Bikini Line wax question.


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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2010
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I had a customer yesterday for a bikini line wax (first timer). She wanted a very high leg bikini wax and had previously shaved the area she wanted waxed. The bit she wanted left was very long and she was quite insistent she wanted it left long.
Because of the length of it when I started I got some wax stuck in the long hairs. I removed it all with oil, dried it and had to start again but it was a bit of a nightmare.:sad: She was very good about it and happy with the end result once i'd finished, but what i'm wondering is what could I have done differently so this didn't happen?
If you were using hot wax you can carefully trim along the side of the wax with scissors when it is setting so you are not pulling the other hairs out with it.
Are they wearing knickers because this would make things easier to keep the longer hairs tucked away.get them to pull the knickers up towards them tightly (they should be lying flat).This keeps the skin tight and makes it easier to apply the wax in a nice line and easier take off.
If you were using hot wax you can carefully trim along the side of the wax with scissors when it is setting so you are not pulling the other hairs out with it.
Are they wearing knickers because this would make things easier to keep the longer hairs tucked away.get them to pull the knickers up towards them tightly (they should be lying flat).This keeps the skin tight and makes it easier to apply the wax and take off.

I have them wearing their knickers too, I also tuck tissue into the side of the knickers and then lay it over the top of the knickers and ask the client to hold nicks & tissue whilst pulling them up towards them, if that makes sense, that way everything not being waxed is covered.
Yep - I did that but somehow the hair got caught in the wax even though I had it covered with tissue..I think it was jsut one of those unfortunate new mistakes! I'm using creme wax at the moment but soon switching to hot wax. I think it was worse because she was so adamant I didnt' trim the longer bits..Oh well we live and learn!! I know next time and I will do in much smaller sections.
Worry not, because when you start using hard wax this kind of prob will be a thing of the past!

However, thinking about what happened, you could have trimmed the hair you were removing, that may have helped. (You're probably going to tell me you did...!)

Bikini waxes with warm wax are not the easiest thing, esp. on a first-timer :hug:
I get this all over blokes. Get them to comb and hold the hair they want to keep out of your way. You may need to advise what you think will work well. They can either hold with the comb, a spatula, or a paper strip. Depends on how easy it is for them to hold.

Don't forget they might need a tissue to mop any excess oil off their skin or the comb.

Happy waxing!
could i ask what hot wax you use.

could i ask what hot wax you use.


Hi TIna

I now use Berins Blue hot wax for all bikini and intimate waxing. Its fantastic and i've never had any problems like this with it. I would NEVER go back to strip wax for this area!

With a gloved hand, I would hold the longer hair aside whilst I applied hot wax to the hair that I wanted to remove. It only takes moments to set so you won't be standing there for long holding it. Then remove. xx

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