Tan problems on tops of legs???


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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2009
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Hi there. I've been tanning now for eight months and feel fairly confident with positive results. I sprayed a lady last week and returned tonight to do a respray before her holiday. It's a bit of a mystery but she said last time she tanned really well all over with the exception of the tops of her legs. She has had tans before and never had this problem before. She did have a little self tan still on her body and had used dove shower gel however the rest of the tan was perfect so if either of these were the reason I would have thought there would have been problems elsewhere. Also, when I sprayed her tonight the tops of her legs did look lighter, even under the colour guide. She used simple this time to shower in. I resprayed the area and will contact her tomorrow but would really appreciate any advice incase the same problem happens and she goes away on hols with white top legs:o. Thanks very much :D
Any suggestions pleeeeeeeeese??? I've texted the lady and she says the same thing has happened just to the tops of her legs again after washing the colour guide off this morning. She's really nice, honest and said not to worry so I know she's not trying to take the michael. She's not on any medication and followed the regime to the letter this time. Really appreciate any advice as she is a new client and would be a regular one. It's got me very confused this one:confused: Many thanks :hug:
Ohhh that's interesting, firstly I would have said step away from the dove. But as she has used something else this time it can't be that!

What is she wearing after the tan? Anything tight on the top of the legs?

Could it be vitiligo? Probably not but worth throwing in.

Is she going to bed in the tan and rubbing it off I. Her sleep with her hands or the covers?

Are you standing too far away when doing her legs?

A few things there to get you thinking!
Ohhh that's interesting, firstly I would have said step away from the dove. But as she has used something else this time it can't be that!

What is she wearing after the tan? Anything tight on the top of the legs?

Could it be vitiligo? Probably not but worth throwing in.

Is she going to bed in the tan and rubbing it off I. Her sleep with her hands or the covers?

Are you standing too far away when doing her legs?

A few things there to get you thinking!

Thanks very much tiggi for your reply, I'm open to all ideas. Thought about your questions and:

After the tan she just wears a loose long top.
If it was vitiligo I guess this would have shown up on previous tans she's had and she had been using self tan before booking me and not noticed it then.
Rubbing it off at night is a possible option but once again wonder why this is just happening with my tan and also to happen both times seems like a bit too much of a coincidence.
Pretty confident about the distance I spray and have never had this problem before, I even sprayed her legs twice just to be sure to no avail.

Thanks again, any other ideas appreciated :D

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