Am I up for the Job?


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Active Member
Jul 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
Hey Geeks,

Not sure what im looking to achieve by writing this post...

I'm not sure if my hearts in being mobile any more>???

Iam a mobile and offer nails tan and lasahes... But ive started to dread my phone ringing incase its a client...

I never had much confidence to begin with but after having a miscarriage and having a bit of time out of the game im filled with dread at the thought of an appointment.

Ive put a few pics of my work up on my profile and i think there ok not the best..

my prices i think are low £15 for shellac,£22 for rockstar, £15 for a Sienna x spray and £40 for a full set of semi perm lashes. And i still get clients saying this is a bit pricey :0(

Im needing to replace stock and i just feel like its not worth it... not making enough for it to seem worth while.

do you guys ever feel like this? ive been qualified for just over a year and all my courses were funded by mum to get me up and running my own business after having my son... she also paid for my initial equipment too, so feel i would be letting her down if i threw the towel in...

Needing some advice,

Aww Hun I'm sorry you feel this way but if it makes you feel any better we've all felt this way one time or another. I've actually been feeling like this lately where throwing in the towel might be better but I won't because I love what I do :)

What are you doing for advertising? Are you getting your name out there to get clients? Do you have a website? I HOGHLY suggest a website even if you mobile, think of it as your front window of your store. Also get your name out I'm on my phone so can't link but look up the thread ways to promote your business. It's fab!! Lots of ideas

Also dont let certain people get you down about prices! Your always going to have people that say your prices are too high , I get that from people and I tell them I use quality products and I'm fully trained .

Chin up! Everything will get better, you'll see
If you are not feeling confident, your clients will not have confidence in you either.

To me you don't sound like you have no confidence, you sound as if you do not like any kind of 'confrontation' with clients. This is a different matter and can be overcome with a few well chosen sentences and by not feeling you have to justify yourself or your prices ... Then you will not dread the phone calls.

For instance, when a potential client complains about price .. You simply say,
My clients find my prices quite reasonable. Thank you for your enquirey. Which day would you like to book your appointment?
Period, end of story. If they don't wish to commit. Just say thank you and end the call.
I used to feel this way, it's natural really when it's all new. I have found that speaking and answering the phone with a big smile on my face (even when I feel anything but happy) has helped me sound more confident and then as the call progresses I get even more confident. Give it a try, it works :wink2: xx
I feel for you hun, I also get a few people wanting to haggle prices or telling me they can get it for less from someone else... AAArrgghhh. At first I tried to match prices to get business no matter what. Guess what? That only lasted for a few days;) Trust me my lovely, you don't need clients like that, especially when you are not up to confrontation or lacking confidence in your work. They just drag you down even more. I have now committed myself to offering quality treatments to quality clients. I dont want to deal with cheapskates anymore. It made me feel absolutely useless as all they want is something for nothing and then complain when it needs maintenance or doesn't last for a month or two. Chin up and dont give up yet, you have had good advice from our fellow geeks, give it a try and I am sure you will be surprised at the results
Thanks for all your replies, Could i be cheeky and ask your opinions on pics of my work?

i feel like im not good enough, crisis... x :eek:


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Thanks for all your replies, Could i be cheeky and ask your opinions on pics of my work?

i feel like im not good enough, crisis... x :eek:

I can't zoom in to get a really clear look but from what I can see, I think you're being quite hard on yourself. The lashes look fine, could just do with a few more in the middle and towards the inner eye to fill them out a bit more otherwise they can look a bit spidery and just make sure you alter the sizes accordingly, so using shorter near the inner eye, medium in the middle and either medium or long at the outer eye, depending on the look your client wants, your red nails look absolutely fine, very good in fact, as do the pink, the last set with the rockstar ring fingers are fine too, just dust off the excess glitter around the eponychium to not only make it look neater but prevent it from lifting and chipping also. But on the whole I think they're good :wink2:
Firstly you should be extremely proud of yourself, considering how long u have been doing it your pictures look fab (hope that hasn't come out wrong lol) it's not easy becoming qualified let alone running a successful business so well done you! I have had this feeling and still get it from time to time I've been in the industry for 11 years then I do something I live or a new product comes out that gets me excited or a client pays me a compliment, your going through a very emotional and stressful period just take one step at a time and take each day as it comes sending big hugs x
Put your prices up! Of course you hate the phone ringing if you feel like your not earning enough, I think the spray tan prices are ok but could try £20, shellac £25, lashes between £50-60. Never let anyone tell you your too pricey, simply say 'i use the best products and im good' You will get a better class of client too with higher prices, you should also gain confidence by charging these prices especially if you don't get any complaints and if you get repeat business
Your nail pictures look fab, but I'd say your lashes need some work as your placement of them in the picture is making the eyes look a bit 'drunk' and closed.

