Feel good couch broke!:( anybody got one of these couches??


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Beauty Heaven

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score
Oh my god, I'm in shock. I have just got my new feel good couch out of the box and put it up, it looks great then get my husband to sit on it ( he weighs 12.5 stone so not massive) and the it snaps underneath. It's made of thin 5mm ply board, it's shocking!! I heard lots of good reviews on here about these couches anybody else had this problem. It says 37stone maximum weight! As its good Friday there closed, how annoying!!:(
Maybe you had a faulty one??

My other half is leeeeetle bit heavier than 12 stone and it didn't collapse when he got on it - lol!!

God, can you imagine if it was a client tho!! :eek:

Just ask them for an exchange.
The handles snapped on mine, feel good were fantastic sent new ones straight away x
What a nightmare!
I've had my feel good couch for over 2 years and never had a problem even with heavier clients
You must have been unlucky and got a faulty one :(
Hope you get it sorted hun
Sarah x
I wouldn't buy another one, the locks broke on mine, the bag straps came off and a creaks and threatens to break when clients turn over on occasion. :(
I wouldn't buy another one, the locks broke on mine, the bag straps came off and a creaks and threatens to break when clients turn over on occasion. :(

LOL. I've had fine for over 2 years and has been great although now you've got me worried
I had a feel good couch before I sold it, never had any problems & the actual company are great so first thing tuesday morning give them a call & I'm sure they'll sort the problem for you. Xx
Had mine about a year and half but it's fine - yes it does creak but thankfully nothing more.

Now I've said this, I will have probably jinxed myself. God help me on my next pamper party. lol
I am going to close this thread now as it is against site rules to complain about particular companies on here.

I am sure if the op contacts the company on Tuesday that they will do their best to put things right.
Can anyone recommend a good couch to buy?! I'm looking for one and can only buy fold up ones, whitch I don't want, or are they all u can get?!

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