Hollywood training?


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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2009
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Hey! Im interested in going on a hollywood waxing course as im getting quite a few requests for this but am having to turn them down....

I was wondering if when im on the course, id have to be waxed myself? I dont like the idea of having it all off to be honest. Or do i just need a model?

And also, what is the difference between a hollywood and a californian? or is there none?

Thanks guys xxxxxxxxxx
You really need to have at least a Brazilian so you can empathise with your clients.
On the course I did we all had to have it done, and the girlie who refused wasn't allowed to pass the course.
I don't know what a Californian is, but a Braz is a landing strip and a Hollywood is all off, as far as I'm aware. As long as you put a description next to the name, and you check what a client means when they say they want an x, then you could call it whatever you like!
All of my students have to get waxed but I allow them to bring a model when there's a genuine reason that they can't be waxed.

You really should experience what your clients will experience. xx
ah no, i was afraid that would be the answer. i do agree that its best to know what a treatment feels like if your gonna offer it, so will just have to have a few pain killers before i go! haha...

thanks ladies for ur replies.

Kim do you train all around the country? or just at your base?
I didn't have to have mine done when i had training, i just provided models. It depends who you do your training with.
If you can provide a model then i don't see why you have to have it done. That's my opinion anyway.
There are some good trainers on here so you could always ask first.
There's Kim Lawless (who has already replied), Zozo (Zoe from Berins), Joe90 (Julie) and i'm sure there's some more too but those are the 3 that stick out for me.
I think thats a bit mean making someone have it done otherwise they cannot pass the course.
I would imagine everyone doing it knows what waxing feels like and i dont see having an all off would make them more considerate or more able to do the procedure thats what the training and practice is for.Also everyone experiences different levels of pain.
Dentists dont have to have their own teeth pulled out before they can do it on the public.
I think in a situation where everyone's waxing AND being waxed it's more "fair" if everyone's doing the same thing. I wasn't looking forward to being waxed in front of everyone on my course, but you're all in the same boat so I found the atmosphere really supportive. After the first one or two every got over it lol. It would have felt weird if one or two people had opted out and had models, yet stuck around to watch everyone else do it.

In this case I knew the score when I booked. If I had felt I couldn't go through with it I would have found a course where it wasn't necessary to get waxed yourself. Personally I would also feel uncomfortable if I was the only one in the group with a model, unless I had a medical reason or something.
ah no, i was afraid that would be the answer. i do agree that its best to know what a treatment feels like if your gonna offer it, so will just have to have a few pain killers before i go! haha...

thanks ladies for ur replies.

Kim do you train all around the country? or just at your base?

LOL.....No Painkillers! They don't work and if you do a Hollywood the right way, pain is minimal and over before you can say 'Ouch!'. Feel the fear and wax it anyway.

I train everywhere but if you want training soon, come to me......it's worth the journey for sure. xx
Hi Kim i have been reading up on your posts for a long time now (not in a weird stalker way lol :green:) im in the process of saving to come on your advance waxing for women, do you visit the south very often? cant wait to finally have the funds together to book on the course althou not looking forward to the enevitable waxing as i suffer quiet badly with ingrowing hairs :eek: (i did wonder if we had to be waxed and i just found my awnser!)
I would also just like to say a bit thanks, your a real inspiration in what you do! there are quiet a few people on here with very high standards (you know who you are!) and i just love that you all share your wealth of knowledge :hug:
Hi Kim i have been reading up on your posts for a long time now (not in a weird stalker way lol :green:) im in the process of saving to come on your advance waxing for women, do you visit the south very often? cant wait to finally have the funds together to book on the course althou not looking forward to the enevitable waxing as i suffer quiet badly with ingrowing hairs :eek: (i did wonder if we had to be waxed and i just found my awnser!)
I would also just like to say a bit thanks, your a real inspiration in what you do! there are quiet a few people on here with very high standards (you know who you are!) and i just love that you all share your wealth of knowledge :hug:

Hi Nickkij - it's not that bad getting to Kim's from our neck of the woods. I took the train to Waterloo, then it was two tubes to Upminster. The only down side is paying peak time prices! Of course you could drive but you'd hit rush hour traffic before and after the course. Go for it! x
Hi Nickkij - it's not that bad getting to Kim's from our neck of the woods. I took the train to Waterloo, then it was two tubes to Upminster. The only down side is paying peak time prices! Of course you could drive but you'd hit rush hour traffic before and after the course. Go for it! x
OOOOoo great thanks M00min my geography has always been rubbish so good to know! where abouts in hampshire are you? p'm me id be interested to hear how you got on with the course and how you have been comming on with it since! have you found many willing victims to practice on ect :green:
Hi Kim i have been reading up on your posts for a long time now (not in a weird stalker way lol :green:) im in the process of saving to come on your advance waxing for women, do you visit the south very often? cant wait to finally have the funds together to book on the course althou not looking forward to the enevitable waxing as i suffer quiet badly with ingrowing hairs :eek: (i did wonder if we had to be waxed and i just found my awnser!)
I would also just like to say a bit thanks, your a real inspiration in what you do! there are quiet a few people on here with very high standards (you know who you are!) and i just love that you all share your wealth of knowledge :hug:
LOL......I am in the south. Upminster is really easy to get to by rail or road and I'm near the station. Look forward to meeting you soon. xx
LOL......I am in the south. Upminster is really easy to get to by rail or road and I'm near the station. Look forward to meeting you soon. xx
Kim ~ Haha i said my geography was rubbish! its a wonder i find my way around! (well i dont really long suffering hubby normally has to either a)drive me there to show me before hand or b) take me and sit and wait around for me lol poor bloke!)
so glad your in the south might never have found my way back home again if you were any further! yes i will be in touch as soon as i have the pennies together! X :hug:

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