If you want some honest critique on the lashes I'd be happy to give some. I'm soon to become a trainer for Xtreme Lashes, and doing them really is my passion. I can give you some advice, and if you send me some before and after pics I'd be happy to tell you what you need to work on.

I hope I'm not sounding harsh, I just want to help.
Your nail pictures look fab, but I'd say your lashes need some work as your placement of them in the picture is making the eyes look a bit 'drunk' and closed.

If you want some honest critique on the lashes I'd be happy to give some. I'm soon to become a trainer for Xtreme Lashes, and doing them really is my passion. I can give you some advice, and if you send me some before and after pics I'd be happy to tell you what you need to work on.

I hope I'm not sounding harsh, I just want to help.

This is a really lovely offer and I can vouch for the fact that Lucy-Jayne is a real expert at what she does with lashes. Take her up on the offer. You don't get given help like that every day.
Hi Hun

I can totally relate to your post in every way!,I suffer really badly from low confidence and im always nervous before an app incase im not good enough,after having my second son i decided to finally do what i had always and because i couldn't take the college route(i had to keep working) my husband worked extra hours to pay for my courses,then last year i gave up because i wasn't getting any clients or they were saying they were getting it cheapier else where,i was devastated :cry: and the thought of all that money we paid for the courses....well 2wks ago a friend asked me if i could do her nails for a wedding so i said yes,then she called me up to say her mum loved hers so much she wanted hers done,since then ive done 3 more sets! and with each one i feel more confident! Im now back up and running and hoping to do more courses,the thing to remember is u will have "dry spells" and with the current money situation u will always get people trying to get u to go cheapier but ur loyal clients will always come back & recomend u! :biggrin: x

Aww, seriously, it is totally natural to lose a bit of confidence and start to doubt yourself, particularly if you have been out the game for a while, that coupled with challenging clients (which there are lots of!!) and obviously your upsetting personal situation too - so don't be too harsh on yourself.

I have been doing beauty for quite a long time now, but have only recently trained in Shellac and have had no end of teething problems and believe me, I am at my wits end with it and I find myself dreading the Shellac appointments incase something else goes wrong!! But I'm hanging on in there as this site has done two things - re-assured me that I am not the only one who has problems when doing something new and also, that the product is infact great, so it can be achieved.

Take the advice given to you on here - there are some really fantastic people who can offer lots of advice and support, take up any offers of help and maybe just concentrate on one or two things while you re-build a bit of confidence - maybe don't offer too many services at once, maybe just do nails or just do lashes and see how you go.

Good luck, xx
Stop doubting yourself!! Even if you don't FEEL confident ACT confident. Clients definitely pick up on this. £15 is really cheap for Shellac IMO. Others talked me into doing a special offer this month for the first time as everyone else locally has been doing it and I regret it. Not one extra client and I feel I have done a mis justice to my products and myself! All I have done is reduce what I was making from my regulars who were happy to pay me the original amount. Can't wait to this month is over, NEVER again will I make this mistake.
This is a really lovely offer and I can vouch for the fact that Lucy-Jayne is a real expert at what she does with lashes. Take her up on the offer. You don't get given help like that every day.

Thanks Gigi. xx

I think a lot of people are too quick to say on here ' don't worry you're work is amazing, you use the best products, you'll be fine etc' but the best therapists are the ones who take the critique well, learn from it and become the best they can be. There's nothing better in being really confident it what you're doing and KNOWING FOR SURE that you're good at what you do. Clients love that.

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