Not too keen on the blue background on the home page, was trying to get it black the same as the rest of the pages , but no joy.Some of the format is different too on different pages ,but had enough now, so I was just after your opions now please.
Ok thanks can see now, Ive been told off before on here about my i's and spaces,Ive just noticed Ive missed the p out in responsible too:zzz:.Hiya very good , but you have a typo a small i instead of a capital I
where it says ( please be advised i )
and in some sentences there are no space bars after your full stops ect ,
other than that I feel its very well laid out and to the point ,
maybe perhaps a bit of glamorous wording about how beautiful your nails are might give it a bit of va va voom :hug: x minky
Oh and I like the colour scheme too