Bathing properly - Sponge/Loofah/Cloth/Scrubbie vs bare hands?


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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
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Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
Okey doke..

I think I offended friends by accident on my FB yesterday WHOOOPS:o

But here goes...

I read an article and it freaked me out: Deadspin, Sports News without Access, Favor, or Discretion

that caused me to post the following status:
Oy, some of the things I read surprise me! Can you clean dishes with your bare hands? What about your floors/toilets/bathtubs? Can you clean THOSE with your bare hands and a handfull of soap? No? THEN WHY DO YOU THINK RUBBING SOAP ALL OVER YOU MAKES YOU CLEAN?? argggghhh

And so the debate ensued.
SO I'm asking all of you for your thoughts on this.

I learned in my Cosmetology course (ummm 20yrs ago, so sorry if knowledge isn't current) that for the face, it's best to use only fingertips gently or a gentle sponge. Nothing coarse/rough etc because the skin is thin etc.
But I confess, I use a facial exfoliating sponge because I can't stand the idea of NOT doing it.

For showers, a fresh cloth EVERY time. No moldy/mildewy cloth for me.

I figure: if soap scum builds up on the tub, then it will on me too. Also, other things to 'scrub' off are: dead skin, dirt, sweat, oils, residues from creams/lotions/antiperspirants etc that can clog pores blah blah blah.

Ok, and here's the next part, and PLEASE bear with me, I'm NOT trying to gross anyone out... but just being realistic.
You moms will know what I'm talking about... sometimes kids/hubbies put stuff in the laundry that has 'skid marks' so we KNOW that they didn't do such a great job with the toilet paper...So THAT means when they get into the shower/tub and don't use a cloth, and then put that soap bar where the sun doesn't shine...
Ok, are you following? I REALLY DO NOT WANT to use THAT soap on my face!!!

Having said all of that: Which way is more hygienic?
Cloth/Sponge/Loofah/etc VS bare hands?
(assuming that the user uses a clean cloth every time and puts it in the laundry)
haha this has made me giggle ... I always use bare hands on the face and an exfoliant sponge on the rest, i have terrible flaky skin and dont feel clean unless i scrub! :)
Oh my word, Victoria. You have a way of saying things that makes people think. There are going to be geeks all over the world, giving bars of soap a very worried look tonight.

In answer to your question, I don't know. Leave it with me, until I've had tonight's shower, which might be slightly longer than usual.
we dont use soap in our house lmao :lol: we all use shower gels in pumps etc. occasionally dave will use soap for his hands but i just chuck it away yuk i dont like soap at all i think its really unhygeinic :lol:
:lol::lol: I'm now extremely grateful that my soap comes in a bottle!!!!

I dont know what the best method is, how do you make sure you're loafer or sponge stays clean if you use one? It cant go in the washing machine.......

ooooooh, what have you started!!! I'll have developed some form of OCD by the end of the week!!!!
we use soap for hands but the thought of it on my face makes me feel funny, but then again when me, hubbie or girls have bath/shower we use shower gel or girls have bubble bath
I'm not a fan of soap either, I have dry skin and hate it. We use shower gel with sponges/ lufahs and exfoliating gloves- though not all at the once :).

I'd never even considered the aspects you've raised here Victoria :lol:
An interesting thread!
My home is a bar of soap free zone and now I can add one more reason for it to be so! No face(!)cloths either!
I personally use one of those scrunchies but to be honest because it makes my expensive products go further; I suspect that it's not the most hygienic way because, no, I don't sterilise it between uses! I think using just hands would be more hygienic. I exfoliate (with a product) twice a week so hoping that deals with dead skin cells etc.
I wouldnt use a bar of soap. as you say...where has it been?! ewwww

but i would say im a bare hands person. maybe now after reading this i might change my mind. but i shower gel twice at least and make sure absolutely everywhere has been lathered up. I remember going out with a guy who laughed at me cos i lathered up my arms/legs/tummy etc cos he just did the "bits" and underarms. Is the rest of your body immune to dirt/sweat/dead skin?? no. yuk. xx
I wouldnt use a bar of soap. as you say...where has it been?! ewwww

