Kidney infection! Feel very low


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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2012
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Leamington spa
Hi all, I had a very serious kidney infection last year and spent 2 weeks in hospital .... Well I've just started a new job (not nails as I need this job to fund nails) anyway to cut a very long story short .... I was in A&E last night and yes I have another kidney infection. I have just had to call my new boss and explain .... I have been in tears most of last night and this morning feeling so ill and fed up x

Sorry just wanted have a moan x
I hope you feel better soon x
Aw get well very soon and spend the time thinking of how you can impress your new boss when you're back on your feet. I had a kidney infection before and was in so much pain I couldn't believe it. Take this time to get better - you'll soon be back on your feet.
Thanks for reply .... You geeks are so lovely I don't know what I'd do with out you all. I am in bed but the pain is the worst I have ever had x
Aww, I've had a kidney infection and ouch it hurts. I feel for u. Hope u get better soon xx
Have they given you a cat scan to look for stones? , I used to get them often but since I passed a stone I've not had any.
(knock on wood)
:hug: hope you are back to rights soon! (Being off work does mean plenty of time on SG!)

I've had one before too, very painful. I found taking Cranberry capsules helpful actually. They are usually good for UTI's as well. xx
This has been going on for months but I really thought I was getting over it. Had scans and they can't see anything but who knows. I just need to get it sorted so I can get on with my life x

Thanks for all the replies it's made me feel much better xxx
This has been going on for months but I really thought I was getting over it. Had scans and they can't see anything but who knows. I just need to get it sorted so I can get on with my life x

Thanks for all the replies it's made me feel much better xxx

Ah poor you, i hope you will be ok and feel better soon :hug:xx
I really hope you feel better soon. I know exactly what your going through. I had something ridiculous like 10 kidney infections in 2 years. And the pain made me physically sick for weeks at a time. Mine slowed down, then i passed stones and had a little surgery. Ive been fine ever since thankfully. I know it gets you down, but be strong! Were all here for you

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You poor thing.
Lots of sympathy and a big hug x
:hug: :hug::hug:Feel better soon, I have been there too and you have my sympathy
Thanks for all your replies, I am feeling a bit better today thank god. I have never been treated for kidney stones but have had a pain in my back on the right side for over 12 months !!!! and keep getting infections. I have had various test etc but I am wondering of I may have a stone that's stuck :eek:
Thanks for all your replies, I am feeling a bit better today thank god. I have never been treated for kidney stones but have had a pain in my back on the right side for over 12 months !!!! and keep getting infections. I have had various test etc but I am wondering of I may have a stone that's stuck :eek:
Good your feeling a bit better, maybe ask about that, may be the problem xx
Thanks for all your replies, I am feeling a bit better today thank god. I have never been treated for kidney stones but have had a pain in my back on the right side for over 12 months !!!! and keep getting infections. I have had various test etc but I am wondering of I may have a stone that's stuck :eek:
I had the same thing, couldnt find stones on any scans and wouldnt really say why i was having kidney infections. But my blood tests kept coming up as more white blood cells than normal which shows my bodys fighting it?! I just had to stick it out. My stones came along a year after my infections. And they still said it wasnt stones! I dont know if this is normal, but its what happened to me. When i passed them and had a op to make it easier to pass them they said it definatly was stones. But ive never had a problem since and its been 2 years. There is an end in sight, but just rest. I passed out from mine because i did too much.
Aw sorry to hear this. . . . but glad you're feeling a bit better today. Try to keep your chin up (lots of geeking helps lol, we're such a daft lot you'll find something to make you smile) :hug::hug:

Ah thanks to everyone that's replied, I'm waiting now for a MRI scan but that could be weeks away. All I can hope is I can keep the infection at bay while I get on with my life and get back to work x
Penny vintage .. That's very interesting as they have said to me I prob don't have stones !!!!! The thing that really bothers me is the pain I have had in my back near kidney on right side for over a year which I end up masking the pain by pain killers :eek:

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