Is there a trick ?


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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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west yorkshire
Is there a trick or secret way to getting smile lines consistant,
slowly i am becoming happier with my sets but i never seem to be able to get all my smiles looking like they belong to the same set of nails :grr:
I think the trick is to practice practice & practice some more lou:green:

Its all good and well using gadgets but to actualy achieve a consistant smile line is something to be worked at :hug:
i thnk that when you have the smile line that you like practise it as much as possible don't try and keep changing it as thats when they all start to look different xxx
The TRICK is routine and control.

Use the same exact routine for each nail, the same mix ratio and don't work too slowly (this is often what ruins smiles).

Try to push yourself to work more quickly and with the same method for each and they will all look the same. Pretend you are in a rush and see what happens. :hug:
yes i know what you mean,
i wasn't asking for tricks as in gadgets,
i meant was there a way to get the consistency IE sizing the bead or angling the brush etc
so that all my smiles are the same depth
Thanks for your reply hollie mummy but i would rather find the right way than mess about with tips to cut the smile,
my smiles arnt too bad now it is just getting them all the same depth
Thanks Gigi, i will give that a try next set i do
aswell as loads of practice i think you have to constantly think of the set as a whole because i wasnt to bad at smile lines but i concerntrated too much on the individual nail so each nail had a good enough smile line but i had 10 different ones!! lol!! thank god they were on my mom!!
practice and keep smiling as its all experience!
get a box of 500 cheep tips and work till you nodd off, display them in a line from the first to the last then look at them the next day

worked for me :)
I feel your pain!! I am a gel girl but am determined to get to grips with L&P. Not only do I have trouble with my smile line I also have problems with being a bit too thick in zone 3. Having said that I am just in the process of booking up a mornings training for trouble shooting. I get so frustrated because I can do a good job with gel and not with L&P but its not over til the fat lady sings as they say.
It seems to be the bain of our lives these smile lines, but I must say that most clients are not going to complain about the service you provide not being 'smiley enough'. It is the clients choice, and withing your consultation you can discuss this and come to a decision about what they require. I personaly dont like deep smile lines, but again, that is my preference. I usually book enough time (especially with a first client) to understand what they want and then I book enough time out of my day (even if it takes an age) to give them what they want. You wont go far wrong babe if you slow it down and explain that you want to get it right for them XXXX :)
It seems to be the bain of our lives these smile lines, but I must say that most clients are not going to complain about the service you provide not being 'smiley enough'. It is the clients choice, and withing your consultation you can discuss this and come to a decision about what they require. I personaly dont like deep smile lines, but again, that is my preference. I usually book enough time (especially with a first client) to understand what they want and then I book enough time out of my day (even if it takes an age) to give them what they want. You wont go far wrong babe if you slow it down and explain that you want to get it right for them XXXX :)

Very good advice and I totally agree about extreme smile lines which on 99% of people do not enhance the look of the nails but actually make them look worse.

Natural-looking is the key in the salon and what most clients want from you.
You could also try doing all your whites first on one hand and then going back and doing the pink.
You could also try doing all your whites first on one hand and then going back and doing the pink.
I more or less do this,
i do the whites on both hands and then do the pink with clean monomer,
I'm more or less happy with my smiles for the salon, as every one has said they don't need to be too smiley for salon nails so that part is fine,
don't think i am explaining my self clearly,
it is getting the white the same length on every nail that i seem to be having probs with.
some clients have their natural smile lines all over the shop!!
so its best not to follow their smiles,
i make my own and then file to make sure they are all the same length at the end,
as long as you try to forget their smiles and make your own !much better !!lol
Cheers hun :hug:
I do what Tricky suggests, and that is practice practice practice! I bought a load of cheap tips from ebay, think they were about £2 for 2000, needless to say I have used 2000 already and have bought more. I am getting better, but to get real consistency will take time and effort!

I have some nights in the week where I practice smiles, or mix ratio, or finishing or shaping. It will benefit you in the long run just to keep going at it.

you'll get there, as will I xxxx
I'm a natural "eyeballer", so what I do is try to get the smile how I want it on the first finger, and then I refer back to it as I'm working on each successive nail. I also look at the shape of the client's cuticle, and try to shape the smile to mirror it, using the tucking method with my brush (you have to wipe your brush really dry so you don't flood the nailplate with monomer.). Like most everyone else has said, it's a skill you get better at with practice practice practice. :D HTH!
I do what Tricky suggests, and that is practice practice practice! I bought a load of cheap tips from ebay, think they were about £2 for 2000, needless to say I have used 2000 already and have bought more. I am getting better, but to get real consistency will take time and effort!

I have some nights in the week where I practice smiles, or mix ratio, or finishing or shaping. It will benefit you in the long run just to keep going at it.

you'll get there, as will I xxxx

2000 smiles wow thats a massive achivement in its self don't know i would get very board after 700 Fantastic :hug:
get a box of 500 cheep tips and work till you nodd off, display them in a line from the first to the last then look at them the next day

worked for me :)

Oh yes......I remember doing this does work. sometimes even doing black smiles on white tips!!

You could also try doing all your whites first on one hand and then going back and doing the pink.

I do this I feel i don't want to disturb my rhythm when my smiles are going great....consistent and predictable the way they should be!

I more or less do this,
i do the whites on both hands and then do the pink with clean monomer,

I don't really recommend doing the smiles on both hands before you do zones 2 & 3 as clients have a terrible habit of leaning their head on the spare hand...and getting their make up on your lovely white smiles.

The TRICK is routine and control.

Use the same exact routine for each nail, the same mix ratio and don't work too slowly (this is often what ruins smiles).

Try to push yourself to work more quickly and with the same method for each and they will all look the same. Pretend you are in a rush and see what happens. :hug:

Absolutely agree with this.......what made me hurry it up was having GMG standing at my shoulder watching me like a hawk ...that certainly speeds you up and sharpens you up lol:lol:

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