Is anyone else sick of doing nails.


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Cameo Val

Well-Known Member
May 20, 2004
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Well I dont know what is wrong with me, but I feel sick of doing nails. You give a client a lovely set of nails and even though you go back 3 weeks later and there is no lifting they still moan. Goodness knows why. I have clients who I do regualarly and never have to do any repairs, yet they still moan about the rate they grow, how they look messy when they need an infill (what the hek do they expect) and one even moaned about the cost (£25) every 3 weeks. If they were all dropping off or lifting I could understand it, but blimey theres nothing wrong or out of the ordionary. Am I being over sensitive here. Why cant people just say that they are lovely and they have loved them instead of moaning all the time.

I had a girl ring tonight who had her nails done 3 weeks ago to go on holiday. she says that they are too long to cope with (told her they would be), then says that she is back at work on Saturday and she wants them filling before she starts work ( its now Thursday night). She was really upset that she could not have them done tomorrow, but yet she would not rebook when I first did them. I cant possibly put her in tomorrow as I am booked up, so hence she is annnoyed.

Do you know what, I feel like giving this whole thing up and going back to working with old people. At least they are really grateful for everything you do for them. I really am sick of the whole thing. Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me.

I realise that this has been a really moany post, and Im sorry, but had to get it off my chest. Will go and have a few rum an blackcurrants and see if I feel any better in the morning.
Ooooh no, don't have rum and black and expect to feel ok tomorrow lol, you'll have a hangover!!!
Bless you, you have a full book tomorrow so can't fit in the latest in a long line of moaning minnies, that's good isn't it?
let them moan hunny, they still come back to you don't they?
sometimes it gets on top of us, it gets to the stage you are at now, don't think of giving up, it's just a rough time full of moaning clients who rebook time after time with you... that has to tell you something :hug:
oh... sod the hangover, go and have the rum and black, the headache in the morning will be worth it :D
:hug: xxx
Oh you are ok love we all moan at times :D

I only wish I had clients to have a moan about LOL!!!!

I think you will find this sort of thing in jobs like this that we are working on the public, I used to get it all the time when I was a hairdresser women could not understand why there blow dry was a mess after 2 weeks :eek: all they had done in that 2 weeks was to brush it LOL!!!!

I am sure you must get more good clients than bad ones, I am sure you would miss your job if you were not doing it any more.

Chin up good luck and I do understand.

Caz xxx
Well its too late, I've already had 2 large rum and blacks. But as for the hairdressing comment, well yes I know that feeling well too. I was a haridresser for 25 years and i remember having this one lady who came to me for 15 looooooooooong weary years, and she complained every week. Can you believe that. Always complained that her hair never stayed in. It used to really upset me and I dreaded 11 o'clock every saturday morning. Then after about 10 years (yes Im a slow learner) it suddenly dawned on me that if she was so unhappy, why did she not stop coming years ago. She was still there when I left after 15 years. If she is not dead, I bet she is still continuing to moan.

Seriously though, the whole nails thing is beginning to wear me down a bit. Just need to be appreciated a bit. Is that too much to ask.
No that is not too much to ask we all need to be appreciated I really can understand.:hug:

Sorry I can be of no more help.

Caz xxx
maybe your burning yourself out? giving to much to everyone and nothing to yourself. can you cut back on clients- the ones who drain you of your energy? remember to love yourself abit and take some me time out just for you.maybe multi task and hav that drink in a warm bubble bath complete with candles and some meditation music. make time for it, you will be glad you did,promise!
Keep your chin up honey. There are always 'the ones that like to moan' perhaps its because they only know how to do that.

They must appreciate you and your work otherwise they wouldn't come back.

When I have clients who say about how long their nails are getting, I remind them it means they are using the oil and looking after them so good on them!!

Just like a good haircut, seems to grow out quicker. Bad haircut seems to take forever to grow out.

Why not make a moaning box 10p a moan and say contributions welcome all proceeds go to help towards Vals sanity! LOL
Take carexx
People like to moan, that just basic instinct, we are never happy with what we have. So instead of listening to what comes out their mouths listen to what they are really saying. They say that you are a great tech, otherwise they wouldn't be there. They say you are expensive, but they come back, so your work is well worth the money they pay. They say they grow so fast, they mean they wish they could have you at their homes doing their nails every other day so that they could be always perfect.
So... most of the moaning your clients say are just pure compliments!
It is not the nails you are sick's the people attached to them!!!......

By the sounds of things you actually still love doing nails and you do lovely nails!!!!

Don't be disheartened by these people it is only because they are so used to your good workmanship that they take it for granted......

I must admit I took a quiet satisfaction that some of my former clients had great trouble "interviewing" nail technicians to take my place....and after trying and being appalled by several techs found one that they felt they could train up to their standard!!.......
So my lovely nails were nothing to do with me constantly updating my training and my dedication to my craft!!! it was all them....go figure......

Have a good day today Val....I hope todays clients are more appreciative...but even if they aren't... just be happy that you are good at your job and they will never find another tech like you!!!!...
i know how you feel already and my wee shops only been open a week!!! see my previous post!! im going in agian shortly and i know her buddy from the gym will prob be moaning too!! btw can anyone recommend a topcoat to prevent yellowing cos i think thats whats she s goinna be yapping about!!! i think part of the prob is we all go on ere and read wee things and try to do a good job and improve stuff but to joe bloggs of the street they dont understand or care,just yap!!! eg i extended a nail biters nail bed last wk and her nails were pretty, told her i do a free maintenance this wk but shes moaning bout everytthin this week yet any other salon in the town would prob ve stuck white tips on and that'd been that. i cant be bothered even going in today but i know i have a few loyal customers so i cant be that bad, that and sheer bloody mindedness!!!!
Sorry to hijack this a little
I posted a thread about yellowing yesterday, Valenciannails gave me this likn
Don't know if I've pasted it in correctly, otherwise have a look at my thread.

Creative's Shiney & inm's total eclipse are two topcoats i'd been reccommended yesterday amongst others.
By the way, does your client go on a sunbed between treatments as I've discovered that this can turn the topcoat yellow right away, tell her to remove it before or after and reapply some more. Don't forget to sell her some!
Cameo Val said:
Well I dont know what is wrong with me, but I feel sick of doing nails. .

You are not alone. I felt like this last week. Should have been over the moon that I have enough customers on my books, but hating every set I did.:sad: So I decided to take this week off and spend some time with the children.

Everyone needs some "me" time.:hug:
Dont give up! We all get like this at times. Maybe you need a break from it all. Can you not take a few days off for holidays or maybe cut back on new clients. Sounds like you are a good nail tec but are just a little tired of not being apreciated. Hope you feel better and please dont give
Thanks everybody, I feel a lot better today. (see a couple or three rum and blacks work wonders). No, what helped immensely was to read all your comments, its nice to know that others have the same thoughts too. So today I am 'back on my horse' so to speak and doing nails again with a smile on my face. Thanks for the help girls, it was much appreciated. :p :p :p