Nail art at Car Boot sales


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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2005
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Hi there

With all the talk of the summer fayres and nail art stalls it got me thinking. Why not do nail art at Car Boot Sales or other functions? They dont always sell junk. YOu get regulars there who sell brand new stuff week after week. Do you think this could work?

Anyone tried it?

kizzycat said:
Hi there

With all the talk of the summer fayres and nail art stalls it got me thinking. Why not do nail art at Car Boot Sales or other functions? They dont always sell junk. YOu get regulars there who sell brand new stuff week after week. Do you think this could work?

Anyone tried it?

Funnily enough, we're due a car boot sale (well overdue, actually) and I thought about taking my retail items and doing little manicures as well as getting rid of my junk. I think, even if anyone doesn't take you up there and then at least you get your business noticed.

Um, that actually probably wasn't any help, but I'll let you know how we get on :)
Hi Kizzy, I also have been wondering this too!! A friend and myself who have only recently qualified have been thinking of giving it a go, now with all the schools on their summer hols and many fetes slowing down. I don't think you will have anything to loose if you are doing the boot fair anyway and who knows by giving out your card may well attract clients. Even if it's only one, that would be one more than you had before!!
Good Luck, let us know if you do and how it all went.

I have been looking into doing this myself recently and I have been making enquiries locally and asked about doing basic things like doing nail art at car boot sales. I thought it was a great idea to have a stall set up and would be great way to get advertising!


I was told by the owners of the car boot that because it is held on a field that they couldnt allow it because of the hygiene issues. I tried to explain to them that it isnt a problem but they were having non of it. So make sure you look into it first.

Debbie xxx
welshrarebit said:
I was told by the owners of the car boot that because it is held on a field that they couldnt allow it because of the hygiene issues. I tried to explain to them that it isnt a problem but they were having non of it. So make sure you look into it first.

Dont see how they can say that really when they let people sell food and stuff? you'd think that would be worse!

I've thought about getting a generator and a gazebo and doing airbrush tattoos, never tried it yet though...... x
The first time I saw a nail tech applying enhancements was at Camden Market in London almost 20 years ago. Her services were in big demand and she had a captive audience too.
Yeah...I thought that too! It's not really up to them to be worrying about safety and hygiene. . . . that's our job!

I too have been thinking about this kind of thing, just got to find more money to buy gazebo/tent and generator... I was thinking of the airbrushed bodyart too. If I do it I want to be able to set up looking as professional as I can and have some cover if it rains/is windy etc.

What about indoor carboots or local markets? Have you any of those about as well?
yes there is an indoor car boot sale (a couple actually) and I also thought about doing the airbrush tattoo thing too. But if it is indoor you might get complaints about the smell of the polish or whatever.

I dont think i would have even asked permission to do it. as far as i was aware when you do a boot sale youi pay your £5 for your pitch and sell whatever you like. I think people will be more at risk catching something from the tat that they buy from people than techs painting nails. lol

But it is great to know that there are others thinking the same line as me.

Might be worth getting with another north east tech to do it together and see how we get on.

Anyone interested
Yes I would agree that people go for bargains. but i have been watching these cAR Booty things on the tv and people take hundreds of pounds with them to pick up a good bargain. i dont think it is always everything 50p.

I was thinking of charging maybe £2.50 per child and £4 per adult.

Let us know if you decide to do it.

good luck......just go for it and if it is too much i am sure people will be the first to tell you.

maybe take 2 signs with 2 prices and if the first one doesnt go down well put up the second with the lower prices
Many years ago I made dried flower arrangements as a hobby when my daughter was a baby and started off by taking them to sell at boot sales!

I would get there about 7am on a Sunday morning (ouch!!!!) and set up my table. It was really frustrating at first as people generally wanted to dive into my car for a bargain and all they got were beautiful flower arrangements instead..... but I did start selling them as the morning went on and then I got my first "party booking", then got asked to do craft fairs, bespoke arrangements etc...... car boot sales are full of opportunities and I think doing Body Art and Nail Art could lead you to so much more business.

Just make sure you have plenty of business cards and price lists with you - GOOD LUCK!!!!!


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