Leaving my job maybe


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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2006
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I have been setting up my mobile business and from May i have been quite busy from it but its now that doing the two are really affecting my home life with my partner and i am exhausted from working all day at my job and then doing the mobile in the evenings and days off.

My question to the geeks who have been in the same position is at what point did you leave your job to carry on with your own venture? Was it when you were making enough money that you gave up your job, or when you were too tired to do the both.

As i see it at the minute some weeks are quieter but i have worked out that every month i have been making more money than the last so its definately going the right way. Also while i am working for other people i am cutting myself short with time that i am available to do work for myself and i am not having enough time to promote my business and carry on with house work etc. What are your opinions sorry for the essay. My partner has told me to leave my job and i want to but im thinking it is a very big risk to take as we have a mortgage and things.
It sounds like you are at a good point to leave your job and concentrate on your mobile business, I know it's worrying about having to pay your mortgage and things but I think sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do it!
I wish you best of luck ;) xx
You have done the ground work and your business won't take off properly until you are available to commit to it full-time. Probably at the moment you are losing a lot of custom due to your limited availability.

It is always a big risk leaving a good well-paid job, especially in the current economic climate. However, if your business is growing and growing there is no doubt a big market for your services.

I say, go for it girl!:D
It's better to regret something you have done than something you haven't done :)
All good points. I can't give 100% if I'm not free for myself 100% of the time. I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing. If I do this I have to make it work. I hate giving my notice in as there will be tension for the next month but o well. :)
To be fair...my answer before was rather glib, its just something I strongly believe in.

However- get a sheet of paper...divide it in two and write the pro's and con's....try and strip emotion from it and go from the facts!

You're obviously an intelligent person- so approach it like a business plan.
Working for yourself is certainly addictive - you may find yourself a bit short in the first few months while you're just starting out though - although it does sound like you already have a good clientele to build on.

I'd build on other people's advice to make sure you are very careful about planning and cash flow.
I am in exactly the same position as you. I have a quite well paid full time job and work mobile evenings and weekends.

I only offer eyelash extensions, Minx, Shellac and spray tan. I have been very busy over the last 8-10 weeks and been feeling very tired too. When I say busy though, I mean at least 1 appointment each week night and a couple at the weekend. I think that's a lot while working a full time job too.

The only thing holding me back is that I'd like to see how busy I am during the quieter months. Everyone is going on holiday and wants treatments but what about when they're not going on holiday?

Also, I don't think I want to do mobile full time. I'd rather rent a room or have my own premises but my mobile clients love a mobile service. They say it's more relaxing. But that's another thread.
Yes I would like to see how I am in the quieter times but don't Want to wait till then to leave. One problem I have is that I have spent all my savings on building this so far so don't have anything to fall back on. At the moment I seem to be making as much as I am in my job. So I know I will have enough for bills. I'm just thinking what about my tax and ni bill when that comes through and bits like that. My partner said he will lend me if I'm sort but I want to be comfortable financially but also enjoy a risk. My family are saying if I don't do it now I will always find an excuse not to leave. This is true. X
Yes I would like to see how I am in the quieter times but don't Want to wait till then to leave. One problem I have is that I have spent all my savings on building this so far so don't have anything to fall back on. At the moment I seem to be making as much as I am in my job. So I know I will have enough for bills. I'm just thinking what about my tax and ni bill when that comes through and bits like that. My partner said he will lend me if I'm sort but I want to be comfortable financially but also enjoy a risk. My family are saying if I don't do it now I will always find an excuse not to leave. This is true. X

As for the tax and NI, maybe have a word with Business Link about how much you would need to put aside each month.

HMRC will provide you with a free CD-ROM with software on that will work out how much tax and NI you need to pay, if that is any help. You may have received one already when you registered as self-employed.
Can you cur your hours in your full time job to start with so you've got more hours to build your business? If you could do 2 or 3 days a week in your 'day job' you've still got money coming in but you've got more hours available to you......
I am in a similar situation to you although I've been working mornings at my employed job, rushing home and seeing clients afternoons and evenings. I've been doing this for 3 years now and this year has got to the point where things can't go on as I'm exhausted like you and your home life does suffer so I completely see where you are coming from.

I've had a lot of advice - if you are about more you'll get more clients and have the time to build things further. You will have the time to work on the business as well as in the business! I have missed clients because I'm not here or couldn't fit them in because of my other job but you have to feel right about it all. I'm condensing my hours to two full days being employed from September and the rest is for the business. Could you do something like this so it is a gradual thing allowing you to feel more secure before going self employed full time? Maybe give yourself a cut off date that you feel comfortable with. I personally have decided that I'm taking the plunge in February and I am actually relieved that I've made the decision now. You can end up ruminating about it for months and months so if you can have a plan of action I think it will help.

The very best of luck to you, although it sounds like you are definitely on the up!
I don't think they would let me cut my hours anymore as I have already dine this early this year. I'm going to sit down after work and work out pros and cons and how much i need to be making a month. Fingers crossed I can do it. X
You have done the ground work and your business won't take off properly until you are available to commit to it full-time. Probably at the moment you are losing a lot of custom due to your limited availability.

It is always a big risk leaving a good well-paid job, especially in the current economic climate. However, if your business is growing and growing there is no doubt a big market for your services.

I say, go for it girl!:D

Just wanted to let you know your gallery link does nor work x
Nothing Ventured nothing Gained is the old saying. If your work is picking up, drop your full time job. Yes its very very scarey but I'm a chance taker and not everyone is granted, but I couldn't concentrate on my own business properly until I gave up my full time job. I never regretted it, I work for myself, I work my hours, and best of all - all the money is mine (minus my tax and insurance etc). What you need to think about is how many people do you get requesting days etc? You need time to yourself and family. Get the word out there and people will come.
I too am in a similar situation to this but nowhere near ready to give up my full time job.

You've done all the groundwork and you sound like quite a sensible person so I would go for it! Your partner sounds very supportive which is great.

Like some other people have commented, just to give yourself some extra security in the beginning could you pick up a part-time job just for say 2 days a week? Just so you know you have a definite income should things go quite one week.

I really enjoy reading threads like yours as it gives me the confidence to go mobile myself one day!

Luscious85 x

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