Hi All Help me!!!!! lol


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Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2005
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Hi everyone,
Hope you all well!! I'm hoping you can help me as when we last chatted i was looking into starting a nail course but wasn't sure where too start, but you said too let you know how i get on!!
Well i've found a couple but i'm still no better off lol as basically, here's the problem........ I suffer from hemiplic migraines so doing a college course isn't practical, plus where i have my nails done they say they wouldn't reccomend that i do a course at college as they only teach the basics so not as good!! But when i looked at the courses they recommended NSI &/or CREATIVE training i've found that there way too expensive the NSI course sounds great total training 7 days but will cost me £658, can you get help paying for these courses, i don't want too give up but with me being really poorly with these migraines these are the only types of courses i can really do as i probably wouldn't make the required attendence rate at college as the course is a year.

Look forward to hearing from you Leah82:D
If you say you suffer with migrains i really wouldnt have thought life as a nail tech would be very well suited to you. Think of all the close up work you will be doing and the strain your eyes are put under. I have had to start wearing glasses the last 18 months beause i get terrbile eye strain between work and hours on the computer!!!

obviously everybody is different though, just if i suffered migrains i wouldnt want to do nails!!
Obviously I don't know how bad your migraines are, but I'd agree with Katelisa on this one. But not only for the concentration, but also due to the nature of the job as a service industry. Clients don't like to be let down for their appointments - although they are quick enought to let you down lol. So if you wanted to take it past the hobby stage and make a career of it then you need to make sure you're not going to be off sick!

Anyway enough trying to teach your granny to suck eggs lol!

I don't know if you can get financial assistance for these courses. But what I would say is that you are wise to go for the courses you are considering. They may be expensive, but even if you shelled out for a college course you'd probably still have to shell out more to do a private conversion course, beacuse all makes of products have their own little foibles (ooh that's a new word and god knows id I spelt it right!)

Can you not put the cost of training onto a credit card? You normally get a kit which will cover you for so many sets - usually about 20 -30, and even at £10 a set you would effectively get half your money back.

Whatever you decide I wish you the very best of luck and good fortune.

I totally agree with Kate and sassy! This is not a job were clients understand that you have a bad migraine, oh no if they have broken a nail or their re balance is due they don't care if you have the plague they want them doing come hell or highwater. :rolleyes:

I am sure you have considered all of this already so i don't mean to go on :lol:

If you do decide to pursue nails you may want to go for gel or fibreglass as L+P can give some people headaches. Not me though i quite like the smell :)

One more thing i would say though is that i have found creative training to be fantastic, really thorough (although i can only speak for the Leeds branch)
so if you really want to do it i would save up and go for the best it only costs you more in the long run. If you learn well in the first place you don't end up with any nasty habits. :hug:
Just a thought but if your migraines are that bad can you not get treatment?

My cousin suffered really badly and had an op on the NHS about two months ago and she has gone from having a migraine everyday and giving up work to getting a new job and having one migraine in one month!

It's worth looking into if nails are really what you want to do!
Yeh i know what you mean and your probably right but its something i really want to do. My migraines can be quite bad but my neurologist says that with the right medication, they should be more managable, he's been saying that for 4 years though lol!!!
I'm starting driving lessons soon as well as i thought I'd never be able to do that, but its like with any illness you can't let it beat ya!!! And i don't want to let things pass me by on "what if", I've done that for 4 1/2 years and now its time to fight this!!!!!
I especially want too do sculpted nails as they don't smell as much so they shouldn't affect me as much smell wise but as for the eye strain well that can happen with many jobs and as i can't really see myself doing anything else, I'd have the same problem no matter what job i do, but can't sit around for the rest of my life waiting for summat to change or come up!!!
I'm a qualified nursery nurse, but for obvious reasons ie: having regular migraine attacks, i can't go back into that at the moment, in the future who knows?! But it doesn't stop me being a fantastic mum to my two little boys aged 3 1/2yrs & 1yr (with a little help from my husband, esp when don't feeling too clever)!!
I've told possible future clients (friends) about what I'd like to do and they said i should go for it, it might not always be easy, but hey what is?! But with the right support you can do anything!!
I've changed my life style to accommodate it, so to a point i can arrange things round it as i know certain things that make it worse, but there are people who have a lot worse disabilities than me and they do it, so i feel why can't i!!!!!
As for the credit card i would if i could but I'm already paying money off that so i don't want to get further into debt!!!
Thanks for your replies though as its nice to have people/sites like this that you can turn too for advice/help!!


i wish you all the luck and good health the way i see things is that"anythings possible"
You know what Leah, I am full of admiration for you so you go out and grab that dream with both hands!

Why not go for gel as it is totally odourless. Keep us updated, I love a success story!

How about doing a part-time evening college course to get you started off if going with a company such as Creative or NSI or one of the others isnt an option right now?

I qualified recently via this route. I started my VTCT training last September. And I qualified fully in Nail extensions in June. You have to do the Manicure/Pedicure first. This is usually about 12 weeks long. The you go onto the nail extension course which is about 19 weeks long. Of course you get the terms breaks inbetween which does tend to make the course last a bit longer.

