Mobile hair and clients' appointments


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Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2010
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mountain ash
so i starting advertising as a mobile hairdresser and got some calls. one woman books me in for a foils and lightening of her all over hair. no problem there. only issue is she didn't send me an address to get to. she calls back on sunday( i mean really jst because i am mobile i do deserve my life as well) and says her son messes up her appointments playing on her phone so she rebooked and i got her address this time. next day another woman calls from the same area ( I assume she is her friend) wants to book an appointment for a hair up for a wedding on a SUNDAY!!!:( so i explain to her tat i can't get to her on sunday (cause i am on foot at the moment) and that there would be a standard charge for her being out of my catchment area, and she starts haggling on the price she wanted to pay £20. for her hair up including the standard charge. anyway my credit runs out i call to explain, she doesn't call back story finished right?
wrong. I go to her friends stated address mind you i had to travel a long way on train and foot to get to her. and she doesn't open the door:irked: and when i call her on a number that she did answer before she says "sorry you've got the wrong number".
I am aching from the walk and having to lug such a heavy bag around and to be honest feeling quite down. any of you went through this and how do you filter out the serious people from the time wasters?
i'm not a hair geek but i couldn't just 'read and run' as you can really feel how upset you are in your post :( i feel so bad for you that this witch did what she did, talk about rude! i would send her a recorded letter bill through detailing the costs of what she owes you for travel expenses, i'm assuming she wouldn't pay it but i'd do it just to make a point. not all clients wanna take the p and mess you around, i promise :) don't give up and let it get to you, just put it down to being 'one of those things' and move on :) i must say though you're crazy for not having a car and working mobile!! :o it's such a shame that at a time when you should be full of beans and excitement you're feeling so rubbish :( x
Aw thats just awful:hug:
Please don't be put off, most people are lovely. I love my new clients since I started doing mobile. Word of mouth is really the best way. If you could do a few friends and then they will be asked who did their hair etc etc and before you know it youre sorted and you know everyone is recommended by someone you already know. I started back before Christmas just by doing few friends then they would be down at school with hair looking fab and others would ask. I have now decided not to take any new clients until Autumn as I've been kept going continuously. It takes a few months but you will get there and don't let that old bat get to you, very mean of her.
Take care hun
Pippy, if you have to walk at the moment, its best to stick to an area that is 'walkable' or get a bike? I know its a bit mountainous in Aberdare!! Leaflet drop within your immediate area and hand leaflets out outside the local primary school etc. with a first time discount with this leaflet kind of offer?
It can only get better??:hug:
Wow thanks guys some really great advice I have decided to keep to my area until i get a car and from Monday my marketing campaigin begins newspapaers, leaflets the lot i will not leave a stone unturned. i did feel down for a day but i think that was only my muscles aching from the walk LOL never again!!! today though is a new day with new opportunities. i'm on a bit of a high cause i finally finished my paper work for my l2 and qualified. i really do want to go to a salon but no one is hiring at the moment and no one will take me on as a volunteer without a college cause legaly they have to pay me then minimum wage but tats not stopping me as i take every independent training course available. wish me luck:-x:green:

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