A first attempt


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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2003
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I want to post this pics of Tamm`s (Mani-fique) first ever attempt at L&P.
She is a sufferer of ME and has done incredibly well to survive the Foundation course with Creative and the homework that goes with it.
I experienced first hand just how tired she was and how low it made her but didn`t want to play on her illness and give excuses for not doing the homework.
Well she survived it, and I for one think she has done a brilliant job for her first attempt and want to share it with you in the hopes that you can give her some badly needed positive input. I feel it will give her confidence the boost she so very much needs and let her know she CAN do it and WILL do brilliant nails one day very soon.


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Tamm sawasdee ka

I very very happy you do foundation course b4 i think maybe you worry and i know you want too much and now see you have and do nail and i know you happy same and every body happy for you for sure .

Mui from Thailand
Well done Tamm,
These are lovely Tamm, Well done :)
I know it is a struggle for all us techs that have longterm illness, But to be able to show the world that we wont quit is everything. :)
Keep up the good work.
Good work Tammy,

If this is your first attempt at L & P while being tired you're well on your way hun, no question about it. I wouldn't hesitate having my nails done by you. :)

Do go on!

Wow those are beautifull Tamm well done for getting through the course it shows how much you love nails!!!! ;) My sister suffered from ME too during her G.C.S.E'S at school she had to have a home tutor for a year!! Now she has been to college and worked with children, got married and has a baby of her own!!! She used to get very tired but seems to cope fine now the worst of illness has gone! So I hope the same goes for Tamm and she soon starts to feel better! Keep up with those nails Girl they are good already your be an absolute pro soon!!!!! :) Love to see some more of your pictures too!
Debs I say it again you are a star helping us girls to put our pictures out to the world you need a thankyou award!!!! :lol: I wouldn't have known or had the confidence to try and show my pics, not being a pro at the computer thing but i'm learning and thanks to you Debs you got me there with my album just cant stop adding my pics to it. Have over 40 now!!!! And now i'm a premium geek I can post direct to the site Yipeeeee :lol:
Well done Tamm - definitely Manifique!! :) They are lovely, nice and thin and so very shiney. :cool:

Well done Debs - great support (and now we can see what you look like! - will look out for you at Olympia!)
Well Tamm, I think you are very brave to attempt the course. You obviously have great self confidence & self esteem - more than anything that will keep you going. I bet you are really proud of your acheivement - and so you should be!

As for the pictures - I'm very impressed. They are much better than a lot of nails I have seen done by some very experienced techs.
ahhhhhh! thanks guys for all your encouraging comments.... I'm not out of the woods yet as I'm having a right old game doing my homwork on this nail trainer..... getting absolutely no where fast!!!!! Its soooooo hard and very frustrating!!!! But its great to have you all say such nice things about my first go..... just want to get consistant at it....

A HUGE thank you to Debs for coming all the way up to warwick to be my model..... she has been sooooo kind and supportive and has gone out of her way to be a great help..... She firmly believes in me and it was her idea to put my pikkies on the board as I was tooooo afraid.......

Thanks again everyone I just need the enouragement not to give up on it. I'm overtired and fed up but will be soooo angry with myself if I give up........ I just need to know that this is all normal to go through this and not that I shouldn't be doing this, that I will never be good at it.

I really appreciate your vote of confidence all.:)

I have to say thanks to your kind comments girls but I haven`t done anything anyone else from this board wouldn`t do, we all support each other and I think the thanks should go to The Geek for bringing us all together.
I`m just glad my post has done what I wanted...........to let Tamm know she CAN do it
WOW! How perfect are those nails? They look like real nails that have been french manicured! Bloody well done girl!! :eek: :D

Very nice you are a natural hun keep up the good work :)
crazy'n'creative said:

Very nice you are a natural hun keep up the good work :)

You wouldn't say that if you saw how long it takes me just to get a blasted tip on without bubbles lol but thanks for that:) so far I've managed to do one nail from start to finish in 35 minutes so I've a hec of a long way to go lol that would be nearly 6 hours lol for a set!!!! ahhhhhhhhh!

You obviously have great self confidence & self esteem - more than anything that will keep you going
Well Ella thank you for your impression of me but I was in hysterics when I read this!!! I am the least confident person on the planet and as for self-esteem.... whats that!!! Just ask Debs.... she had to put up with me for 2 days!!! But its great I can hoodwink people into thinking I'm megga confident lol - woops now everyone knows I'm not lol - drat!!

Tamm......well done mate....those nails are truly brill!
Way to go!!!!
Dear Tamm - well, if that's what you are doing now, think what you will be achieving in a few months!! I don't know how many attempts it took before that particular set and I don't know how long it took you... point is, you have done a very nice job and they can only get better with patience, practise and friends like Deb. Keep going - you're doing really well!;)
To Tamm

wow there great!!

keep up the great work!!
well done Tamm keep it up !
Dear Tamm - well, if that's what you are doing now, think what you will be achieving in a few months!! I don't know how many attempts it took before that particular set and I don't know how long it took you... point is, you have done a very nice job and they can only get better with patience, practise and friends like Deb. Keep going - you're doing really well!
ciao! mrs geek

Thats just it........That really was her first attempt, thats why this post was so important to me. To help give her the confidence she needs
Mrs Geek said:
Dear Tamm - well, if that's what you are doing now, think what you will be achieving in a few months!! I don't know how many attempts it took before that particular set and I don't know how long it took you... point is, you have done a very nice job and they can only get better with patience, practise and friends like Deb. Keep going - you're doing really well!;)

Thanks Samantha:biggrin: as Debs said it was my first attempt - on a live victim that is..... I'd just done one set on the nail trainer before that however...... and it took me all day!! I was the last to finish and the buffing I had to finish at home!!!

I'm not the most patient person in the world and every night when I'm shattered and its taken me all day (like to day just to do one hand) I think 'why am I doing this!!!':( But then the next day even though I feel awful I just can't help just having another go..... I've just got to get it right.......

But can I say that I'm really chuffed by everyones comments..... I've even been PM'd by a couple of peeps to keep at it, that it does take time to get where you want to be with it all...... that I mustn't give up as everyone goes through this frustrating time. I really do appreciate all your kind words and it really does help!! I would have given up by now if it weren't for this board and Debs putting my pikkies on here:o She's a gem! and so are all you guys!!:biggrin:

I'm going to get a printout of all this encouragement so I can beat myself with it when I'm being impatient and getting mad with myself!!

Thank you Soooo Much Peeps !!

xx Tamm
Hi Tamm

I remember going on my CND conversion course back in 2001........I'd done a Backscratchers course and a 4 day foundation with Denise Wright and thought I was doing quite well.
The most poignant thing that I now remember from my conversion day (other than I learnt alot!!) was that one of the other teks asked to see my nails, and I rather proudly offered my hand only for her to scoff at them being soooo thick and built up:suprised: My point being that a) she was right; and b) yours actually look like you've been doing nails for the past 2 years!!

Well done Madame Magnifique you truly deserve all the praise you've received, and don't feel that people are just saying these things to make you feel better...........believe me it's genuine:D

Keep your chin up (bit awkward when you're working I know!) and put your best foot forward.........you will get there, it may take some time, but remember it's also taken the more experienced teks time, tears and frustration to get where they are aswell.

All the best

Ps. Well done to Debs too........I have to say I think you've found your vocation sweetie!!
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