You can also if you are eligable get funding towards the cost of the course. Both courses cost around £100.00 each and you get a very basic kit included.

The courses teach you both theory and practical aspects of nail technology and at the end you will be a qualified nail technician. And of course you can and should always update your training once you have qualified.

And with it being a part-time course usually 1 evening per week for 3 hours, you should find it ok with your migraines.


Debbie xxx
Hi There,

I wish you all the best in your career with Nails.....However, did I read your post right when you said that sculpted nails do not smell as much?? Wonder if I have missed a bit of your thread.

I wonder if you were getting confused with something else. Sculpted nails will have the same odour regardless of you using tips....but you will learn all this on your course!

I know that courses are really expensive so it is important to get the right one.

I would agree with the other comments and just try one system such as Fibreglass or Gel to start with, this way you can see if you really like the nail business (which Im sure you will)!!!!

Lots of Luck

Keep us Posted!!!!!!!

welshrarebit said:

How about doing a part-time evening college course to get you started off if going with a company such as Creative or NSI or one of the others isnt an option right now?

I qualified recently via this route. I started my VTCT training last September. And I qualified fully in Nail extensions in June. You have to do the Manicure/Pedicure first. This is usually about 12 weeks long. The you go onto the nail extension course which is about 19 weeks long. Of course you get the terms breaks inbetween which does tend to make the course last a bit longer.

You can also if you are eligable get funding towards the cost of the course. Both courses cost around £100.00 each and you get a very basic kit included.

The courses teach you both theory and practical aspects of nail technology and at the end you will be a qualified nail technician. And of course you can and should always update your training once you have qualified.

And with it being a part-time course usually 1 evening per week for 3 hours, you should find it ok with your migraines.


Debbie xxx
Thanks for backing me, like i said it really helps to have support!!! I'll definately keep you up to date!! Could do with winning the lottery that would sort i few problems!!! LOL
Can i ask you whats the real difference between Creative and NSI?? I know the products are different some how, but not really sure anything else? Where i go to have mine done there NSI trained so only use there products plus they only do Sculpted nails which i find better for my nails, last so much longer than other methods i've had!!
Plus can i ask whats the length of time you usually allow for people too come back and have a nail repaired after they been none?? I think it s a week? The reason i ask is that the first time i had them done here they where great but the second time and this time (last wednesday), I've found that one nail keeps lifting in the same place and this time it hasn't even been a week, so i was gonna go back tomoz, but surely as its not been a week and they were shut sunday/monday i should have it sorted for free??
There a bit up themselves there and i don't want too cause trouble but surely as they say they should last 3 weeks easily, they shouldn't have a problem?? I actually had to mention too the girl that does mine that she'd left a couple of my nails a little thick, over all she seems good but there so touchy, i go with my friend though at the same time as i don't drive YET!!! and hers are always lovely!!!!
I was also gonna get some nail oil thinking that possibly there drying out too quick, so get this i sent my husband to pick some up they closed at 4pm he got there at just gone 3.50pm and they (4 of them, including the boss) were shuting the door, so my husband asked the boss could she just nip in a get me a bottle really politely and she said "no, we're shut now, i've locked up and put the alarm on, you'll have to come back another time". My husband said "well i know but your not supposed to shut till 4", and her reply was " well were not gonna just sit there and wait for people to phone or turn up". Really abrupt and rude, like well this is my shop and i'll do what i like. They make you feel like there better than you when you go, i was so annoyed when he told me cause surely as its your business you want to make your clients feel welcome and that they can ring/tell you what they're after if needed i would go elsewhere but over all they do look good, so what do you do?? Gonna find it hard not to say summat though when i next see her.

Thanks Leah82 :D
Hello Again!!

I think you will learn with experience which products work best for you. It is just down to personal choice.

EZ Flow, Creative, NSI, IBD, OPI are all really good makes, to name a few, but you just have to find out which you like and that you can work with...just because someone else likes one product you may not..!

With regards to having your nails done, I think you have to make a choice if you can put up with the Salon staff or if you would rather go elsewhere...
If you really don't like the way the speak to you then don't go back, or if you feel you have to make a complaint I would do this, but try and have in your mind what you want to acheive at the end of your "dispute", i.e., would you like an apology, money off etc.............

I know its horrible when we spoken to rudely, maybe the boss was having an off day and she maybe really nice next time.

Hope I have helped a bit!!

