TPTW How to keep yourself motivated


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Chatty geek
Jul 10, 2006
Reaction score
Horsham West Sussex
There are many of us on here who work alone, either at home or mobile.

I can plod along happily for ages and then for various reasons (at the moment the economic climate) I lose hard won clients and take two steps backwards.

It is hard at the moment to stay positive and motivated - what do you all do ?
I know what you mean Adele, you think, "oh this is a client for life" then bam they are gone! This had happened to me a couple of times but one of them has come back. It does knock you sideways and I used to take it personally and in fact I defy anyone not to, but if you can offer a full service menu then you often find that your client realises that the grass isn't always greener on the other side(especially if they have gone to get their nails done cheaper elsewhere)

It is also the case when a client can no longer afford to have their nails done all the time, I still find they come back when they need them doing for a special occassion or holiday etc.

To answer your question, I keep myself motivated through my other clients, this site and training etc., and often realise it's not just me in that situation.
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I totally see where you are coming from and it can be an up hill struggle sometimes.

I keep motivated by researching on the internet, coming onto forums such as this chatting to like minded people, going on courses when I can afford and generally trying to soak in as much information I can take.

The motivation for me is the thrill of learning a new skill and then implementing my skill on my clients ... I just love my job.

Thankfully I am not in a position where I have to make ends meet with the salon ... my husband is the main sourse of income at the moment and I think this takes off a lot of pressure. He is supportive and this currently allows me to enjoy the salon without the pressures of the economic climate dictating my every move.
I don't do paying clients yet but to keep myself motivated and keep practicing... I always come on here and people give me the confidence boost to stick with it, and (however bad this sounds) reading about other people's mistakes/mess up's makes it seem that bit easier and looking in the scratch mag and realising that one day I will be as good as those people in there (with lots of practice/experience).
If you love what you do you are keen to get up early in the morning because you want to get rocking....however if it doesnt go according to plan and you have quiet days it can be very demoralising and even make you doubt your abilities and way forward.

I think if your customers are happy with what you are doing they will stay or come back - sometimes they are just having a rough time, might be busy or have other things in their life so they dont worry about their nails or tan etc. They might even think someone else might offer a better service - but experience shows they all come back sooner or later.... :O)))

But on those days it is very hard to motivate yourself to get out of bed and get to work/salon or work from home because you ask yourself "what for"?

But if you like what you are doing sometimes these days work out for the better because you dont want to be in an office or maybe working for someone else and you think of things that you could do to get busy - maybe a mailing, some internet research or just a chat with other people in the same situation and in no time you have the bug again and start rocking again, wanting to change and improve things and success will follow :O)))
I work in teams... a tech team, and an office team, so luckily I am never alone... but for some other reasons I go throu up and downs regularly...

so what I do is training! lol. my boss knows what brings me back up so I go anywhere to train with anyone I want, once or so a month... it really helps, for my skills, confidence, and these Master techs are so passionnate that it really is a blessing to spend a couple of days with them
I find I motivate myself by going on a course, meeting other people in the same kind of business. I think at the moment money is an issue with many people (thats what I'm finding anyway) but I am sure they will return when they have more disposable income but it's disheartening to win a client and then lose them. Have you tried e-mailing /posting a reminder of your services I find this can work too. HTH
Sometimes it's all I can do to crawl from my pit in the mornings. :) I find it difficult as I don't have many regular clients but once I finish a treatment and have a happy client (and have the money in my hand!) I'm motivated to go on.

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