but i would say im a bare hands person. maybe now after reading this i might change my mind. but i shower gel twice at least and make sure absolutely everywhere has been lathered up. I remember going out with a guy who laughed at me cos i lathered up my arms/legs/tummy etc cos he just did the "bits" and underarms. Is the rest of your body immune to dirt/sweat/dead skin?? no. yuk. xx
I don't think men are as clean as women anyway. Certainly not in my experience. Of course, this is just a generalisation and there are probably some men who are very clean and wash thoroughly, but I have yet to meet one.
LMFAO so sorry, didn't mean to freak anyone out LOL :lol:

We actually EACH have our own soap in our house (plus shower gel is available). There is also separate soap dishes for each one that suctions to the shower wall, with 'drain holes' so they aren't sitting in a sludgy puddle of scummy shower water....

I can only use Dove because everything else burns and makes me dance like a crazy chicken trying to rinse it off:eek: And it's MY bar and I do NOT share it LOL.
Sometimes, the girls use mine (if their's is finished) BUT I've taught them to use facecloths and I'm there to oversee their bath, so 'my' soap doesn't go where it ought not to!! LOL and their facecloths go into the wash right after their bath.

Hubby has his own soap because I discovered he just uses his hands and shoves it where the sun doesn't shine EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
So now he has a nice masculine antisepic/deodorant soap LOL

PS: I may fall behind in the laundry, and my dusting and vacuuming BUT my personal hygiene... I'm anal (pardon the pun) about that LMFAO. I even have a bin of 'baby wet wipes' in each bathroom and one in my purse and I started using those BEFORE I had children when I went to the ladies room to make sure all my 'bits' were fresh LOL I don't trust toilet paper LOL
Personally I use shower gel or exfoliating wash on my body with a scrunchie and fingertips on the face with face wash. We did have soap in the house and I used to use it on my face if particularly greasey but after watching OH wash his nethers and pits with only our soap acting as a scrunchie and all in one cleaner:eek: I have now BANNED all use of soap in the house! Ewwwwww I really do wonder about himself sometimes!!
Good grief we are all getting in a lather here aren't we!! :lol: ( I love a good pun!)

For the record my very clean and neat husband always uses Showel Gel , never soap.
I have never asked how he gets in about all his bits but I am sure he is meticulous in this regard :eek:

I alternate between my showel gel with a scrunchie thing to exfoliate and Dove cream bar, and I only use cleanser/toner and moisturiser on my face.

For hands it is a pump dispenser of soap/handwash.

All of this is done on a daily basis...sometimes twice if we have been to the gym.

Is this OK...did I pass lol :o

By the way I just heard on the radio news there that more and more people are bathing less and less...YES :eek: apparently people are stopping showering/bathing on a daily basis and only doing it every 2-3 days as it is better for you and your skin.....Go figure ;)
By the way I just heard on the radio news there that more and more people are bathing less and less...YES :eek: apparently people are stopping showering/bathing on a daily basis and only doing it every 2-3 days as it is better for you and your skin.....Go figure ;)

OMG! Couldn't do any less than twice a day if I tried.
Perhaps if we showered/bathed with our other halfs we could make sure they were doing it properly :lol:
Perhaps if we showered/bathed with our other halfs we could make sure they were doing it properly :lol:

Yes....but we would never get any work done :lol:
err i aint letting dave use my nice expensive stuff :lol: i like my baths candlelit and relaxing .. if dave was with me it would be like having a bath with moby dic* , hahaha he would be splashing about all over the place !!
We are a soap free house and use shower gel, I have to say I use my hands though, I am hoping I never get as dirty as my dishes, the floor or the toilet!!:eek:
err i aint letting dave use my nice expensive stuff :lol: i like my baths candlelit and relaxing .. if dave was with me it would be like having a bath with moby dic* , hahaha he would be splashing about all over the place !!

:lol::lol::lol: love it.
But they might pollute the water!!!:rolleyes:

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