Underarm waxing disaster


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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2011
Reaction score
Tonbridge kent
Omg I had the underarm wax from hell this morning :(

I done everything like I normally do, but the hairs just wouldnt come out.
I had to resort to tweezering the left hairs in the end.
Feel so dishartend, I dont like waxing as it is, this has really put me off.

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Aww, hope it hasn't put you off!
Were the hairs very short? What kind of wax did you use? Also how did you prep the area?
I bet she'd shaved. You should use hot wax if they've been shaving. Nightmare for you.
Underarm hair for some clients can be a nightmare.if it's if it's too short it doesn't grip if it's too long you don't always get the hair coated in wax, if they are wet or if they have been shaving the hair then it's much tougher. I find non strip wax with a little pre wax oil grips and works best although for clients with very fine and little underarm hair I have used strip wax at times.
She had been shaving, the hairs were thick and long.

I was using strip wax, as I normally do and a cleansed with pre wax cleanser then a very tiny bit of powder, I usually use a dab of oil, no idea why I used powder this time, I haven't used it for years.

The hairs just wouldnt budge:(

I may make the move to hot wax after this.

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It's good to have both available and if the hair is like this sometimes it works just to do very, very narrow strips too. With some underarms you have to try different methods really but once you have mastered that particular client then they will love you forever! :wink2:
They were probably too long.
I do think they may have been a little bit to long, she has booked back in and would for another underarm wax in a few weeks so I couldnt have done as badly as I thought I had.

Hopefully now she has decided to stop shaving and just get waxed it should be easier :/ well heres hoping anyway.

I really wanted to push my waxing treatments, but this has knocked my confidence a little bit. Thanks for all your replys xxx

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You have to be the boss in your own waxing room. Educate your clients that to get the best and longer lasting results, they can't come back sooner than 3wks from shaving or 4wks from waxing.
I do think they may have been a little bit to long, she has booked back in and would for another underarm wax in a few weeks so I couldnt have done as badly as I thought I had.

Hopefully now she has decided to stop shaving and just get waxed it should be easier :/ well heres hoping anyway.

I really wanted to push my waxing treatments, but this has knocked my confidence a little bit. Thanks for all your replys xxx

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I struggled for years with waxing. It's definitely a case of persevering and getting as much advice as you can. The great advantage of waxing is the huge profit margin so I gritted my teeth and carried on.

You might not have done a perfect job but the client is probably impressed that you actually cared that you hadn't done it perfectly which would explain why she has re booked. Keep it up. I find most clients are very forgiving if you nurture them a bit.

Good luck x

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