Micropore tape instead of gel patches


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Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2010
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I ordered some anti-wrinkle gel patches on Monday and they still haven't arrived. I watched a tutorial video where they used tape on the lower lsahes instead. Can this be done?! Does it not pull lashes off?
Hi, yes its an option, ifsomeoneis allergic to the patches then you would use mcropore tape. never tea it off in one swoop, carefully dampen and tease off, its not ideal but do-able.
Yes you can use the tape but personally I prefer the gel patches. The tape is good for interm measures. Some people actually prefer tape than the gel patches.

Thank you for the replies. I have a client tonight and no gel patches! Tape it is! :)
Detac the tape on clients forehead which also helps tape removal on lashes.
What a great help!
Am I the only one confused by that post?!

When I got my test lashes done, my lasher used tape for them. It wasn't uncomfortable for me to have the tape removed but from memory she put vaseline on the lashes first xxx
There are a couple of ways of doing it, you can put a tiny amount of vaseline on the lashes 1st, and/or you can de-tack the tape slightly......both methods should prevent the tape sticking too muc to the lashes so that removal isn't uncomfortable.
Re the Original question, it's not always the ideal, however there are always going to be instances where this method is appropriate.....there have been posts on here recently where some clients are allergic to the gel patches, so in that instance you would have to use tape.........so don't worry, follow the positive advice given and you'll be just fine.

Lou xx:)
Well i use both!
I've had the gel leak out of the patches so i put tape on the lashes and then the patch.
I trained with Nouveau and we were told to put a strip of tape across the gel pad and attach like that.
So if Nouveau tell us to do that then it can't be a bodge job can it :rolleyes:
I use micro pore and not patches. i prefer it . Its not bodge at all. I have had several clients react to the patches, so id rather use the micropore than risk a reaction.
Its easiest if you apply some vasiline under the eyes....then stick the lower lashes down with surgical tape (some clients will have really short and stroppy lashes that need to be taped ) and then place the cooling soothing gel pads down on top of the tape.

Then when you remove the gel pads and remove the tape it wont stick to the skin but can be easily removed :hug:
If a client has an allergy to the patches then you have to use micropore...this is by no means a bodge, its actually effective trouble shooting, and irritation minimzation. Its all about using your head!!
I cannot believe the negitivity on thes forums, I thought we were all here to support one another not insult?!?! pleasecorrect me if I am mistaken here!
:) xx
Thank you for the replies!
Last night it was my 4th practice client. I explained my gel patches hadn't arrived and she was fine with me using the tape and to be honest, I preffered it.
It's not botch as the client got the same results as she would have done if gel patches were used! But hey ho, everyone's entitled to an oppinion :)
Thank you for the replies!
Last night it was my 4th practice client. I explained my gel patches hadn't arrived and she was fine with me using the tape and to be honest, I preffered it.
It's not botch as the client got the same results as she would have done if gel patches were used! But hey ho, everyone's entitled to an oppinion :)

Indeedfr some peoples lashes it is actually easier.....Happy lashing!!!!!:lol:
where can i get the micropore tape? x
What a great help!

Question micropore or pads.

My answer Micropore is a bodge, simple and this is what I feel

I cannot wrap people in cotton wool who may get so upset because they have never been told no if there life.... and get upset about things sooooo easy.

Many are good about blowing something up out of nothing.

I feel its bad to use this tape on the lashes, I also feel Vaseline is not good to use, even a little. Vaseline (Petroleum) does vapour through.

cyanoacrylate and vasaline are not friends, it has the possibility of not giving the bond it should.

I do NOT like q10 pads as well, I feel they are bad news and all the companies still churn them out, many times it is the q10 pad that makes the eyes sting and not the adhesive vapour.

This is why I feel the 3D fibreless are the best possible available at any cost.

I have seen (as I have said before) the stuff for over 7 years, way before the UK in the US so I have good grounding.

So to me tape and vasaline is a bodge.

Su x
Well maybe if you had said it like this in the first place then people would have not been so miffed.
Sometimes it's not what you say but how you say it :)
You can get micro tape from most chemists.
I use micro tape as most my clients do not like the gel pads and it can not be bodge if top companies are training people to do it this way

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