Just wondering who charges extra for Shellac French?


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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2009
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Was going to charge a flat rate of between £20 - £25.00 for Shellac but have noticed other techs charging extra for french.

What is the general consensus?

I charge extra for French shellac in the same way as I charge extra for French polish. This is because of the extra time and the client will pay more for it
Me to I charge £20 for colour and £25 for french as it takes longer hth xx
Great, thanks guys. Will alter my prices. Again!! Treatment and price lists are the work of the devil. ;)
I also charge £20 for colour & £25 for french, it takes longer to do, & I have found some french Shellac clients have 2 coats of colour & 2 coats of white! So you use a lot more product.
Just an idea, I would also be incline to add Shellac layering - "a choice of any 2 colours layered to create your own individual colour - £25"
I would have added this when I started Shellacing if I knew, too late now :irked: 1000 pricelists, 1x A1 & 2x A2 posters too late!
With the layering, again I find some clients have 2 coat of each colour especially if Fedora is first.
Hope that helps x:hug:x
I don't charge extra for french.
Me to I charge £20 for colour and £25 for french as it takes longer hth xx

I do the same.

French takes longer to do, so I charge more.
I don't charge extra for french. I don't like price lists that have so many options it confuses the client. I just charge the price that makes me a good profit whether I do a french or colour or layering or whatever. My clients like it simples! There is a salon near me that charges less for french in all systems which is interesting :lol:
I charge £18 colour and £22 french. xx
I charge the same for a color or a French.
I charge extra for French shellac in the same way as I charge extra for French polish. This is because of the extra time and the client will pay more for it


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