Hi Geeks
Just wondering what kind of talent we have on this site
Some feed back requested from all funny or clever
We can have a vote and see who we think is the geek with all the brains
What training work related industry have you had(b4/after beauty))
what musical instruments do you play
what part time jobs do u do(police/goverment/retail/factory/food/entertainers/dancers/teachers etc)
What are your hobbies(skiing/jogging/keep fit/motor car racing etc)
Are you a club entertainer or do u just entertain when drunk?
What are u real good at?
hope you get the idea...lets have it geeks
Just wondering what kind of talent we have on this site
Some feed back requested from all funny or clever
We can have a vote and see who we think is the geek with all the brains
What training work related industry have you had(b4/after beauty))
what musical instruments do you play
what part time jobs do u do(police/goverment/retail/factory/food/entertainers/dancers/teachers etc)
What are your hobbies(skiing/jogging/keep fit/motor car racing etc)
Are you a club entertainer or do u just entertain when drunk?
What are u real good at?
hope you get the idea...lets have it geeks