Dog lovers-we could be pregnant!


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Sorry first chance to update..
The bones are not calcified enough to check.. 😕 Which means she prob conceived 5 days after the mate..

Rebooked for 21st 10 days time... Or she may have reabsorbed it..
So the waiting continues and thanks for support, much appreciated 😀🐾 xx

Ohh man I can't wait 10 days :0(.

Well debbs and I have adopted ourselves as cyber birthing partners now lol.

I suppose we shall have to wait but I will keep my fingers x xxx
Don't forget me!!
If all ok, I think giving it to a family who have recently lost their 'baby' is a lovely thing to do 💗
Fingers crossed for you x
Don't forget me!!
If all ok, I think giving it to a family who have recently lost their 'baby' is a lovely thing to do 💗
Fingers crossed for you x

I won't, thank you... Xx
Ohh man I can't wait 10 days :0(.

Well debbs and I have adopted ourselves as cyber birthing partners now lol.

I suppose we shall have to wait but I will keep my fingers x xxx

I know how dare she keep us waiting ! Hope you will be my cyber space at the birth too... Need ya now xxx
I know how dare she keep us waiting ! Hope you will be my cyber space at the birth too... Need

Of course that goes with out saying lol OMG are you having a baby right this second?.xxx
Think this pup is definitely more anticipated than the kimye baby!
Lol... No meant I need ya both to see me through to the end now ha ha..
Fingers crossed for 21st 🙏 xx
Don't forget me!!
If all ok, I think giving it to a family who have recently lost their 'baby' is a lovely thing to do 💗
Fingers crossed for you x

You be around at the birth too? 🐾😯
Lol... No meant I need ya both to see me through to the end now ha ha..
Fingers crossed for 21st 🙏 xx

Lmao oh sorry lol I thought you had gone into labour I'm a tad slow so forgive me lol.

Yes fingers x it seems like ages away though dosnt it.I will do my duties as a cyber birthing partner to the very best degree :lol: XX
Hope all goes well with your doggies :) my jack Russell is ready to pop anytime now I will upload pictures when there here xx
Hope all goes well with your doggies :) my jack Russell is ready to pop anytime now I will upload pictures when there here xx

Thank you...
Is she, wow! When is due day? Has she had pups before? Keep us posted how exciting xx
This is her 3rd and last litter had 7 in 1st an 6 in 2nd litter, she due roughly next week but I have a feeling she will come at weekend she is enormous lol, I will defiantly upload pics for you xx
This is her 3rd and last litter had 7 in 1st an 6 in 2nd litter, she due roughly next week but I have a feeling she will come at weekend she is enormous lol, I will defiantly upload pics for you xx

Ooo good luck with everything x🐾
I have news for you geeks am a grandma to 3 so far, I think just gone into labour abit early by 5 days will upload when she had them all, she is struggling abit to get rest out and keeps getting up and running off into living room, but we've put fire on in kitchen too keep her warm and put more blankets and water down for her xx
I have news for you geeks am a grandma to 3 so far, I think just gone into labour abit early by 5 days will upload when she had them all, she is struggling abit to get rest out and keeps getting up and running off into living room, but we've put fire on in kitchen too keep her warm and put more blankets and water down for her xx

Wow... Fab news! Do you know how many you expecting... Are they all ok with being a little early ?
Keep us posted how exciting... Xx
KatieLouise! Congratulations! I hope everything has gone well, pups & mum are doing well. Keep us posted :)
These are not unwanted.... And homed to 'vetted' people... Friends and family mainly. Would keep any if needed without a doubt.
I understand your opinion though ��[/QUOT
Have you EVER taken the time to look how many Pedigree dogs are PTS every month in rescue shelters because no-one wants them anymore? Every puppy born ( I know they are irresistable and cute and love them to bits) means death for an abandoned dog who once was a puppy too.

Roll on Licensing fees and enforced taxes for breeders. It might help towards feeding and looking after the discarded dogs out there.

yay puppys :)

I am pleased that you are re-homing them to friends and family, at least you will know what happens to them. So many breeders dont care about the wellbeing of pups once they are sold.

I don't mean to sound critical of you, I am sure you are doing what is best for your pets but I spend so much time trying to save dogs that are due to be put to sleep in shelters that it has become difficult for me to be excited by the sight of puppies. Such a shame as I adore them.

not all breeders are bad , puppy farms , and sites like one i know of need closing they are a huge part of the problem .
there is one web site i wont name where people here in europe can go on serch the type of puppy they want pay on line and have it delivered to there house!!!!!!
no meeting breaders , perants or anything !
I know someone who got a dog this way , the dog came with worms and things , under weight and probably stressed after being deliverd to there house .

i think the people have learnd there lesson , after having to pay out a ton of vet bills , and i dout they will buy that way again ,
they tried to complaine but ofcorse there was really no one to complain to .

but the people who put there puppy's on these sites .... they need to be stooped .

my husks breeder is wonderful ,
her dogs are her life , they are a sled team , they are high ranking show dogs , and agility dogs ,
on my huskys pedigree one of the things in the contract was that if we ever find we can not keep him for ANY reason to contact them they will re home or keep .
I think things like this should be forced .
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I have news for you geeks am a grandma to 3 so far, I think just gone into labour abit early by 5 days will upload when she had them all, she is struggling abit to get rest out and keeps getting up and running off into living room, but we've put fire on in kitchen too keep her warm and put more blankets and water down for her xx

Aw congrats hope everything goes ok sounds like she's not finished yet!
Hey geeks she has had 6 beautiful babies, there all adorable, here are a few pictures xxx


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