Zo Zo
Well-Known Member
Downshifting Week runs from Saturday 19th - Friday 25th April 2008, and aims to inspire individuals, companies, children and schools to live simpler, happier lives and be kinder to the environment at the same time. Suggestions include very practical ideas such as eliminating non-essential purchases, cook a meal from local and seasonal ingredients, or finding alternatives to the TV for an evening. Find out more at http://www.downshiftingweek.com/
So geeks, how do you feel about downshifting? Would you be interested in doing it? And if you are interested in doing it, what changes do you think you could make personally, to your own lifestyle?
So geeks, how do you feel about downshifting? Would you be interested in doing it? And if you are interested in doing it, what changes do you think you could make personally, to your own lifestyle?