Good Luck.........


leah82 said:
Thanks for backing me, like i said it really helps to have support!!! I'll definately keep you up to date!! Could do with winning the lottery that would sort i few problems!!! LOL
Can i ask you whats the real difference between Creative and NSI?? I know the products are different some how, but not really sure anything else? Where i go to have mine done there NSI trained so only use there products plus they only do Sculpted nails which i find better for my nails, last so much longer than other methods i've had!!
Plus can i ask whats the length of time you usually allow for people too come back and have a nail repaired after they been none?? I think it s a week? The reason i ask is that the first time i had them done here they where great but the second time and this time (last wednesday), I've found that one nail keeps lifting in the same place and this time it hasn't even been a week, so i was gonna go back tomoz, but surely as its not been a week and they were shut sunday/monday i should have it sorted for free??
There a bit up themselves there and i don't want too cause trouble but surely as they say they should last 3 weeks easily, they shouldn't have a problem?? I actually had to mention too the girl that does mine that she'd left a couple of my nails a little thick, over all she seems good but there so touchy, i go with my friend though at the same time as i don't drive YET!!! and hers are always lovely!!!!
I was also gonna get some nail oil thinking that possibly there drying out too quick, so get this i sent my husband to pick some up they closed at 4pm he got there at just gone 3.50pm and they (4 of them, including the boss) were shuting the door, so my husband asked the boss could she just nip in a get me a bottle really politely and she said "no, we're shut now, i've locked up and put the alarm on, you'll have to come back another time". My husband said "well i know but your not supposed to shut till 4", and her reply was " well were not gonna just sit there and wait for people to phone or turn up". Really abrupt and rude, like well this is my shop and i'll do what i like. They make you feel like there better than you when you go, i was so annoyed when he told me cause surely as its your business you want to make your clients feel welcome and that they can ring/tell you what they're after if needed i would go elsewhere but over all they do look good, so what do you do?? Gonna find it hard not to say summat though when i next see her.

Thanks Leah82 :D
Little Angel said:
If you do decide to pursue nails you may want to go for gel or fibreglass as L+P can give some people headaches. Not me though i quite like the smell :)

is it possible to be addicted to it?? if so, that's me! i think i have withdrawls if i'm not doing nails or on this site!... must do nails... must... do... nails... hehehehe!!:D

go for it leah!! i have an almost 2 year old... a husband... a full time job, and i went to school. it was a heck of a load on the checking account (and my brain!), but in time, it's all worth it!

btw, can you apprentice with a nail tech in your area part time? it takes a little longer, but whatever works ya know?
Hi Leah,

Just noticed that you only live in Glossop. I am not too far away in Oldham.

PM me if you want any help/info.
Thanks for all the replies so far, well when i said the sculpted nails didn't smell as bad, i ask my nail tech as when i started going to the place i do, the smell didn't seem as strong, i used to have acylic nails but with the tips glued on first somewhere else but found they were a waste of time for me as they NEVER lasted longer then a week, so in the end i stopped going as it was costing me more in petrol sorting them out lol!!! I really like sculpted nails as they seem more natural and stronger without lifting so easily! Was i just unlucky then with the first place i was going to have them done then? Different products and all that?? Or could it be my nails? As also had a mobile nail tech who had same methods and they didn't last well then either??
That night course sounds good, but i had so many people warn me off college courses especially in nails and hair as there really basic so when you come to get a job in a salon, i was told that they wouldn't be as happy employing me?? Where i go they did say though that they wouldn't consider employing me, because i haven't got basic manicure certificate and she more or less said that i was unreliable cause of migrianes & that i wouldn't be a good example to there/ your profession. That upset me as it felt more directed at me than a general response! Once i'm driving though i'll be able to look further a field as it will be easier! But don't think she thinks i'm good enough in general to work with her anyway, nice hey!!
Thanks Vicky yeh Oldham ain't that far, any help would be much appreciated, thats really nice of you!!!
Well i'm off for now but thanks again, got to sort the kids!! lol Ahhhhhhhh. I'm going to see my gran for a couple of days with the kids, she only lives 15mins away but likes to spend time with them at her house she's 81 but you'd thinks she's much younger, i don't get a look in when were there lol, but my husband will let me know what replies i get so will hopefully speak to you all thursday night!!! Kids and tiredness level permitting!!!!!!:D Leah82:eek:
Leah let your personal experiences of nail techs show you that it's not always the product that's to balame, but the application. That's why a good education is so important. What happened to you happens to many - shoddy workmanship v a skilled craftsman.
Just to contradict the other posts .. I suffer from migraines, which can be caused by various things .. one which is hormoanal, another is teeth, other what ya eat .. stress .. well the list is endless really, the point I am trying to make is by saying that ya cant do nails or be a nail tech cause ya suffer is silly in my opinion .. unless the chemicals are linked to the root cause ..

If any of you where told you couldnt do nails cause ya had periods (*cough oooo sexist comment sorry guys) then you would take offence .. and other than heath issuse from the chemicals that we deal with and keep our selfs save from every day .. I dont think there is much difference.

I understand this statement maybe not be worded or put across very well and people may take offence but I would rather that than migraine suffers be put off because they think its unsafe or could cause them more migraines.

I myself started suffering worse when i started my VCTC .. and couldnt figure out why ..
But its a combo of 3 things .. stress (and clenching my jaw as a by product of it )and hormoans
my poor old body can mana one on its little own .. but if I have two .. it pushes it over the edge .

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