Maybe hit in the head, certainly not fall off.
As we know the task and time for removing nails can be tedious.
I have never observed a nail enhancement fall off.
Maybe there is a group with cameras to record clients with nail fall off syndrome.
I recall a fall off situation where a client was claiming that her nails fell off in bed when she was asleep. I encourged her to come back so I could see her fall off nail situation.
They had been attacked on the sides with bits missing,chewed, just like they would look if they had been mini midnight snacks. The story changed when she admitted her fingers would find their way into her mouth when she would sleep. I encourged her to seek medical advice, YA never know what else may find its way into her mouth only when she was sleeping, of course.... She suddenly stopped having fall off nail syndrome.
Sorry to offend, It's in the past...