrown hairs that she got. She stopped swimming, and the ingrowns went back down to minimal levels (she's prone to them), and then she's just been for her waxing and has started swimming again and yet again the ingrowns are through the roof (in addition to excema to boot).

I can obviously pin it down to the chlorine, but she says that she's using the chlorine removal shampoo all over and cleanses her skin as thoroughly as she can. She exfoliates once a week and moisturises every day. I've recommended increasing the exfoliating to twice a week, but I don't think that's going to have a huge effect.

Can anyone suggest anything? I'm at a loss as to what else to suggest... :eek:
Thanks for reading!!! xx
scuba diving suit lol!!! actually that will cause them too!!!

Has she been to her doc? Did she suffer from ingrown hairs when she shaved?

Has she used an ingrown hair prohibitor? Where does she get the little blighters? is it anywhere where theres friction?

Does she swim straight after waxing? Waiting 24 hours may help (although I'm sure you've advised her of this already.:hug: Also maybe the costume is rubbing on the area.

You say she is suffering from eczema too is this in the bikini area too?
hi all,

yep, she leaves it at least 24 hours after waxing, and has been having her biking line waxed with me for last 3 years and has learnt not to shave.
The ingrowns are on her mons, so could be irritated by clothes and undewear. Have previously given her an ingrown terminator moisturiser which is having little or no effect. Her excema is all over her body, but also includes her bikini area too, which is avoided during waxing. She sees her doc regularly about her excema, and has had skin problems for a number of years.

I think I might refer her to her GP about them anyway, as they're a little concerning. Always best to err on the side of caution.
Her skin is being dried out by the chlorine and she needs to moisturise. Are you sure she isn't going swimming within 24hrs of her waxing session?
Maybe she needs to put a barrier between her skin and the pool water, maybe rubbing vaseline or zinc cream into the area before swimming. Just a suggestion have no idea whether it might work or not.
Gillian, that is actually a really good idea. The client should also use pumice gloves every day with bath gel, never bar soap. She needs more than weekly exfoliation. But some kind of truly waterproof application first may help with the condition.
This is fabulous! thanks everyone for your replies!
Kim: she says that she doesn't as have asked her on a few occasions but as with any client, you never really know for sure.
As for the feedback from Gill and Lori - this really is fab. I will suggest possible use of a barrier cream to her and i'll order in some pumice gloves to get her to use them.

Thanks again everyone!!

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