DRIVING TEST on Friday!!


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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
Ok, now I'm psyched!!

My driving test for my driving license is on Friday (tomorrow) at 11:10am (my time, not yours LOL).
I've been trying for a month to schedule an appointment, but they were booked up till december.
I had been going online, and trying to snag someone's cancellation multiple times a day.
I have finally succeeded in doing so!!

Unfortunately, it's in timbuktu and far from home.. but hey, beggars can't be choosers, right??

I can park backwards into a spot no problem....with a STATIONWAGON (yes, I've gotten quite good at it LOL)

EEKS :Scared:

I live in a rinky dinky town where there's no need, nor place to do any parallel parking. Heck, we don't even have sidewalks on any streets except for the main road WHICH you can't park on because that's where all the stores and businesses are (they have parking lots).

I know the "theory" of the parallel parking very well. BUT putting it into practice with the huge boat of a car that I have? ummmm
I have tried a couple of times a month ago.. managed it. BUT with a small car.
Tonight am hoping to practice with hubby's hyundai (smaller car) which I'm taking for my test.

If I do not pass the test tomorrow, I can personally guarantee that I will sit down and cry like a baby and throw a tantrum.:cry:
WALKING my daughter to school in the cold is NOT my idea of fun. ESPECIALLY with my Raynaud's disease (which by the way, I'm already wearing gloves outdoors and it's only October).

So what do I need from all of you geeks?


PRETTY PLEASE send whatever good karma you can my way. Use candles, crystals, prayers, talk to god, talk to buddha, do spells, whatever...
I really don't care what religion/belief system you have..... I'll take anything I can get and be thankful for it
:lol: (but fyi, I am pagan lol)

SO having said that, the other thing I'm asking for is humour. Take away my stress and nerves and reassure me to death that I WILL pass this test. Tell me funny stories of your own tests. What did they make you do? etc etc...

And most of all, wish me luck

what time is it on Friday V? will send you all the good vibes I can.

Good luck.
If it helps, I hit the kerb reversing round a corner and still passed! I have everything crossed for you, including my eyes.:green:
Fingers crossed for you Victoria.

Must be hard to do nails with eyes and fingers crossed


hit the curb, huh? Well, I don't think I'll do that. But, at least I know I won't flunk doing that LOL
I was late in learning to drive and just passed my test earlier this year. I am sure you will do well - GOOD LUCK! xxx:hug:
am guessing you will be about 6 or 8 hrs behind us but might be wrong coz i am going by the times in alberta and manitoba , lol

good luck chick you will be fine xxxx

ooh forgot take some rescue remedy , i took it on my 4th test and passed , lol , i was at the point of nearly offering se&ual favours to pass the bloody thing , lol but being 8 minths preggwers seemed to work , haha xxx
Good Luck for tomorrow!!

I have my test booked for the end of November!! EEK!!!

Sending you all the gd karma i got!:)
Good luck Victoria, hope you pass:hug:
Good luck, fingers crossed:)
Good Luck Victoria xxx
Good luck, wish you the very best and will be thinking of you tomorrow. I sooo know where you are coming from, I was a late learner too, didn't pass till I was 26, by then I had 2 kids and lived in the middle of nowhere, so needed to pass that test so badly, luckily I did, and am still loving driving now :lol: Every day when I get into my car I think to myself how lucky I am to have a nice car to drive and how much easier it makes my life.

Good luck.. will have everything crossed and sending you heaps of karma..

Candles will be lit and pagan chants will be done just for you hun :hug:,
cant have a Santa with no driving licence,
them reindeers will play up no end lol
Good luck :hug: hun,

I stalled on a roundabout:eek: but still managed to pass:green:, so don't freak out if you do make a mistake, show your still in control and you will pass. xx
Just wanted to pass on good luck wishes and vibes.
I will be taking my 4th driving test on the 2nd November at 2.30.
x x x
I managed 2 escape the parallel park in my test thank god :) 1st test i had 2 do a reverse round the corner and bay park, and the second a turn in the road and a bay park :)

Still cant do the parallel parks 2day! end up going back and forth about 20 times trying lol

Good luck hun, be sure 2 let us know how u do x
Best of luck Victoria...passing my test was one of the best things I have ever done...

I only ever had one driving lesson...my instuctor said I didn't need any more lessons and put me in for my test... so 5 weeks later I had my test....and passed :lol: cost me less than £50 to learn and pass...best money I have ever spent LOL...( this was 1995 )

My examiner on the day was fantastic...put me at my ease straight away but I think what helped me most was for some unexplained and mysterious reason I had no nerves whatsoever...and to this day I can't explain why !!!

Positive energy coming your way...can't wait to see how you got on...xxxxxx

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